Donepezil: uses, characteristics and effects of this drug
This drug is mainly used in cases of patients with Alzheimer's disease.
Due to the large number of symptoms and their gradual nature, neurodegenerative diseases are practically impossible to slow down or cure. However, at present, there are drugs that make it possible to improve functions, giving the patient greater autonomy and, consequently, a better quality of life.
This is the case of donepezil, a drug prescribed for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. which, despite not achieving the remission of symptoms, favors the improvement of psychological functions such as memory, communication capacity and even mobility.
What is donepezil?
Donepezil, commercially known under the name Ariceptis a drug belonging to the so-called cholinesterase inhibitors and is administered for the palliative treatment of Alzheimer's disease.
The main effects of this drug on Alzheimer's patients are related to the improvement of mental functions. are related to the improvement of mental functions.. Its effects on the cognition and behavior of patients are remarkable, improving functions such as memory, attention, interaction with other people, speech and reasoning ability.
However, despite these improvements donepezil does not slow down the progression of the disease nor can it be considered a cure for Alzheimer's disease, but is used as a palliative drug to improve the level of dependence and quality of life of patients.
The research that led to the development of donepezil began in 1983, but it was not until 1996 that it received approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). After fourteen years, donepezil began to be marketed by the pharmaceutical company Pfizer and in 2011 it became the treatment for Alzheimer's disease. became the world's best-selling treatment for Alzheimer's disease.It is also sold in generic form.
In which cases is it used?
As mentioned above, donepezil is administered in most cases for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. This condition results in progressive neuronal destruction or degeneration which affects both memory processes and the ability to reason, learn, speak or perform a large number of daily activities.
In addition, this drug can also be administered for the treatment of certain types of dementias in which the abilities that enable memory, reasoning, communication, as well as emotional stability and personality are affected.
However, as specified above, there is still no evidence that donepezil alters the course or progression of Alzheimer's disease. The administration of this drug is recommended in mild to moderate dementia, but in any case the person should undergo continuous monitoring and follow-up, as well as psychological therapy to accompany the effects of the medication.
In any case, donepezil never cures Alzheimer's, an irreversible neurodegenerative disease.It has been designed to slow the progression of its effects. This implies that the course of the disease will continue forward, but the psychological toll at the cognitive and emotional level may take longer to arrive.
What is its mechanism of action?
The active ingredient of donepezil binds to and paralyzes the action of cholinesterases irreversibly, thus inhibiting the hydrolysis of cholinesterases.thus inhibiting the hydrolysis of acetylcholine. As a result, donepezil increases acetylcholine concentrations in cholinergic synapses. This favors the correct functioning of neuronal transmissions.
Alzheimer's disease involves a substantial loss of certain elements of the cholinergic system, so it is hypothesized that its symptoms are related to a deficit of acetylcholine, especially in the cerebral cortex and other areas of the brain such as the hippocampal formation. This loss of cholinergic neurons in the central nervous system generates a cognitive impairment that causes symptoms related to attention, memory and learning.
How is it administered?
Donepezil is administered in two different formats: tablets and oral mouth-soluble tablets, both to be taken orally. The recommended dose is usually one tablet or tablet per day, preferably taken at the same time of day and in the evening just before bedtime. However, these are general recommendations, so that the patient should always adhere to the indications provided by the medical professional, who will adjust the treatment to the patient's needs.who will adjust the treatment to each specific case. Therefore, in no case should the patient alter the indicated doses on his own and can only stop taking it under the supervision of the relevant physician.
It may take a few weeks for donepezil to take effect. However, the patient must continue with its consumption. Otherwise, there is the possibility of a whole series of adverse effects that may harm the person's state of health.
What are the side effects?
As with all drugs and medications, donepezil can cause a series of side effects, donepezil can generate a series of adverse effects that, depending on the which, depending on the degree of intensity in which they occur, can be really annoying for the patient.
Why do these side effects appear? The explanation is the same as for any active ingredient used in a drug: these are only moleculesnot remote-controlled nanobots designed to act only on certain parts of certain cells and not on others. On the contrary, these molecules interact with everything with which they can interact in a significant way, and some of these elements are outside the circuit that maintains and feeds the appearance of the symptoms to be treated with the drug.
These reactions of the treatment can be divided into those side effects that are not serious, so they do not always require medical attention, and those more serious effects, in which it is necessary to go to the doctor's office as soon as possible, in order to adjust the medication.
On the other hand, it is also necessary to take into account that each person's brain works in a different way, and that the active ingredient of any medication may have different effects.and that the active ingredient of any psychotropic drug can produce unexpected chain reactions due to this. In most cases, however, the human body has the ability to "stop" these chain reactions even when they occur in a way that is harmful to the organism; in other cases, it is necessary to seek medical attention urgently.
1. Non-serious side effects
- Nausea and/or vomiting.
- Gastric disturbances such as diarrhea.
- Loss of appetite and consequent weight loss.
- Increased need to urinate.
- Muscle cramps..
- Joint pain.
- Feeling of tiredness and fatigue.
- Sleep problems.
- Headaches.
- Dizziness.
- Feeling of nervousness.
- Depressive symptoms.
- Confusion.
- Alterations in mood.
- Skin alterations such as redness or itching.
2. Serious side effects
These are the side effects that have to be detected and treated more quickly.
- Hallucinations.
- Fainting.
- Decreased heart rate..
- Chest pain.
- Breathing problems.
- Stools darker than usual.
- Blood in the stool.
- Vomiting with traces of Blood or coffee-like pellets.
- Pain when urinating.
- lumbar pain
- fever
- Convulsions.
- Discoloration or bruises without apparent justification.
What precautions should be taken with its consumption?
The patient should inform his doctor of any special health condition, including pregnancy, both before and during treatment.both before and during treatment. In addition, donepezil should be administered cautiously in patients with heart disease, cardiac conduction disorders, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, severe cardiac arrhythmias and sick sinus syndrome.
On the other hand, this medicine can only be consumed under medical indication and supervision. In the same way, the physician must be aware of any other treatment the patient is undergoing. This includes prescription and over-the-counter drugs, vitamins, nutritional supplements and natural herbal combinations.
The price of donepezilfor a box of 30 tablets of 10 milligrams is about 30 euros in Spain and 1430 Mexican pesos in Mexico. In any case, its consumption should always be indicated by a physician, due to its side effects.
(Updated at Apr 12 / 2024)