What is excessive daytime sleepiness and how is it treated
Excessive daytime sleepiness is a symptom that occurs due to a number of conditions and in most of these conditions, it is one of the most pronounced and also one of the most troubling symptoms.
Excessive sleepiness does not specifically have to appear at daytime (in some of the conditions) and the important thing is that it occurs during those hours during which the individual should be wide awake and able to do certain tasks. For example, in shift work sleep disorder, excessive sleepiness can occur during night time, but for the most part, it occurs during the day, hence the name.
Excessive daytime sleepiness always occurs as one of the symptoms, the most pronounced symptom of hypersomnia, which is a condition that entails the individual being sleepy for longer periods of time than usually and more frequently than usually. The excessive sleepiness is a huge problem in this case, because it does not allow the individual to function properly, being constantly sleepy and having their functions and their mental processes impaired. Also, due to the constant and often irresistible urge to take naps, it can be very disruptive for everyday life.
What is Narcolepsy?
Narcolepsy is another condition that can cause excessive daytime sleepiness and together with cataplexy, hypnagogic hallucinations and sleep paralysis, it is the most common symptom of narcolepsy. In fact, while some of the sufferers from narcolepsy do not even experience the other symptoms, they will most often still experience daytime sleepiness, known for short as EDS. Once again, the person is unable to stay awake during the waking hours and in narcolepsy, this is even more pronounced as the person is usually suffering from other symptoms as well which make the condition much more troublesome and the sleeping bouts even more pronounced and dramatic, especially if the person also experiences hypnagogic hallucinations and sleep paralysis which can seem extremely serious and dramatic.
Another frequent cause of EDS is obstructive sleep apnea. This is another sleep disorder which can be quite disturbing and distracting, especially if it is one of the serious types of sleep apnea which can affect the individual for extended periods of time and especially if it is really severe in nature. This is a condition that is not only neurological in nature and it also involves another part of the body, this time the air pathways in the soft palate in particular. Namely, this tissue can get lax or swollen, which leads to the obstruction of the pathways for air. Because of this, the person is inhaling significantly smaller amounts of oxygen, which leads to poor sleep and excessive daytime sleepiness in many cases.
Shift work sleep disorder is yet another of the reasons why some people suffer from excessive daytime sleepiness and it is a condition whose name is self-explanatory. Namely, it usually occurs in night watchmen and other types of professions which include working strange hours and hours that are not in tune with the usually circadian rhythms. It can also occur in people who are often switching their shifts and who cannot find the usual rhythm of sleep. They often experience sleepiness during those hours which they should be working, which can cause a wide array of problems.
There are other conditions and cases in which excessive daytime sleepiness can also occur, like for instance in cases of depression, kidney failure, injury to the CNS, various tumors, drug abuse, anemia, head trauma, if the person is genetically predisposed or if they cannot get enough sleep during night time due to a variety of reasons such as insomnia, chronic pain and so on.
Before one starts thinking that they are experiencing excessive daytime sleepiness, it is essential that they are properly diagnosed with this condition. Namely, most of the people experience daytime sleepiness at one point or another and it is important to establish whether this is a chronic symptom. The doctors and sleep experts have various ways in which they can establish this, such as multiple sleep latency test and the Epworth Sleepiness Scale.
Excessive daytime sleepiness is a particularly tricky symptom due to the fact that it might cause the people around the person suffering from it to believe that they are simply lazy and that there is nothing wrong with them. This, combined with the actual issues caused by EDS itself, can lead to severe mood and mental issues which is why this is not something to be ignored.
What is Generic Modalert by Sun Pharma
There are currently a number of medications that are being used to battle excessive daytime sleepiness and while most of them are today considered to be very unsafe, such as amphetamines or methamphetamines or even cocaine, there is also one medication that helps every single time and that can be exquisite in helping people cope with EDS. This condition is called Modalert by Sun Pharma and it is the best thing that has happened to people suffering from EDS in a long time.
Most people that buy Modalert are suffering from excessive daytime sleepiness, be that due to narcolepsy or any of the other conditions that may cause it and most of these people consider it to be the medication that saves their lives on daily basis. It is extremely efficient in helping with EDS (and with other narcoleptic symptoms) that it has become the first line drug for narcolepsy. When other aforementioned conditions are in question, it may not be the solution to all of the issues, but as far as excessive daytime sleepiness is concerned, Generic Modalert is the finest aid there and it is obvious why so many people order Modalert online to help them with their conditions.
One thing that also makes Modafinil such a successful and popular drug is the fact that it is very safe, especially if we were to compare it to other psychostimulants and medications that are used in helping to cope with excessive daytime sleepiness. It truly is one of those revolutionary medications and it is definitely a medication that has helped hundreds of thousands of people live active and healthy lives.
(Updated at Apr 14 / 2024)
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