Insects at bay

Natural repellants against insects
Between the natural repellants highlights the citronella or lemongrass. This plant contains an essential oil widely used in Europe in the manufacture of perfumes, its aromatic characteristics are pleasantly citrus and refreshing to the human nose, but they are olfactory unpleasant to mosquitoes and other insects. It can be used in various ways, the simplest is to put citronella pots on terraces and open rooms. Other very useful options are: spreading the essential oil through a diffuser; The decorative citronella candles that spread the aroma in the environment when burned and the repellent bracelets impregnated with this essential oil that are released slowly throughout the days, have the advantage that they can be used at night and during the day, when If you are outdoors or walking, some of these bracelets can even get wet while staying active which makes them very useful to protect yourself on the beach and in the pools. There are also impregnated patches with this essence that can be used glued to baby clothes.
Other essential oils
With insect repellent action are those of sweet orange, eucalyptus, basil and Ceylon cinnamon.
How to cure bites?
If we forget to prevent, or the prevention was not effective, it is advised wash the area with soap and water and apply an antiseptic or disinfectant. In the case of intense itching, you should not scratch to avoid infecting the wound, and rubbing only serves to increase the itching sensation. In these cases the application of local cold can soothe the excessive itching.
Creams or gels based on witch hazel or arnica are very effective in calming discomfort and helping bites to resolve earlier. The calendula and witch hazel have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic action and soothing properties; arnica It is very useful when the bites cause bruises but care must be taken and not applied to the skin if scratching has opened the wound. These ointments are applied, as a general rule, three times a day until the bite is resolved, but the application can be renewed whenever necessary to calm the discomfort.
Sage and llatén home remedies
Other plants that can calm the effects of are sage and plantain. These plants are frequently found in the field. An easy-to-make plaster is made by crushing the fresh, clean leaves of both plants (to release their juice) and applying the crushed directly to the skin; covered with a bandage or handkerchief until dry. It can be applied as many times as the inconvenience demands.
In case of bee and wasp stings
When bees sting, they leave the stinger in the sting, so it is advisable, if possible, to remove it with disinfected tweezers, then wash the sting with soap and water and apply ammonia. This will produce considerable relief. Afterwards, it can be applied cold to reduce inflammation and calendula cream or gel. In the case of wasps, they do not leave the stinger, but their sting is also very painful. Applying vinegar as soon as possible can greatly relieve these bites. If an allergic reaction occurs it is recommended to go.
- The citronella Lemongrass is one of the best natural repellants for insects.
- Creams and gels calendula and witch hazel they have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic action and soothing properties.
- Arnica is very useful when the bites cause bruises but care should be taken and not applied to the skin if scratching has opened a wound.
Maria Jose Alonso Osorio Member of medicinal plants and homeopathy of the College of Pharmacists of Barcelona
(Updated at Apr 14 / 2024)