Adonis complex: causes, symptoms and treatment
This disorder consists of an obsession for having a muscular, athletic and fat-free body.
Concern for physical appearance, to a greater or lesser extent, is something frequent in our days, since we live immersed in the culture of image. However, when this concern becomes too important a part of our lives and leads us to engage in self-destructive behaviors, then we are talking about the Adonis complex, then we are talking about the Adonis complexa serious problem that needs to be treated.
In this article we will talk about the Adonis complex and delve into what are its causes, symptoms and treatment.
What is the Adonis complex
The Adonis complex is what is popularly known as vigorexiamuscular dysmorphia or inverted anorexia. People with this disorder suffer continuously from their physical appearance and especially from their obsession and fixation on acquiring a muscular body, which would represent the maximum expression of the male body image. This obsession and preoccupation takes the individual to pathological extremes.
The term "Adonis complex" is not usually used in the medical environment, but is rather the name given to vigorexia in a popular way. This curious name is taken from Greek mythology, which represented Adonis as half man and half god. Adonis was considered the supreme being of male beauty and, according to mythology, his body was so beautiful that he won the love of Aphrodite, queen of all the gods.
According to some research, there are approximately 700,000 cases of Adonis complex or vigorexia in Spain. Mostly are men between 15 and 35 years of age who tend to suffer from this disorder; However, cases of women with this condition have also been reported.
Although the exact cause of this disorder is difficult to determine, scientific studies conclude that a number of factors can cause the appearance of the Adonis complex. These are the following:
1. Low self-esteem
Low self-esteem is both a cause and a consequence of this of this disorder, and is that individuals with Adonis complex tend to value themselves negatively and have a lack of self-confidence. They become obsessed with physical appearance thinking that this way they will feel better. They are not good with themselves and seek external approval that does not favor their mental well-being at all.
2. Image culture
The image culture and the values and beliefs that this society promotes have an effect on how people interpret the environment and value ourselves. We are continually surrounded by media that make us feel bad if we don't live up to unrealistic expectations. We are continually surrounded by media that make us feel bad if we do not meet the unrealistic expectations we may have as a result of the Western canon of beauty. Education is the best way to counteract these toxic values or beliefs.
3. Bullying
Some individuals may develop this condition after having a negative self-image that is a consequence of how they have been bullied in the early stages of their life.. For example, because of teasing from peers at school.
4. Perfectionism
The perfectionist personality is closely linked to the desire to have a perfect body. This type of behavior leads to obsession, because perfectionists are very hard on themselves and do not accept themselves as they are.because perfectionists are very hard on themselves and do not accept themselves as they are.
Symptoms and signs
Individuals suffering from Adonis complex live obsessed with their physical appearance and may spend several hours a day thinking about their body in a negative way and looking at themselves in the mirror over and over again. Vigorexics are people who watch their diet to the extreme, because they want to have a fat-free body, but at the same time, they they want to have a body that is fat-free but at the same time bulky and muscular.. They are never happy with the way they look because they never look good.
Not looking good causes them discomfort and they try to counteract the anxiety and low self-esteem they feel with some harmful behaviors. For example, they consume anabolic steroids, eat unhealthily and practice sports obsessively. obsessively practice sports, neglecting health benefits and focusing purely and exclusively on body image, even sacrificing their well-being.They neglect the health benefits and focus purely and exclusively on body image, even sacrificing their well-being.
Psychological therapy can be really effective in treating this disorder, but the first step in overcoming the Adonis complex is for the patient to accept that they have a problem and be willing to seek help. If you are aware that you are suffering from vigorexia, you may first go to your family doctor to discuss the problem. Although this professional can make a first diagnosis, it is necessary to contact a psychologist specialized in this type of disorder.
Psychological therapy is helpful because it retrains the patient to learn positive and realistic thought patterns and behavioral patterns. Although there are other treatments such as Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) or Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), which belong to the third generation therapies and help patients to accept themselves and adopt a non-judgmental attitude towards their body, the classic Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is usually the treatment of choice, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is usually the treatment of choice.. It has enough scientific evidence to affirm that it is an effective treatment.
CBT can be group or individual, and its purpose is to recognize and establish the connections between the patient's thoughts, feelings and behavior, so that the patient can acquire practical skills to overcome his or her problems. In this case, the objective will be to focus on the patient's beliefs about his or her own body and physical appearance, which will allow him or her to modify harmful behaviors.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy uses different techniques: cognitive restructuring, exposure techniques, social skills training, among others.
- You can learn more about these techniques in this article: "The 10 most used cognitive-behavioral techniques".
(Updated at Apr 13 / 2024)