The 65 best famous quotes about revenge
The possibility of making someone pay for the harm they caused in the past seduces many people.
Revenge quotes are something like a signature to seal a punishment or, in any case, to express a desire to make up for a past wrong. or, in any case, expressing the desire to compensate for the harm caused by someone. Sometimes they can become a dramatic element used in works of art; sometimes they are phrases used in real contexts and directed against people who really existed. But there is also, of course, the possibility of being critical of this concept, defending forms of relationship that have nothing to do with hatred.
On the other hand, revenge is surely one of the oldest and most used concepts in history, especially as a propaganda resource. As a feeling, it has a somewhat complex meaning or interpretation. Revenge is considered a harmful act towards a person who has committed a wrong to one or more previous individuals. to one or more previous individuals, and usually consists of inflicting at least as much pain as the culprit in question inflicted on his or her victims.
In antiquity, the feeling of revenge was used to mete out justice and exemplary punishments. It was a way of "balancing emotions" between aggressor and victim. In Mediterranean society, it was very common for powerful families to carry out this type of practice to resolve a family or economic conflict.
The most heartfelt revenge phrases
Throughout the history of mankind have been appearing thousands of memorable revenge phrases.. Here we show you the most relevant phrases.
1. Revenge and tragedy often happen at the same time. Forgiveness redeems the past (Jeanette Winterson)
Revenge is not always pleasant.
2. Those who indulge in revenge and take the law into their own hands rarely know where the line is drawn (Richelle Mead).
Violence can be a dangerous spiral.
3. It is useless to satisfy revenge with revenge; it will cure nothing (J. R. R. R. Tolkien).
The famous writer is also skeptical of the idea of revenge.
4. If you concentrate on revenge, you keep fresh wounds that would otherwise have healed (Adeline Yen Mah).
It is necessary to know how to control your emotions in times of tragedy.
5. My revenge has just begun! I will spread it through the ages, and time is on my side (Bram Stoker)
The writer and author of Dracula expressed his feelings of revenge in this way.
6. I choose not to give energy to the emotions of revenge, hatred or the will to control (Rosanne Cash).
Good reflection to reduce the value of this type of actions.
7. Whoever aspires to justice must know that the only truly effective justice is that which does not represent revenge (William Ospina).
No evil is cured by revenge.
8. The desire for revenge is a human feeling (Ángeles Goyanes)
The Spanish writer concretized in this way what revenge is.
9. If they knew that acts of violence must be repaid with the same coin in other lives, how much less would be the desire for revenge! (Brian L. Weiss)
Another interesting reflection on what this feeling implies.
10. I will hurt you for this. I don't know how yet, but give me time. You'll know the debt will be paid (George R. R. Martin)
Thus expressed in some of his works the American fantasy writer George R. R. R. Martin
11. An eye for an eye, the essence of all revenge (John Katzenbach)
This is the classic definition of revenge.
12. You can have justice or you can have revenge. But not both (Devin Grayson)
Devin Grayson did not associate justice with revengewhile many other people do.
13. I warn you, if you bore me, I will take my revenge (J. R. R. R. Tolkien)
A very humorous way of talking about boredom used by the author of the Lord of the Rings.
14. Spending too much time hoping that someone will suffer the consequences of what they did to you, then you're allowing them to hurt you a second time (John Williams)
The desire to quench the thirst for revenge can destroy our person.
15. No matter how many times people try to criticize you, the best revenge is to prove them wrong (Zayn Malik).
A smart way to deal with revenge without any violence.
16. The best revenge is not to be like your enemy (Marcus Aurelius).
The astute emperor was always characterized by his wisdom.
17. Before embarking on a journey of revenge, dig two tombs (Confucius)
The Chinese author delights us with this way of referring to the self-destructive character of those who bet everything on revenge.
18. To take revenge without enthusiasm is to seek disaster; either you condemn yourself or you crown your hatred (Pierre Corneille).
The French playwright was famous for the epic plays he wrote in the 17th century. The French playwright was famous for the epic plays he wrote in the 17th century, which often contained a dose of revenge.
19. Revenge is sweet and not fattening (Alfred Hitchcock)
For many this is the most correct meaning.
20. Today we cannot succumb to thoughts of violence and revenge, but rather to thoughts of clemency and compassion (Marianne Williamson).
The English activist was always a standard-bearer for peace and forgiveness, and this phrase about revenge and its opposition to compassion is proof of that.
21. To be angry is to take revenge for the faults of others upon ourselves (Alexander Pope)
To be angry with othersis to be angry with ourselves.
22. Revenge is the sweetest morsel, to the palate, that ever was cooked in hell (Walter Scott).
In agreement with Alfred Hitchcock, Sir Walter Scott thought the same way.
23. If we are wronged, shall we not take revenge? (William Shakespeare)
Shakespeare saw revenge as a natural and human feeling.
I do not speak of revenge or forgiveness, forgetting is the only revenge and the only forgiveness (Jorge Luis Borges).
To forget is the best remedy to satiate revenge.
25. Upon him I will pour all the demons of the outer darkness, be astonished and recognize that man's specialty is revenge (Patrick Rothfuss).
Other authors, more skeptical of the human condition, expressed their opinion in this way.
26. The difference between punishment and revenge is anger (Penelope Parker).
Anger is the component that encourages retaliation.
27. Letting go of resentment, anger, violence and revenge are necessary conditions to live happily (Pope Francis).
Revenge will never bring us happiness, according to this referent of Catholic Christianity.
28. It is not violence that uproots hatred, nor vengeance that washes away injury (Charlotte Bronte)
Charlotte Bronte saw nothing good in all that revenge entailed.
