How a 12 to 18-month-old child plays
The desire and ability of the baby to do things alone is also reflected in play. These new skills acquired and the one that is growing expand the possibilities of play, allows you to use the toys as you want and explore them freely.
These advancements foster your creativity, the ability to invent, imagine, and solve problems. In relation to this aspect it is interesting offer the child simple construction games or games of matching pieces, and let him play for a few moments alone (obviously, with adult supervision)
At this stage the scribbling begins; the child still enjoys painting with little control of the line and without intention. It's a great activity for the stimulation of psychomotor skills fine.
The child continues to enjoy music and can now dance to his own rhythm. Take advantage of this interest to dance with him and clap his hands to the rhythm of the music.
The baby enjoys water, both games in the bathtub like water activities in the pool.
Their level of interaction grows and it is very typical that at this age they play imitate adults in simple gestures like talking on the phone, driving or cooking. She loves to have simple stories read to her (which she may when she is older) and to point to pictures. You have to let him turn the pages of the stories and manipulate them at will.
If the walk has always been fundamental in the life of the baby, now the trips away from home have to be more active. Should go to the park often to play in the sand and see other babies. It is a time when the child enjoys physical activities. Not yet play with the other children rather, he is more interested in games with his parents.
The language must be stimulated through play: songs, poems and stories with images are the essential tools and with which the child enjoys a lot. It is normal that you try to reproduce a word.
It is very important to supervise the toys that are within your reach to verify that they are appropriate for the child's age. That are easily manipulated and that they can bite or throw them to the ground without problems.
Recommended Toys
painting, scribbling with crayons or baby crayons, easily manipulated stories, building blocks, balls, trucks, cars, drag toys, dolls, plastic bottles and empty cardboard boxes, simple musical instruments.
Dra. Esther Martínez GarcíaPediatric Specialist
(Updated at Apr 13 / 2024)