Oct 22 / 2014
First symptoms of pregnancy

Although it is still very early, in the first days of pregnancy some women experience some indicative symptoms that they are pregnant. We tell you what they are:
What are the first symptoms?
- The first symptom of pregnancy is lack of menstruation and women with regular cycles are the ones who can most easily appreciate it.
- Can be noticed discomfort in the lower abdomen and a feeling of swelling similar to premenstrual syndrome. It is normal to have the feeling that the period will come at any moment.
- The feeling of fatigue and increase in dream It is also very frequent, although in some cases insomnia may appear.
- The intestinal symptoms Are frequent. The nausea and vomiting They are a typical symptom, appearing especially in the morning but can persist throughout the day or appear preferably in the afternoon.
- The lack of appetite It is also frequent but some women report feeling of more hunger than usual.
- The alteration of the intestinal transit it is frequent with an increase in constipation, diarrhea being more rare.
- The senses are heightened and the smell perception it is usually altered with a greater sensitivity to bad odors.
- The growth of the womb can compress the bladder giving a increased desire to urinate.
- The character changes they are common with increased irritability as a typical feature of early pregnancy. Feelings of doubt and insecurity may also appear.
- The body temperature may increase slightly, approximately between 0.5 and 1 ºC, due to hormonal changes without any meaning of infection.
- The moms they become more turgid, with an increase in size and with a feeling of fullness. The nipple is more sensitive, it becomes more pigmented and the areola enlarges and darkens as well. You can see bluish lines on the skin that correspond to the most superficial veins that become more visible.
(Updated at Apr 14 / 2024)