The 24 types of crime (explained and classified)
These are the main types of crime, explained and described in order to differentiate them.
In each country the consideration of what is a crime can vary greatly, however in most cases it is agreed that crimes such as rape, sexual abuse, murder or fraud are harmful behaviors for the fabric of society.
We will now take a look at the main a review of the main types of crime, defining them and explaining some of them.The following is an overview of the main types of crime, defining them and explaining some of their nuances with respect to other types of crime.
The main types of crime
Throughout this world there are many crimes and antisocial behaviors qualified as crimes. Although it is understood that a crime is any offense that causes injury or harm to others, from stealing, disrespecting their sexual freedom and denying them their labor rights to the worst of all: taking their lives.
Below we will see an extensive list of several actions that can be considered different types of crime. It is worth mentioning that in some of them we will mention what is their name in English, because in that language and the criminal codes of the United States and the United Kingdom use very specific terms for some types of crimes, nuances that we consider that are of interest to know.
1. Assault and battery
Assault refers to the clear intent to cause some type of harm to another person.. A case of assault is a situation in which one person causes another person to fear injury.
Assault and assault and battery are usually considered two different types of crime, although it depends on the state and country. In some cases both are grouped under the label of assault and battery.
On the battery side, it refers to the unauthorized application of force against another person's body.. This involves different types of behavior, including offensive touching or physical harm.
2. Illegal detention
Unlawful detention or false imprisonment involves forcibly holding another person, against their will and under duress, threatening them with injury or death..
Any person who restricts the freedom of movement of any other person without his or her consent and without a real legal motivation may be considered as committing a case of unlawful detention.
3. Kidnapping
Kidnapping is defined as capturing or confining a person by force, without his or her consent.. In the vast majority of countries this act is considered a serious crime, although the specific situations considered as such may vary.
The domestic retention of a family member or partner may not be considered kidnapping, depending on the case. Also, arbitrarily detaining someone or making them believe they are being detained by a real agent is considered kidnapping.
4. Homicide
Homicide includes any crime in which a person has taken the life of another, whether voluntarily or accidentally, directly or indirectly....
Normally, the word homicide is used more to refer to the fact that someone has killed another person but without previous intentionality, he simply killed him as a consequence of several events that occurred at the time of the commission of the crime.
5. Murder
Mostly considered as a synonym of homicide, although depending on the laws of each country and the context, a differentiation can be made or not. In English it is called "murder" or "manslaughter", differentiating it from "homicide" considering that murder is conscious, voluntary and premeditated..
6. Rape and sexual abuse
Rape and sexual abuse are crimes against sexual freedom. In the case of rape, in this crime the victim is forced to have sexual intercourse with her assailant under threat of injury, kidnapping, death or harm to a loved one..
The legal definition of rape varies from country to country, with some countries being clear that it is any situation in which the victim is forced to engage in sexual conduct with the aggressor (e.g., fellatio, masturbation, etc.), while in some cases only vaginal and anal penetration is considered as such.
Sexual abuse is a type of crime against sexual freedom in which the victim is harassed by receiving some type of conduct of a sexual nature that, although there is no penetration of any kind, makes the victim feel humiliated and intimidated, in addition to feeling that he/she is in a hostile environment.
7. Robbery
Robbery is the theft of any object from a person, whether while walking in the street, driving in his or her car or stealing it from his or her own home.. In English, theft without violence and generally stealing something of little value is called "theft".
The word "robbery" refers to robbery with violence, and can be considered a crime against the health and integrity of the victim if there has been psychological aggression and damage at the psychological level.
8. Breaking and entering
Known in English as "burglary", it is the situation in which a person enters someone's home. a person enters someone's home without their permission, with the intention of committing a crime, mostly robbery, although it also includes burglary.Mostly burglary, but also includes murder and damage to private property.
9. Arson
Arson is the willful and malicious burning of property. the willful and malicious burning of another person's property, public property or simply burning things.. This type of crime is closely related to a mental disorder, pyromania, although it can also be committed with the intention of obtaining certain economic benefits, such as money from fire insurance.
10. Embezzlement
White-collar crimes are crimes that are generally committed without the use of violence. An example of this is embezzlement, in which public officials such as mayors, regional or state presidents obtain public money and spend it for personal and arbitrary use, without benefiting the taxpayer.without benefiting the taxpayer.
11. Forgery
Forgery is also considered a white-collar crime. In this case In this case, any document is created, altered, imitated or elaborated with the intention of passing it off as real, with the intention of deceiving its victims. The making of counterfeit money is also included in counterfeiting.
12. Receiving stolen goods
Receiving stolen goods involves receiving or purchasing property that is known or believed to have been stolen or to belong to another person who has not given consent for it to be traded.
13. Incitement to crime
It is considered that soliciting, pressuring, hiring, ordering, and guiding a person to commit a crime, even if he/she does not commit the crime.even if he/she does not commit it in the end, is a crime in itself according to the laws of several countries.
