The 3 stages of old age and its physical and psychological changes
The third age is not a homogeneous category, but there are several stages to take into account.
Old age is, in many respects, the vital stage in which, although many capacities are diminished, full psychological maturity is consolidated.
On the other hand, the incomprehension on the part of the bulk of adults who do not belong to this age range has meant that to a certain extent all human beings who are going through old age are seen as belonging to the same category, as if it were the same thing to be 70 years old as to be 92.
Next we will see what are the 3 phases of the old age, and which are their psychological and physical effects..
The three phases of old age
The third age is a vital stage that, partly due to the increase in life expectancy, covers a process of evolution that can be very long, with many variations and many variables to take into account.
This is why it is useful to talk about the phases of old age, since they provide a rough categorization of special needs, common behavioral patterns and Biological characteristics of these stages. and biological characteristics of these stages.
To summarize, the stages of old age are as follows.
Pre-age: 55 to 65 years
Pre-aging is the prelude to the stage of life in which several of the body's functions are more or less drastically reduced in their ability to continue working as they did before.
Physical changes
At this stage sleep patterns are often altered, with a significant decrease in the number of hours of sleep.The number of hours of sleep needed each night is significantly reduced. It is also frequent that alterations in fat retention and a slower and heavier type of digestion appear. Muscle mass, on the other hand, tends to atrophy significantly.
In women, the prevejez arrives approximately with the end of menopause, which generates a series of alterations.This generates a series of hormonal alterations that affect both physical and emotional symptoms related to how this event is experienced.
Psychological changes
In this phase of old age, contrary to popular belief, there is neither the habit of suffering a crisis nor a decrease in the level of happiness. However, the way of thinking does change.
In particular, a melancholic thinking pattern a melancholic thought pattern in which one begins to see life through memories, what one experienced in the past. Comparisons between what happened years ago and the here and now are very frequent.
On the other hand, those with an active family life may be exposed to the empty nest syndrome, whereby sons or daughters leave home and loneliness and sometimes boredom sets in.
Old age: 65 to 79 years
"Pure" old age is the stage of life in which both the weakening of biological functions and a psychological style based on revisiting the past and experimenting with memories are consolidated.
Physical changes
Postural problems and weakening of bones appear, which may cause pain or even the inability to make great efforts. Digestion problems, in many cases, are accentuated, as well as the risk of experiencing various types of cancer.
In addition, both vision and hearing are often impaired, which in turn leads to a psychological risk: isolationThe risk is psychological: isolation, since it is more difficult to relate to others or even to participate in conversations.
From 75 years of age, on the other hand, people already meet the profile of a geriatric patient whenever there is a significant problem in their quality of life such as mental deterioration or the inability to live independently.
Psychological changes
At this stage, the decline of an important aspect of mental processes is consolidated: the level of intelligence. More specifically, it is fluid intelligence, that which has to do with mental agility and the generation of new knowledge from scratch, that is most affected, whereas crystallized intelligence is much better preserved in most healthy adults of this age.
Elderly: 80 years and older
Old age is the last stage of old age, and involves a qualitative change in both physical and psychological evolution.
Physical changes
In this phase postural alterations and bone and joint fragility are accentuated. and joints are accentuated, which can lead to a significant reduction in people's autonomy. The rest of the health problems also follow their progression, becoming significantly more frequent in this phase.
Psychological changes
In this phase, the danger of social isolation is accentuated, given that, on the one hand, the number of friendships decreases due to the frequency of deaths, and on the other hand, the lack of autonomy of the person is accentuated. the lack of autonomy and meetings are more rarely held. Free time is usually occupied with relatively contemplative activities, such as reading or gardening.
(Updated at Apr 13 / 2024)