The Triathletes diet
| Triathlon is a combined endurance sport where swimming, cycling and running take place, always in this order, and continuously. Nutrition is a determining factor for performance.
The triathlete's diet before, during and after training and competitions, will collaborate with the prevention of injuries.
There are different distances
- Sprint: 750 m, 20 km, 5 km
- Olympic: 1.5 km, 40 km, 10 km
- Half Ironman: 1.9 km, 90 km, 21 km
- Ironman: 3.9 km, 180 km, 42 km
During continuous exercise, the fuel source varies depending on the intensity and duration, that is, the higher the intensity the energy source will be mainly carbohydrates, since they are quickly “transformed” into energy. For example, in an "ironman" or "half ironman" test, the energy comes from the oxidation of carbohydrates and fats, the proportion of both nutrients varies considerably depending on each athlete, depending on the level of training, previous diet , glycogen stores, etc. Proteins can contribute up to 10% of energy in long-term exercise, when carbohydrate stores are depleted. For this reason, in tests lasting more than 2 hours, the time that elapses until glycogen depletion will determine the athlete's performance. For this reason, in Olympic, half ironman and ironman events, the dietary guidelines that allow maximizing glycogen reserves will contribute to increasing the athlete's performance; These guidelines include a carbohydrate overload the 3 days prior to the competition, taking into account the last previous meal and the carbohydrate intake during the competition. Post-training recovery will also be important.
Breakfast same day of the test:
2-3 hours should pass between the breakfast intake and the physical test. If this is not possible the minimum is 1-1.5 hours. Breakfast should contain foods high in carbohydrates, low in fiber and low in fat. For example:
- skimmed (dairy can cause gastrointestinal problems, rate individually)
- Toasts with cold cuts of turkey and burgos cheese
- 1 banana
- In addition, 2 hours before the competition, a minimum consumption of 500 cc of liquids is recommended.
- Spring distance: if the duration time will be longer than 60 minutes, use isotonic drinks. No need for food.
- Olympic Distance: isotonic drink (500-1000 cc per hour). Gels, energy bars and / or dehydrated fruits.
- Ironman / Ironman Medium Distance: isotonic drink (500-1000 cc per hour). Gels, energy bars, maltodextrin candies, hypercaloric shakes, dehydrated fruits, dried fruits, low-fat salty sandwiches ...
The post-competition diet is essential for the formation of muscle glycogen, improving protein synthesis and immune parameters. The joint intake of carbohydrates and protein in a correct ratio (4: 1 or 3: 1, ex: for every 4 g of carbohydrates 1 g of protein), should be consumed after the end of the exercise, between 30- 60 minutes later.
Examples of foods that can be consumed after the competition:
- 60 g of bread + 2 slices of cooked ham or turkey cold cuts + 1 banana (approx. 90 g)
- 75 g of bread or 4 biscuits + 3 low-fat cheeses (60 g) + 5 0g of quince
- Post-competition bars or shakes with these proportions.
Following these tips can help improve athletic performance, but the right type of food or supplement for each athlete should be chosen according to tolerance and results obtained in training. It is essential to make a personalized diet to provide the exact amounts needed.
In the event of any unforeseen event, it is best to have health insurance. Salud insurance you can find the best nutrition specialists in your medical directory who will recommend the best diet, if you exercise.
- The right one triathlete feeding contributes to improving your athletic performance and also prevents injuries.
- Nutritional intervention has to be considered both before, during and after training and competitions.
- In Olympic, half ironman and ironman events, the dietary guidelines that allow maximizing glycogen stores will contribute to increasing the athlete's performance.
2018-06-28T15: 56: 07 + 02: 003 November, 2016 | Published by canalSALUD - November 3, 2016
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