The importance of stimuli in the first years of life

Today we know, thanks to the neurosciences and psychology, that the mind is built on the basis of quality of links that we establish in the early stages of life. The first years of growth are essential for the baby to grow and develop properly. It will be at this stage of life when the person develops fundamental capacities such as: emotional control, attachment and social connection, security to face life, etc.
Links that influence the development of the baby
In the early stages of life, and to facilitate healthy development, certain links with the environment are essential, both on the part of the mother and the father. Everything will depend on the degree of involvement of the parents to interact and
The voice and the way of speaking
Babies under 2 years of age have not developed the ability to memorize episodes of their life, but they are capable of remembering gratifying experiences (affective-emotional) with adults. To do this, it is necessary Even if you cannot understand the meaning of what is being said, the musicality of voice, tone, smoothness with which they address him, nourish his brain and facilitate healthy development.
The security that is transmitted to the baby is fundamental so that the future baby can trust, feel protected and safe. This influences the formation of the ego by giving it stability. The interactions that make up this type of bond are characterized by knowing that the other will respond when needed.
Experiences of emotional connection
From babies we are born with a system of mirror neurons that prepares us to establish links with other people. Mirror neurons have a strong connection capacity to the point that, if you are in front of a person who is sad, certain areas of the brain related to sadness will be activated in you.
Mutual regulation of affect
It begins from the moment of birth with the contact, above all, of parents and close relatives. However, in the case of infants, the first affective experience occurs with the. This will make the child able to regulate his emotions over time.
- Neuroscience and science question these ideals and the fact that only the mother's bond counts in the early stages of life.
- The affective regulation experiences will also occur with the father to the extent that he is involved in the interaction and cultivates moments of harmony with his son.
Editorial Team: Enric Artés Specialist in Clinical Psychology.
(Updated at Feb 27 / 2025)
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