15 foods that damage the health of our brain
What kind of food may not be the best nourishment for our nervous system?
Have you ever heard the phrase: "we are what we eat"? Well, there may be a lot of truth to this saying. If in our article "The 5 foods that help improve intelligence" we talked about the benefits that some foods in our cognitive functioning, in today's article we will talk about the opposite: foods that negatively affect our brain.
- Recommended article: "6 vitamins to take care of brain health".
Foods harmful to our brain
Everything we eat influences the way in which our body tries to maintain a balance so that all vital functions, tissues and organs are in the optimal state of health, so don't miss out on this list of 15 foods that are harmful to your brain function.Let's get started!
1. Fructose
Fructose is the main sugar found naturally in honey and fruit (and in some vegetables, such as carrots), but other, less healthy sources are table sugar, sucrose, which contains half fructose and half glucose. (and in some vegetables, such as carrots), but other sources, not as healthy, are table sugar; sucrose, which contains half fructose and half glucose; and glucose-fructose syrups, which are made from corn and wheat and are used as sweeteners in various foods.
Fructose has a higher Glycemic Index (GI) than glucose, which causes hyperglycemia. A study published in The Journal of Physiology found that fructose has a negative effect on our brain, as it affects the way affects the functioning of brain cells and how they store energy and how they store the energy needed to process both learning and thoughts.
2. Salty foods
Salty foods such as potato chips in bags cause serious health risks (e.g., high Blood pressure). Their consumption is also not recommended for weight loss, because excess salt is responsible for fluid retention.
Recent studies also state that salt affects our intelligence and impairs our ability to think.. This is explained by research published in the journal NeurobiologyThe study found that diets containing a high sodium content are associated with heart problems and lead to a more accelerated cognitive deterioration.
3. Artificial sweeteners
Many people substitute table sugar for other sweeteners to drink coffee, thinking that they are healthy products. The truth is that their prolonged consumption can be just as negative as the product they are trying to replace.Sweeteners can cause brain damage and problems with cognitive ability.
And although these people think they are doing their body a favor because they consume fewer calories than sugar, in the long term the consequences are just as harmful to their organism, since these substitutes contain preservatives, colorings and other ingredients that add flavor or texture, and, at the same time, harmful consequences for our health.
4. Monosodium glutamate
Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is an additive widely used by the food industry, especially in Asian cuisine, and is considered a flavor enhancer, as it enhances the nuances of other flavors. However, its components negatively affect our brain by overexciting neurons to the point of brain damage. to the point of brain damage.
Despite the fact that the Food and Drug Administration Although the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) listed it as a safe food in 1958, laboratory animal studies have shown that consumption of this substance causes damage to nerve cells in the brain. In addition, excessive consumption of MSG can cause headaches, fatigue or disorientation.
5. Fried foods
Fried foods may taste great, but for the sake of our brain health, they should not be part of our daily diet. These, in addition to being products with a high fat content, also cause cholesterol to affect the brain. also cause cholesterol to affect the arteries.. In the long term, fried foods destroy our neurons and impair our ability to learn and memorize.
6. Added sugar
Excess sugar is associated with serious health problems.For example, it inhibits the immune system, weakens eyesight or contributes to obesity. Not only that, but its prolonged consumption affects our brain: it causes neurological problems and learning and memory difficulties. This is what a study in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) concludes.
In addition, the researchers concluded that participants in their experiment who consumed between 17-21% of calories in sugar had an increased risk of death from cardiovascular disease.
7. Soft drinks
Soft drinks have a very high sugar content. For example, Coca-Cola contains approximately 39 grams of sugar per 330-milliliter can, which is equivalent to almost 10 sugar cubes. Although the sporadic consumption of these beverages does not cause any harm to our health, prolonged and excessive consumption can be lethal..
In addition to the negative effects on our brain caused by sugar, which have been mentioned in the previous point, soft drinks are prepared compounds containing aspartic acid and femilamine, substances that cause damage to brain cells, brain tumors and increase the acidity of urine, creating susceptibility to urinary tract infections. On the other hand, several studies have shown that diet soft drinks, with high sugar substitute content, increase the chances of suffering brain damage, memory loss and mental confusion over the years.
8. Junk food
The media warns us of the dangers of incorporating these foods into our diet, but the truth is that there is more and more access to this type of products. Research has shown that their prolonged consumption affects our brain and causes chemical changes in it.The abuse of junk food becomes a drug, and the abuse of these foods has an effect on the area of reinforcement and thus on dopamine production.
Junk food becomes a drug, and the abuse of these foods has an effect in the area of reinforcement and, therefore, in the production of dopamine. This neurotransmitter is actively involved in the ability to learn, motivation or memory.
9. Saturated fats
The consumption of foods high in saturated fats has increased in recent decades, causing an increase in cases of obesity and problems associated with this condition. However, research carried out by Nuria del Olmo and Mariano Ruiz-Gayo at the CEU San Pablo University and presented at the Annual Congress of the Endocrine Society (San Francisco), has concluded that diets rich in saturated fats are not only a problem for physical health, but also cause eating disorders.The risk of heart disease, metabolic and cardiovascular diseases, and a risk for cognitive development, especially in relation to memory.
10. Hydrogenated oils
If saturated fats are harmful, trans fats found in hydrogenated oils are even worse. Experts warn that diets high in trans fats increase beta-amyloid in the brain, which is associated with Alzheimer's disease..
In addition, the journal Neurology published research showing that a high intake of trans fats is associated with brain shrinkage and an increased risk of stroke.
11. Processed and convenience foods
Processed foods meet most of the negative characteristics discussed in the previous points. They contain high contents of sugar, fructose, sodium, hydrogenated oils, and therefore these foods can damage brain health. In fact, processed or convenience foods affect the central nervous system and increase the risk of developing a neurodegenerative disorder such as Alzheimer's disease. such as Alzheimer's disease.
12. Alcohol
Alcohol is known as a food that does not contribute nutrients but extra calories to our diet. Along with tobacco, it is undoubtedly one of the most consumed substances and at the same time harmful to our organism. The damage caused by excessive alcohol consumption is well known, but recently a group of researchers from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and the University of Nottingham (UK) have identified the damage caused to the brain.
Alcohol causes alterations in the prefrontal area of the brain.The region that controls executive functions such as planning and strategy design, working memory, selective attention or behavioral control, as well as other areas related to different behavioral alterations or motor functioning.
13. Caffeine
Having a cup of coffee in the morning at the office is not a bad thing, because it can help us to be a little more alert and carry out tasks with greater concentration. However, if this substance is abused, it has a negative side..
The Food and Drug Administration The U.S. Food and Drug Administration states that 600 milligrams of caffeine a day can cause headaches, increase anxiety and provoke various sleep disorders. The excess of caffeine can cause different consequences such as confusion, and in the long term, cardiovascular problems and even strokes.
14. Tuna fish
It is true that tuna is a great food because it provides a large amount of protein, in addition to fatty acids such as Omega-3, and that is why the American Heart Society recommends its consumption at least twice a week. However, the American Heart Society recommends eating it at least twice a week.However, bigeye tuna or albacore tuna are rich in mercury, which is why excessive consumption of them can lead to a high level of mercury.However, bigeye tuna and albacore tuna are rich in mercury, so excessive consumption can lead to accelerated cognitive decline.
15. Cured products
Cured products such as cured ham, bacon or cured pork loin, despite their great taste, are rich in fat and salt. When consuming salty products, the body retains more liquid and needs more water.. According to a study by Military Medicinethis can lead to dehydration and, therefore, a decrease in cognitive function.
(Updated at Apr 13 / 2024)