4 easy to do exercises to lose belly
A series of recommendations on how to have a more defined belly doing sports at home.
Whether for aesthetics or health, a flat stomach is the desire and torment of many, because sometimes it is not so easy to get rid of extra fat that accumulates in this area of the body. sometimes it is not so easy to get rid of the extra fat that accumulates in this area of the body..
It doesn't matter if it's summer and we want to show off a bathing suit, or it's winter and we're waiting to put on a dress or tight-fitting shirt; the non-accumulation of excessive belly fat is an indicator of well-being.
Achieving this is not so difficult if you have perseverance, discipline and commitment. There are exercises to lose belly that are highly efficient if done properly.
4 exercises to lose belly, very useful
These are several exercises to lose belly that you can easily do at home. However, keep in mind that there is no non-surgical way to get rid of fat accumulated in a specific part and not in others. Therefore, these recommendations are both to burn fat in general and to strengthen the abdominal muscles and give the abdomen a defined appearance..
1. Abdominals
Crunches are so called because it is a specific exercise for this area of the body. There are many variations of crunches, some are for beginners and others for experts, and they help strengthen specific areas of the abs.
This exercise is very popular and you've probably done it once, but the secret is to do them correctly. the secret is to do them correctly, to be constant and to complement the exercise routine with a proper diet. with a proper diet; this way you will be able to lose your belly.
To begin with classic crunches, you must lie on a firm, flat surface on your back. Then cross your arms over your chest and keep your trunk elevated about 10 cm above the surface. Slightly bend your knees and lift yourself up to a 90° angle. It is best to start with 3 sets of 30 repetitions each.
There are many variations of this exercise that work the obliques and laterals in a specific way, or that increase the level of difficulty so that you can exercise more resistance and with this a fat burning that will help you see how the size of your body will increase. will help you to see how the size of the belly is decreasing.. For the sit-ups to work well to achieve a flat abdomen, it is important that the movements are done slowly. The most common mistake when performing them is to lift and return very quickly. In addition to the fact that it can cause some injury, it will not accelerate the result.
Another great secret of sit-ups is that you should not drop your neck or pull it or focus your strength to get up. Where you must make strength is precisely the abdomen.
Breathing is another important factor to perform this exercise. You should inhale when you get up and exhale when you lie down. This breathing should be done calmly and without hurting yourself.. Remember to make the effort in the belly so that the sit-ups are the right exercise to lose belly.
2. Jumping jacks
This exercise is typically used in aerobics and Zumba routines, because its efficiency is very high to eliminate the belly if done correctly.
To start performing it you must stand with your back straight and knees slightly bent, feet together and arms at your sides.feet together and arms at your sides. After this, make a small jump while raising your arms and opening your legs and then return to the original position.
Jumping jacks are very effective in helping you to reduce the abdomen because the continuous repetitions accelerate fat burning. However, you should not exhaust yourself unnecessarily; remember that performing it faster and faster does not make it more effective. To avoid making this mistake, it is best to concentrate on doing it right, to make the strength in the abdomen and breathe properly, in addition to complementing it with a proper diet and focused on burning fat to lose belly.
3. Climbing
With this exercise you can immediately feel the strength in the abdomen. It consists of placing yourself in the same position of a push-up, and then bend your knee bringing it to the chest, and return to the starting position and then repeat with the other leg.
When performing this routine, you must concentrate on that all the strength is concentrated in the abdomen at the time of folding the legs to the chest..
In addition to exercising the abdomen, you will feel the resistance in your arms; however, you should not lose focus on the belly and focus your strength and energy on this point for best results.
4. Burpee
Like the other exercises, this one has the advantage of not needing gym equipment to be performed.
You must stand up and then rest your hands on the ground and with an impulse to stretch your legs, then finish in the position to perform a flexion and return to the starting position. You have to put your legs close to your hands and jump up while stretching your arms to the ceiling.
This exercise will make you sweat. Remember to keep your abdominal strength and and to have a correct breathingso that you will feel in a short time how the belly fat is reduced.
The burpee is very popular to achieve a flat stomach because it also helps you exercise legs and buttocks; however, it must be performed well and calmly and not in an accelerated manner to avoid injury. You can perform it in 3 sets of 10 repetitions to start and increase as your resistance increases.
With this exercise you will see how in a short time the fat in your abdomen will decrease to give way to a flat stomach.
Bibliographic references:
- Reynolds, G. (2009). "Is Your Ab Workout Hurting Your Back?". Well. The New York Times.
(Updated at Apr 12 / 2024)