Diaper abandonment
At what age does a child leave the diaper? When is the best time to start?
The time is put by the child
The role of parents in the abandonment of the diaper is observation: they must be patient and detect the most appropriate time to do so. If the child is between 18 months and two years old, it is the ideal time to buy a urinal or a toilet reducer and get down to work.
The important thing is not to take the issue of diaper abandonment as an obligation with an expiration date and never compare it with other cases. It is important not to force the child or force him to be a quick process. The time is set by the child. Daytime diaper removal is easier than nighttime diaper removal, but total abandonment (day and night) is a process that can take even more than a year.
Most children learn to control their toilet during the day between 22 and 30 months, although many continue to leak until after the age of three. In fact, about 20% of children continue to wet the bed by the age of four. Girls tend to outperform boys because their physical and psychological maturation is earlier. Children who have siblings may find it more attractive to put down their diapers to imitate their elders.
Is my child ready to ditch the diaper?
For a child to be able to be continent (not to pee or poop on it) two basic conditions are necessary:
- The maturation of the nervous system: it allows to recognize the sensation of a full bladder, therefore, the desire to urinate and defecate. Until almost two years, the child does not have a clear perception of this stimulus and, if the bladder is swollen, it empties without giving the child time to feel full. For this reason, imposing the potty before this age does not make sense.
- Voluntary sphincter control: the child is able to control when he wants to urinate or defecate. This process usually begins at 20 months.
We can recognize that they are prepared to leave the diaper when they notify when evacuating, if they remain dry for several hours and do not urinate at night. It is also important to assess the degree of global maturity of the child: if they have a certain degree of language, recognize parts of their body, if they are able to go up and down stairs or have good manual skills. All this gives us clues that the child can achieve this new challenge.
Good practices for successful diaper removal
- Children are prepared to leave the diaper when they notify when evacuating, if they remain dry for several hours and do not urinate at night.
- Daytime diaper removal is easier than nighttime diaper removal, but total abandonment (day and night) is a process that can take even more than a year.
- Initiating abandonment as a game, agreeing with the nursery to initiate withdrawal, or imitating the elders are practices that will help speed up the process.
Pediatric Specialist
(Updated at Apr 14 / 2024)