14. Conspiracy
The term "conspiracy" is very broad, but in it includes the participation of several people in the ideation of a future crime, mostly of great social impactThe term "conspiracy" is very broad, but it includes the participation of several people in the ideation of a future crime, mostly of great social impact, such as a terrorist attack, the murder of a very important person or the secession of part of the territory.
15. Cybercrime
Anyone who uses the Internet without due care and caution can be a victim of cybercrime. This word is quite broad and, in general, refers to any real-life crime committed in the digital world. any real-life crime committed in the digital world, although it also includes crimes that can only be committed in the digital world.However, it also includes crimes that can only be committed in cyberspace, such as, for example, the publication of highly sensitive content such as child pornography.
16. Illegal possession of firearms
Illegal possession of firearms is a serious problem, since their possessor could use them without the state being aware that the person has such a lethal element among his or her property. Therefore, When it is known that a person has weapons illegally, the weapon is seized, in addition to taking the appropriate precautionary measures and, as the case may be, the person may be detained in a prison. and, depending on the case, imprisonment.
Also included in the illegal possession of weapons are potentially harmful devices that, while they may not necessarily take someone's life, can pose great personal harm. Examples include unregulated pepper sprays, tasers and American fists.
17. Cannabis cultivation
This crime varies greatly depending on the legality of each country. In the case of Spain, a maximum of 6 marijuana plants can be grown for personal and medicinal use, while in other countries such as the Netherlands the cultivation of this plant is totally prohibited.
However, the real problem is when the cultivation is done in a productive way, i.e. having a whole greenhouse.that is to say, having a whole greenhouse full of hundreds of plants, with irrigation system, solar lamps and acclimatization to obtain the best product. In this case we would be talking about a clear case of illegal cultivation without permission.
18. Fraud
Fraud involves deceiving a person into giving us a large amount of money by promising that he/she will get it back with interest, or that he/she is investing it in a good cause such as an NGO or the construction of a large project. The crime is that this money is not going to be invested in anything but the recipient, who may send it to banks in the United States or abroad.The crime is that this money is not going to be invested in anything but the recipient, who can send it to banks in tax havens to prevent his country of residence or origin from tracing the accounts and discovering the deception.
19. Tax evasion
In most countries of the world there are taxes, which citizens must pay.
Tax evasion consists of avoiding paying the money that the state asks us to pay in order to maintain social and public structuressuch as hospitals, schools, police or the fire department. Failure to properly declare earnings and pay taxes can result in fines and penalties that vary from country to country, as well as becoming a social scourge by not thinking about the rest of society.
20. Illegal and undeclared workers
In developed countries, mostly the United States and the European Union, hiring people in an irregular situation can be much cheaper than hiring citizens with their papers in order.
Illegal migrants are desperate for work and survival, so they grab any job offer they can get. In addition, irregular migrants do not know what their labor rights are, so they can easily fall victim to labor abuses, being paid little for a lot of work.
Not declaring which workers you have and hiring those who may be in an irregular situation may constitute a crime.. Depending on the degree of exploitation applied to illegal workers, one can speak of modern slavery.
21. Domestic violence
Domestic violence, also called gender-based violence, especially if it is committed against a woman, is all violence that takes place in the home. It also includes child abuse, whether verbal, physical or sexual and mostly carried out by one of the parents.
Within domestic violence we find practically any behavior that makes the home an unsafe place, where none of its members feel safe.where none of its members feel comfortable and where the victims feel they are under constant stress. This can include physical and verbal aggression, control of money, preventing the victim from leaving the house when she wants to, and other repressive behaviors, mostly towards women and children.
22. Terrorism
Terrorist attacks are usually sudden and unpredictable, although they are generally prepared in advance with the clear intention of causing the maximum possible repercussion and human damage. The objective is to create a situation of fear and terror, damaging the economy and public safety for as long as possible..
There may be a political or religious claim behind it, but no matter how noble the idea that those who commit the act claim to defend may be, it is undoubtedly one of the worst crimes against humanity.
23. Genocide
Genocide is the more or less planned execution of a large group of people for various motivations, including religious, ethnic and national..
It involves killing thousands or even millions of people in multiple ways on the premise that it is believed that by eliminating them the country will be a better place. It is usually a crime carried out by the ruling classes, perpetrated by a military dictator or any other unscrupulous head of state.
24. Drug Trafficking
Drug trafficking is considered a crime that, although seemingly harmless to some, can seriously damage public health, can seriously damage public health. The reason for this is that many drugs sold in dark alleys and low-income neighborhoods are not of high quality, let alone pure, being mixed with feces, hair, sand or even cleaning products.
These drugs are highly addictive and, in turn, potentially deadly for those who use them. In addition, they induce antisocial behavior, since, depending on the drug, their users can have psychotic outbreaks, become upset to the point of harming other people or even kill.
Drug addictions mean the death of thousands of people every year, in addition to the loss of a lot of public money invested to detoxify consumers and, also, to restore the possible damages they may have committed in their neighborhood and in their lives.
(Updated at Apr 12 / 2024)