The Banana and its benefits
Banana is a food beneficial for everyone, including people with diabetes or overweight. It stands out for its content in carbohydrates, potassium, magnesium, folic acid, and fiber. And although his caloric value is high, especially if we compare it with other fruits, the truth is that the calories we consume in one serving are not as caloric as we think.
Nutritional components
This mineral is essential for the transmission and generation of the nerve impulse, muscle contraction and water balance. One of the consequences of electrolyte loss due to dehydration can be to suffer cramps, so a diet rich in potassium will help prevent these cramps Its high content in potassium and low sodium makes banana beneficial for people suffering
Magnesium is responsible for properly maintaining the functioning of the intestines, muscles and nerves. It also participates in the regulation of cardiac contraction, improves the immune system and is part of bones and teeth.
Folic acid
He is involved in the production of red blood cells, the development of the nervous system, participates in the synthesis of genetic material and in the formation of antibodies. In addition, it is very important when it comes to prevent anemia and spina bifida in pregnancy.
Fiber and astringent substances
Banana contains a lot of fruit fiber-oligosaccharides (FOS), that is, Soluble fiber that stimulates the growth of beneficial bacteria for the colon. This type of fiber is fermented by the intestinal flora itself, giving rise to certain substances such as butyric acid and propionic acid. These acids are good, for example, for regulating the intestinal transit, prevention of colon cancer by inhibition of tumor cell growth, stimulation of the immune system, etc.
On the other hand, the fiber and richness of tannins With astringent action, they make banana a suitable food for people with diarrhea or constipation.
Who shouldn't eat it?
Its high potassium content makes it not recommended for people who suffer from renal insufficiency. These people require special and controlled diets in which they will reduce or eliminate the banana from the diet, always following the
Green or ripe?
When the banana is green, the carbohydrate is presented in the form of starch. As it matures, this starch is converted into simple sugars such as sucrose, glucose and fructose. Thus, when the banana is consumed ripe it is a soft fruit and quite digestible, on the contrary, when it is green is hard to digestIt can be indigestible and can cause flatulence and dyspepsia.
Differences between plantain and banana
There are more than 100 species, the best known are: plantain from the Canary Islands, small, dwarf, large and male. Bananas are differentiated by their sweeter taste, their smell, and the specks on their skin. This is because they have a higher humidity index which gives them more juiciness. On the contrary, the banana is drier and has a more floury texture due to its contribution of carbohydrates, soluble sugars and sucrose. Physically the banana is smaller, the banana it is usually straighter and longer.
- The banana is a fruit that can be found in the market all year round.
- They have many health benefits: they moderate blood sugar levels after meals, reduce appetite, and are high in fiber.
- Ripe bananas are easier to digest than green bananas.
Diploma in Human Nutrition and Dietetics Master in Pediatric Nutrition and Sports Nutrition
(Updated at Apr 14 / 2024)