29. When you set out on a journey of revenge, begin by digging two graves: one for your enemy and one for yourself (Jodi Picoult).
Picoult was that blunt with anyone who believed in revenge.
30. Weak people take revenge. Strong people forgive. Intelligent people ignore (Albert Einstein)
Great reflection of this brilliant scientist, who establishes a clear comparison between various types of attitudes..
31. Revenge is like a rolling stone, which, when a man has moved it, will come back upon him with greater violence (Jeremy Taylor).
Jeremy Taylor considered it personally harmful to take revenge as justice.
32. Man must develop for all human conflicts a method that rejects revenge, aggression and retaliation (Martin L. King).
The illustrious black rights activist was an advocate of peace and forgiveness. advocate of peace and forgiveness.
33. Writing well is the best revenge (Dorothy Parker)
Curious and interesting remedy for violence. Revenge comes in many forms.
34. Revenge is a dish best served cold (Stephen Fry)
We all know this expression. There is never any revenge when it is hot.
35. A man who thinks of revenge keeps his wounds open (Francis Bacon).
For Francis Bacon it was absurd to think of solving a conflict by wounding the aggressor.
36. Revenge is always the weak pleasure of a small and narrow mind (Juvenal).
The Roman poet wrote in his works what revenge was for him.
37. Revenge is not always sweet, once consummated we feel inferior to its victim (Emile M. Cioran).
The result of taking justice into our own hands is not always positive.
38. Only revenge does not require a punishment (Pierre Corneille)
Pierre surprises us again with an unorthodox an unorthodox meaning of revenge..
39. Life being what it is, one dreams of revenge (Paul Gauguin)
For Paul Gauguin we live in a world that feeds this feeling.
40. Hatred is the coward's revenge for being bullied (George Bernard Shaw)
A strong expression of the Irish playwright and politician, probably influenced by the tensions between England and Ireland in his time.
41. In taking revenge, a man is equal to his enemy, but in passing over it, he is superior (Francis Bacon).
Revenge consists in acting differently than your aggressoraccording to Bacon.
42. Happiness is the best revenge, you know? Just be happy (Emily Griffin)
Ignoring revenge will bring well-being. To consummate it, sadness.
43. The problem with revenge is that it fails to heal the wounds that one feels (Peter May)
Peter May assures us that nothing good can come out of this feeling.
44. Men are more ready to return a wrong than a favor, because gratitude is a burden and revenge is a pleasure (Robert Greene).
Robert Greene provides a curious reflection on why revenge is so recurrent.
45. The God of the whites orders crime. Our gods ask us for revenge (Alejo Carpentier)
Cuban writer, he was a great influence in the struggle of Latin American countries against Western interference.
46. Many suicides are driven by rage and the desire for revenge, not just sadness.
The first victim of revenge is the one who wants to consume it.
47. It is impossible to suffer without making someone pay for it; every complaint already contains revenge (F. Nietzsche).
This philosopher was very skeptical of human moral standards. with the moral standards of the human being.
48. The best revenge is to be different from the one who did the harm (Marcus Aurelius).
Caesar offers us yet another piece of wise advice.
49. The best revenge is a big hit (Frank Sinatra)
The singer-songwriter, with a murky past, reflects on revenge.
50. The best revenge is living and testing yourself (Eddie Vedder)
The former Pearl Jam guitarist told us how to overcome the thirst for revenge.
51. Living well is the best revenge (George Herbert)
Once again, an alternative solution to resentment is recommended, affirming that happiness is the best cure.
52. Success is the best revenge (Kanye West)
Another famous singer-songwriter who declines violence to resolve a conflict.
53. Revenge is never good, it kills the soul and poisons it.
The Mexican actor and writer expressed his ideas about revenge.
54. She had felt bound to him by a love that had something of wounded vanity and was very much like revenge (Fyodor Dostoyevsky).
This famous novelist of the Czarist Russia period reflects in this way on the various disguises that revenge can adopt.
55. No more tears now, I'll think of revenge (Mary, Queen of Scots)
Thus she expressed her feelings at a sad time for the Scottish leader.
56. If an injury is to be done to a man, it should be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared.
Niccolo Machiavelli was a great influence on the way of politics.
57. While you are meditating revenge, the devil is meditating a recruit (François de Malherbe)
Revenge is a counsel of the devil, according to Malherbe.
58. I have engraved it within the hills, and my revenge, upon the dust within the rock (Edgar Allan Poe).
Edgar "tormented soul" Poe became famous for his works full of love and hate.
59. To refrain from imitation is the best revenge (Marcus Aurelius).
We must not act as they have acted against us.
60. If it will feed nothing else, it will feed my revenge (William Shakespeare)
The English playwright defines what he thinks about revenge in this way.
61. There is a little revenge in words, but words may be a great deal of revenge (Benjamin Franklin).
One of the founders of the United States of America reflected thus in his memoirs reflected thus in his memoirs. Culture and intellect is the best of revenge.
62. Vengeance is in my heart, death in my hand, Blood and vengeance are pounding in my head (William Shakespeare).
Once again, Shakespeare shows us his longing for revenge.
63. I will attain my revenge, whether in this life or the next (Commodus)
Son of Marcus Aurelius, he swore to avenge his father's suspicious death.
64. I will have to avenge myself in the cruelest way you can imagine (John Steinbeck)
This is how the American writer described his feelings in one of his works: The Grapes of Wrath.
65. There are four basic human needs: food, sleep, sex and revenge (Banksy).
The extravagant British artist expressed in this way the natural needs of the human being, among which is revenge.
(Updated at Apr 14 / 2024)