Emotions are the main obstacle to weight loss
Obesity has a new and unexpected ally: emotional mismanagement.
When trying to tackle a subject as delicate as weight loss, emotional training of overweight peopleThe fulfillment or not of the objectives that have been set will depend basically on two factors.
First, the technical aspects related to training and nutrition; and second, the management of the client's environment: emotions, customs and habits, beliefs or motivation.
Emotions are key to weight gain or weight loss
Most people know that to lose weight it is necessary to eat less and/or exercise more, but many overlook other factors that will help or hinder this goal (weight loss), such as the following psychological aspects.
The relationship between emotions and Weight loss is clear. For example, in moments of emotional instability we are more likely to consume fatty foods. But psychological and emotional variables are not only important for dieting success, they also have an important effect on the success of physical training (e.g., in the adherence).
Physical activity experts have long paid attention to have long paid attention to psychological factors (motivation, emotional management, realistic expectations, self-beliefs, etc.), as research into the issues affecting exercise and nutrition has led them to explore emotional needs, often revealing lifestyle patterns that are harmful, behaviors that are addictive, and personal and family challenges that interfere with clients' goal attainment.
In this regard, these factors need to be redirected in order to follow the weight loss plan successfully.
Psychology has also provided scientific evidence in this regard.
But not only have physical activity experts explored the emotional variables that affect weight loss success, but psychologists have also been interested in the relationship between emotions and the achievement of this goal.
A study conducted by Consumer Reports National Research Centerinvolving 1,300 psychologists who responded to questions about their work with clients suffering from weight loss problems, concluded that emotional issues can get in the way of a weight loss plan.
Forty-four percent of the psychologists said they used the strategy of "understanding and managing behaviors and emotions related to weight control," as it worked very well for losing weight and keeping it off. Forty-three percent of psychologists also cited "emotional eating" as a barrier to weight loss.
92% of respondents offering weight loss treatment reported that they helped patients correct emotional issues related to weight gain. More than 70% identified cognitive behavioral therapy (problem solving, mindfulness techniques, etc.) as an excellent weight loss strategy. In other words, cognitive behavioral therapy is useful because it helps people identify and address negative thoughts and emotions that can lead to unhealthy behaviors that interfere with achieving nutritional and exercise goals.
The relationship between emotional intelligence and motivation
In addition, 43% of those surveyed also commented that "maintaining a regular exercise routine" is one of the keys to losing weight. In this regard, there are many studies that talk about the relationship between emotional intelligence and intrinsic motivation, and Jose Maria Buceta, in his book "Variables Psicológicas Relacionadas con el Rendimiento Físico y Deportivo" explains the relationship between motivation and adherence to physical training.
On the other hand, the psychologist Adrián Triglia, in an article of Psychology and Mind called "Why Diets May Not Work," reviews psychological and emotional strategies proposed by Traci Mann of the University of Minnesota for improving adherence to weight loss diets, such as replacing thoughts of cake with thoughts of whole wheat bread or a food with even fewer carbohydrates.
In conclusion, emotions and commitment to exercise are one of the most common challenges faced by people who want to lose weight.. Many people can throw away many of the efforts they have made for a long time because of psychological issues. When these people combine emotional work with lifestyle change, the results come.
(Updated at Apr 12 / 2024)