Play therapy: theoretical principles, uses and application.
A therapeutic approach widely used to intervene in problems during childhood.
As adults, most of the population is able to express their concerns, feelings, ideas, beliefs, fears and insecurities through language.
We can do this because we have sufficient cognitive capacity to conceptualize and express abstract aspects orally and we understand what is happening to us. This may not be the case for a child, as he or she may understand what is happening to us.This may not happen in the case of a child, since he or she may not fully understand reality or may not know how or dare to express it directly. This is what happens for example with children who have lived through situations such as sexual abuse or domestic violence.
Fortunately, through play therapy it is possible for this type of population to express their fears and conflicts in an indirect way. in an indirect way. Next we will see in what consists this form of psychological intervention.
The game as an element of communication and expression
If we observe a group of lions, a group of apes or even a group of people it is frequent that we see how it is frequent that, especially among the youngest members, appear actions and behaviors that apparently do not have an intentionality directed to a concrete objective beyond that of having fun. In other words, in a large number of species it is common to see play behaviors.
Although some people may think that playing is just a waste of time, the truth is that play is of fundamental importance, especially in the developmental period. This type of actions allow us to exercise and train our body and mind and develop different capacities such as cognition, psychomotor skills and communication between individuals..
In human beings, play helps to reduce the level of tension and increases the ability to bond with our environment, being helpful to learn to relate and at the same time apply and improve our cognitive, emotional and social skills. It also allows us to express the contents of our mind such as things we live, fears and insecurities that are kept in our mind, desires and impulses.
There have been multiple experts who have noticed this fact and have established that from the game it is possible to establish mechanisms and techniques that allow to analyze and help to treat different problems.. These techniques can be used in the so-called game therapy.
Game therapy
Play therapy is a method used in psychology for the analysis and treatment of patients' problems, generally in the case of children or subjects with neurodevelopmental disorders or severe intellectual disabilities. for the analysis and treatment of patients' problems, generally in the case of children or subjects with neurodevelopmental disorders or severe intellectual disabilities.
It is based on the use of play as an element of communication, thanks to which the patient can externalize his emotions and experiences in a symbolic way. Not only does it serve as a mechanism of expression, but it also allows the subject to to process and work the information at a conscious level and even elaborate and/or learn ways to cope with them. Its functioning is apparently simple, but it requires a high level of observation by the professional and the ability to make the subject feel safe and supported.
It is generally applied in a constant and more or less constant manner, such as weekly sessions in the office, school or even in the subject's own home, usually on an individual basis. The therapist can conduct the session in a directive way (directing the games) or in a non-directive way if the child is allowed to play freely.
Materials and toys that allow the child to express him/herself are allow the child to express him/herself and from which to establish symbolism, such as puppets, puppets, puppets, puppets, puppets and toys.The information that can be extracted from the play can be used as a basis for the development of the child's own play, such as puppets, animals, toy houses, construction elements, clay or plasticine, or musical instruments.
The information that can be extracted from the game is a lot. In addition to the symbolism that the subject imprints on the game, other aspects that can provide interesting data are the tendency to use specific games or to act in a certain way during them, if the child includes the therapist in the game or ignores him/her, or if he/she retakes the games of previous sessions or starts a new game, these can be aspects to evaluate.
If creative elements are used, it is also relevant whether the child tries to preserve them at the end of the game. whether at the end of the game he/she tries to preserve them or the therapist preserves them or destroys them. or destroys them. The significance of all these aspects will depend on the case.
Functions and advantages of play therapy
Through this type of therapy we seek to facilitate the expression of emotions and situations that the child finds difficult to express in words, either due to the trauma they involve or the absence of sufficient linguistic ability to do so. This is achieved through play, through which they can express their emotions, feelings and experiences. through which they can express their emotions, feelings and experiences in a symbolic way..
The context of play also provides a positive atmosphere that can favor the interaction of the therapist with the child, establishing a positive rapport that allows the patient to feel safe and trust the professional.
In addition, the professional's participation in the game (which should be carried out from the child's perspective and direction) allows the patient not only to express himself, but also to observe and acquire new behaviors and ways of seeing reality that he might not have thought of on his own. It is useful to train social and emotional skills..
Finally, this type of therapy helps the patient, in addition to expressing what happened, to be able to process it in order to later work on it, as well as to foster resilience or resistance to adversity and help him/her to use adaptive coping mechanisms and strategies.
Types of activities carried out
There is a high degree of heterogeneity in the activities that can be carried out in a play therapy session. The specific type of activity will depend on the needs and preferences of the child. Among the most techniques and activities we can find various types of methods, from We can find several types of methods, of which some examples are presented below.
1. Toys based on symbolic expression
Using a doll's house or symbolic elements such as a kitchen often causes children to act out situations similar to those they experience at home. Also, the use of stuffed animals and toy animals is frequent. from which the child can play freely and introduce the therapist while explaining what is happening.
Role-playing and the use of costumes also allow children to express their inner concerns through theatrical representation. Imitation games or simulating concrete situations can serve not only as a mechanism of expression, but also as exposure to conflictive situations and as modeling to learn how to act when faced with them.
3. Methods linked to corporal expression
These types of methods are especially important in the case of subjects who avoid or excessively seek physical contact. Within this group of techniques we can include dance, imitation or games in which fights or struggles are represented (for example using toy swords).
4. Methods related to artistic creation and construction.
Drawing, painting and the use of clay or plasticine are also frequent in the use of play therapy, offering valuable information and allowing the expression of their psyche. Other games that are often used are those in which the patient has to elaborate or construct something.
He can tell a story based on visual elements presented to him (for example, by presenting him with certain objects or drawings), use stories, or use construction elements such as LEGO figures. construction elements such as LEGO figures or puzzles..
Situations and problems in which it is appropriate
Play therapy can be used for a wide variety of problems and disorders of various kinds, and it can be of diverse nature, and in fact it is used in many areas of intervention.
Some disorders and situations in which it can be very useful is in the presence of emotional disturbances, anxiety, panic or low self-esteem. Children who have lived through traumatic events such as sexual abuse, domestic violence, abandonment of one or both parentsIn this type of therapy, children who have experienced traumatic events such as sexual abuse, domestic violence, abandonment by one or both parents, bullying or death of loved ones can express and process their feelings and experiences. It is also useful to process, express the emotions that provoke and work on phenomena such as parental divorce, changes of address or economic precariousness.
Finally, it is also helpful for children with communication problems and children with disorders such as ADHD, obsessions, autism, eating disorders or mood disorders such as depression.
In general this type of therapy results in a decrease in fear and anxiety, an increase in a sense of control, self-confidence and social skills, and the generation of new perspectives and coping strategies. perspectives and coping strategiesand a substantial improvement in mood.
Bibliographical references:
- Landreth, G.L .(1991). Play Therapy. New York.
(Updated at Apr 13 / 2024)