Are you stress friendly?
What do you do to help the people around you keep their stress levels under control?
Anxiety is a very human experience but, if it occurs in excess, it prevents us from enjoying life and being functional when it reaches high levels. Although without realizing it, it is possible that with our words or behaviors we provoke this emotion in others and, although we have not wanted it, we are causing a lot of discomfort.
In one way or another, what we do and say will provoke some kind of reaction in others, but we can avoid that anxiety if we control ourselves a little and avoid making comments or behaving in a way that provokes this emotion.
It's easy to complain in situations where others are stressing us out, but.... How much are you involved in reducing the consequences of stress in your environment? Here are some tips to avoid generating anxiety problems in others.
Tips to not generate problems of anxiety in the others
Anxiety is a psychological and emotional phenomenon that can make a person feel very lonely.. At extreme levels, this emotion can make the person feel isolated, unable to relate to others for fear that something could go very wrong or that they could make a very hurtful comment.
They are worries that in the mind of a person without this type of problem can seem little thing, but for those who feel anxiety, the world becomes a place of fear. for those who feel anxiety, the world becomes a hostile place and their mind makes them and their mind makes it look even worse.
People with anxiety may have irrational thoughts, behaviors that lead them to avoid situations, constant worries about various issues and even physical discomfort such as headaches or gastric discomfort caused by the intensity of their emotions. Regardless of whether you are a person who usually feels anxiety or has never experienced it, here are some tips to avoid generating anxiety problems in others.
1. Let them know when you are not on time.
Many people are not very good at being punctual.. Whether because they are absent-minded or poorly organized, the truth is that many end up coming later than agreed. This can also be applied to the issue of work or academic deliveries. Whatever it is that is delivered or is late, it is essential that to avoid generating unnecessary anxiety in others we warn that we are not going to be as punctual as we had originally agreed.
There are people who need to know that everything is under control, to have certainty about life and, if no one warns them that something is going to be delayed, they enter into an anxiety crisis that we would not even wish on someone we dislike. That is why it is essential that, at the very least, we let them know that we are not going to be on time, as well as apologize for any inconvenience we may cause.
2. Don't be inconsistent or inconsistent
One of the things that more feeds the anxiety of somebody is that in their family environment there is a person who is incoherent and inconsistent in their opinions and actions.
It is normal that we change our opinions or do different things from time to time, but what is not normal is that one day we think one way and the next day we radically change our mind. This causes a lot of uncertainty to the people who are part of our close circle, not being very clear if we are going to support them or not.
Don't complain about something and then do nothing about it.
One of the worst things you can do to any person, and especially to one who is prone to anxiety, is to complain about something they have said or done but, when it comes down to it, do absolutely nothing to help them improve.
There are people who may be immersed in a problem that they need help from other people to get out of, and when someone tells them that they see that problem, They get their hopes up thinking that they are finally going to get help, but in the end it doesn't help them and even makes them feel guiltier for not being able to fix it on their own. guilt for not being able to solve it on their own.
It does not help in the least to complain about problems and then do nothing to change them. If we do not have the intention of helping someone to improve his life, to overcome his problems, almost that the best thing that we can do is to keep our opinion to ourselves and not to add more pressure and tension to his life, which surely already has enough with his own.
4. Do not look for defects in others
This may sound obvious, a fundamental point in the manual of how not to be a bad person, but apparently there are individuals who do not quite understand it and do not realize the damage they can do with their unnecessary comments. Bringing up what we think are complexes to someone is the perfect way to provoke anxiety..
No one is perfect. Everyone has imperfections, little problems that keep us from being an Olympian god. But we are mortals and each one is as he or she is, and more than talking about how imperfect we are we should internalize the idea that each one is perfectly how he or she is, that is, with all the good and the bad, he or she is perfectly him or her.
There are people who know they have "defects", but far from being overwhelmed by them, they simply accept them. Others are so happy and self-accepting that they don't even see them. It's not that they think they are perfect, but that they don't let themselves be embittered by those things that society, because after all beauty is sociocultural, sees as flaws or things that disfigure us.
And then there are those people who, although they are not aware of the harm they are doing, have no problem finding fault with others. This type of person does not accept themselves, in fact, they are so bitter inside that to try to "cheer themselves up" they look for the imperfections of others to make them feel as bad as they do, so they can stop being the only one who is dissatisfied with themselves. Of course, this behavior is very toxic and causes discomfort to others. Let's not be like that.
5. Always say important things to their face
When we have to tell someone something important, the best thing to do is to meet in person and say it to their face.. You should avoid using the telephone and never say important things by instant messaging, because this way it is not possible to convey certain emotions.
Through the cell phone one cannot know what reaction the other person has to our words, and what may seem to us something that we believe that we will digest relatively normally, in the eyes of the other person may give the impression that the situation is more serious, or that it really is that we are angry or that there has been a problem.
For important things like your father having a Heart attack or something like that, in case you are not in the presence of the other person, it is best to make a phone call. While it is natural that there will be an emotional reaction to this call, if you tell them calmly, answering their questions and calming them with your tone of voice, informing them well of the situation, you will not provoke so much anxiety.
6. Go to psychotherapy
Finally, we leave the most important advice of all this list, left for the end because it is the icing on the cake: go to psychotherapy. The best way not to generate anxiety problems to others is to try to put order in our lives, to actively seek emotional stability, to let our mental health be improved with the help of a psychotherapist. letting our mental health be improved with the help of a psychotherapist.
Although emotional stability is a construct that borders on the mythological, because people are not impassive beings in the face of life's problems, we can take them in a different way depending on our attitude and the tools we use to face difficulties. If we are people who control very well the way we respond to problems, we will also be people who will not provoke anxiety problems in others by not being mentally unstable.
(Updated at Apr 13 / 2024)