The 30 best quotes by Louis Pasteur
A selection of reflections made by this researcher and pioneer of modern medicine.
In this compilation of phrases by Louis Pasteur we will see fragments of the thoughts of this renowned scientist. Reflections about knowledge, the universe, psychology and many other interesting fields.
Who was Louis Pasteur?
Louis Pasteur was a French chemistbest known for being the father of microbiology and the greatest exponent of modern medicine. The latter is due to this scientist's contributions to the theory of the microbial origin of infectious diseases, which explains that the cause of such diseases is the penetration of environmental pathogens into the healthy organism.
In addition, he is also credited with is also credited with the development of pasteurizationthe thermal process to which milk is subjected to reduce the bacteria it contains.
Louis Pasteur's Phrases
Throughout his life, this celebrated historical figure uttered and wrote many recognized phrases. In this article we review them:
I want to share with you the secret that has led me to achieve all my goals: my strength lies solely in my tenacity.
Tenacity is, for many people, one of the most valued qualities in achieving success.
2. A little science leads away from God, but a lot of science leads back to Him.
An apparent paradox captured in a sentence about the divine and its relationship with science.
3. Wondering is the first step to discovery
According to Pasteur, admiration is the beginning of discovery.
4. Science knows no country, because knowledge belongs to mankind, and is the torch that illuminates the world.
One of several sentences by Louis Pasteur in which the following idea is emphasized: scientific knowledge must be objective and, therefore, sincere.
5. The universe is asymmetrical and I am convinced that life is a direct result of the asymmetry of the universe, or of its indirect consequences.
A thought-provoking statement by Louis Pasteur.
6. There is no such thing as applied science, only the applications of science.
A reflection on what defines the concept of science.
7. In the field of research, chance favors only the prepared spirits.
In research it is necessary to reduce as much as possible the probability of error and the influence of variables that are not interesting to measure.
8. If I do not know something, I will investigate it
We cannot know everything. Research helps us to discover.
9. True friends have to get angry from time to time.
No matter how many times you fall, you have to get up and fight.
11. I am absolutely convinced that science and peace triumph over ignorance and war, that nations will eventually unite not to destroy but to build, and that the future belongs to those who have done much for the good of humanity.
Although it may seem utopian, one of Pasteur's wishes is that people will unite to create a better world.
12. Chance favors a well-trained mind
People who make an effort are the ones on whom luck smiles.
13. Chance is something to look for
Luck does not appear by magic, it must be pursued.
14. Do not avoid life's difficulties for your children, but rather teach them how to overcome them.
Overcoming life's difficulties makes people grow as human beings.
15. Science is the future of humanity
Scientific findings help human beings to live better lives. This statement by Pasteur points to the usefulness of science.
16. Fortune plays in favor of a prepared mind.
Fortune is the consequence of taking the right steps.
17. The more I look at nature, the more I admire the creator.
Nature is one of the best things we human beings can enjoy.
18. It is not the profession that honors the man. It is the man who honors the profession
The honorable person is the one who shows that he is prepared to practice his profession.
19. I am on the edge of the mysteries and the veil is getting thinner and thinner.
Louis Pasteur was always curious, as his findings show.
20. A wine is the healthiest and most hygienic of drinks
Pasteur already made it clear that drinking wine in moderation is beneficial for the organism.
21. It is overcoming difficulties that makes people great.
When we get up after a fall, we learn from our experiences.
22. Without laboratories, men of science are like soldiers without weapons.
For Louis Pasteur, science only makes sense in the experimental context of the laboratory.
23. Science is the soul of the prosperity of nations and the source of all progress.
The history of human beings is changed by scientific discoveries.
24. Do not affirm anything that cannot be proven in a simple and decisive way.
Something may not be credible until it is proven.
25. Two contrary laws seem to be fighting each other today. One is a law of Blood and death that ceaselessly imagines new means of destruction and compels nations to be constantly prepared for the battlefield. The other is a law of peace
Peace and war are part of human nature, according to this researcher.
26. The greatness of human actions is proportional to the inspiration that produces them
Not everything we do is worth remembering. Innovative things are remembered.
27. In the field of observation, luck belongs to the clever ones
People with a lively mind are the most successful in discovering details that often go unnoticed.
28. Veterinarians have it easier. At least they are not misled by the opinions of their relatives.
An ironic quote in reference to people who visit doctors.
29. Happy is he who carries within himself a God, an ideal of beauty that follows: ideal of art, ideal of science, ideal house, ideal of evangelical virtues. These are the springs of life of great thoughts and great actions. They all reflect the light of the infinite
Another of Louis Pasteur's phrases with religious meaning. In this case, he speaks about the nature of the divine and its implications for man and his senses.
30. Cultivate the critical spirit. Reduced to itself it is neither an awakener of ideas nor a stimulus for great works, but without it everything is outdated.
Critical thinking is necessary for our development as persons.
(Updated at Apr 13 / 2024)