How long does a flu last and how long does a cold last?
The flu It is an acute respiratory disease caused by the "Influenza" virus. The entry gate for the virus is respiratory. The virus is spread through droplets from the coughs and sneezes of infected people. Its incubation period is approximately 48 hours. The disease appears between 48 and 72 hours after being infected. Symptoms last an average of 5 to 7 days. The flu is a highly contagious disease that spreads quickly.
The common cold it is a viral infection of the upper respiratory tract. There are more than 200 types of viruses that can cause colds.
These are the main ones.
What are the symptoms of the flu and cold?
- High fever (up to 40ºC), headache, sore throat, muscle aches, dry cough, weakness and tiredness. Other less common symptoms are watery and painful eyes, a stuffy nose, and a runny nose.
- Common cold or catarrh: runny nose (runny nose) and nasal congestion and sneezing. Eye irritation, sore throat, and cough may also appear.
How long do they last?
- Flu: if there are no complications the duration of flu symptoms It is between 5 and 10 days. The fever usually lasts 3 to 5 days. Other symptoms can last for more days such as a dry cough (7 to 10 days) and tiredness can last up to 2 weeks.
- Cold: It is usually a week, and a residual cough may remain for a couple of weeks.
What is the treatment to follow?
Many times we have wondered what to drink for a cold or what is good for the flu.
- Flu: are administered medications that improve the general condition of the patient as antipyretics that reduce fever and in cases of persistent dry cough an antitussive. Other very useful measures are the repose in bed, hydration (more than two liters of liquid per day), inhalations of steam of hot water, lukewarm baths to lower the fever. The use of a antiviral treatment Specific to the influenza virus is not very common and efficacy is doubtful. There are some antiviral drugs that are only given in specific cases.
- Cold: the treatment is similar to flu. The cold resolves on its own and drugs (pain relievers) do not speed up its healing, they only improve symptoms. It is important hydrate enough to facilitate the elimination of nasal secretions.
It is important to know that antibiotics are of no use and they are not indicated for or colds.
When should the doctor be consulted?
Generally the flu it has a benign course and does not produce complications except in certain population groups at higher risk, such as the elderly or chronically ill, among others. The warning signs are:
- Purulent expectoration
- Chest pain
- Feeling of suffocation
- Decreased level of consciousness
- Persistence of fever for more than 5 days
- Significant earache
- Worsening of symptoms
Regarding the cold It is advisable to consult in the following situations:
- No improvement or worsening of symptoms after 5-7 days
- Onset of fever
- Chest pain
- Any symptoms other than the usual cold
Prevent the spread of cold and flu
In both flu and colds, some help reduce exposure to the virus:
- Wash your hands whenever they are dirty and at key times, such as after blowing the nose, after changing diapers for a child with a cold or going to the bathroom, before eating and before preparing food.
- Use disposable tissues.
- Avoid tobacco smoke and smoking.
- Avoid contact with people who have the flu.
- Avoid closed or crowded places.
- In the case of influenza, vaccination is important in those population groups in which it is indicated. It can be reported at your primary care center. Vaccination campaigns are carried out in the autumn months.
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Editorial Team: Dra. Eva Ormaechea Alegre Intensive Medicine Specialist.
(Updated at Mar 8 / 2025)
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