Cross-Training: A Holistic Approach to Fitness and Health
Each discipline works different areas of the body in a specific way. It is also clear that body development will be specific. In some cases the legs may carry most of the workload while in other sports the trunk will be the center of effort. When that happens the anatomical areas that are less worked should not be neglected. On the contrary, a compensated body will suffer less and be less prone to injury.
- Cross training exercises the parts of the body that have not been worked to compensate and thus reduce the risk of injury.
- Recommended for both professionals and sports lovers.
- Cross training is perfect for doing physical exercise when you are injured.
The professional
On a professional level, this fact is usually quite clear and the training routines are complete. Although sport focuses its efforts on some specific muscle groups or in a specific type of movement, the program also includes a more global work. It's about getting a Balance. In these cases, it is essential to be able to establish guidelines where it is ensured that the athlete not only boost your discipline and the parts of the body most involved but also work modalities and body areas. For example, a soccer player not only trains by kicking but his routine also includes running or gym sessions at a muscular level.
The amateur In the case of the amateur, this should be similar or we could even say that it should be taken more into account if possible, since at the end of the day the athlete lives off his body and takes care of it but the amateur it does not always do so, quite the contrary; takes it to the limit without considering the consequences. For the lover of a type of sport or a discipline it is sometimes difficult, either due to time, laziness or simply because it is not important, to complement it with another type of activity. The argument is simple: for example, if you only pedal and do not exercise your back, it is easier for you to have overloads in the lower back than if you spend some time strengthening this area. In this way you are giving some protection and you are acting at the level of prevention that, obviously, is much better than having to solve the problem when it has already appeared. The solution will probably be faster and less expensive.
In general, routines in which the whole body is worked globally by doing stretching and toning They are a great way to get started in cross training. But it is not all about the muscles. Swimming for those who run is a perfect option to improve their breathing technique since those who swim with good breathing technique will be able to do it perfectly when running.
Cross training and injuries It should be noted that cross training is not only complementary as we have mentioned so far at the training level, but it will also be complementary in the case of and this applies to both professionals and amateurs. When an injury affects the athlete and he has to forcibly stop practicing his sport, one way not to remain in the "dry dock" is perform other exercises and activities. It is hard for those who already have a routine and have found that difficult time to scratch the agenda, being unable to run, pedal or play games. It will depend on the type of injury and the area it affects, but the pool is usually the ideal place for this type of practice since there is hardly any resistance to work against, which allows a good adaptation again. But it is evident that they must always be carried out under the consent of the professional who supervises the recovery.
(Updated at Apr 13 / 2024)