What are the benefits of exercising without leaving home?
Your body, both inside and out, will thank you for everything you can do to improve. He is a big problem globally and his numbers could be lowered if we were all a little more aware of it. health risk which means not moving. That is why it is convenient to take advantage of any time we have to exercise, without forgetting that we must also rest. Although resting does not mean "lounging" in front of the television for hours.
Taking advantage of downtime is the difference between doing nothing and starting to be active, so… do you sign up?
Where to start
muscles and joints: We will start with the most basic, which would be to work the muscles and joints. Who has not ever been told to stretch and move all your joints? If we have muscles and joints in tune, all effort will be less.
You need a mat to be able to lie down or sit on the floor. This should not be too soft as your back should be on a relatively hard surface.
It is about working the muscles in groups. It is recommended hold each movement for 15-30 seconds and repeat between 1-3 times.
Legs: Quadriceps (thighs): lie on your side supporting your elbow. With the other arm, stretch the opposite leg previously bent towards the buttocks, and you see the legs simultaneously.
Abductors (inside of the legs): Sit so that the soles of the feet touch each other and try to bring the knees closer to the floor.
Back: Lie on your back, bend your knees in the air and pull them towards your chest.
Arms: To alleviate carpal tunnel syndrome, it is useful to stretch the arm with the palm of the hand facing forward and the tips of the fingers towards the ground. With the other hand, press on the fingers and you will notice how the wrist muscles are stretched.
These are just some of the examples at the level of stretching. Performed with constancy, they will diminish the feeling of stiffness that sometimes exists.
Now we know what to do with the muscles so let's see how we can help the muscles too. joints:
Sit in a chair and move your ankles and wrists in a circle. The shoulders can be rotated as if it were a windmill, in addition to raising and lowering them. Unload them by rotating the neck to one side and the other.
cardiovascular work
The heart is the engine of our life and we have to take care of it like the most, so we are also going to dedicate our time. The recommendations of the bodies that are in charge of preventing diseases through physical activity advise 30 minutes of daily activity to avoid the appearance or development of health problems. Walking briskly or climbing stairs is a first step, but we can do more.
Make a routine where you combine stretching, like the ones we have commented previously, with or assets. If you have no idea how to get started, a jump rope will help. Jumping is an exercise that activates your heart and makes it increase its heart rate. You must be progressive to start without exhausting yourself and increase both in time and intensity (jump faster).
Doing the movement of the bicycle, if you do not have a static one, is also a good option: lie down on the ground and, with your legs raised, move them as if you were pedaling.
Strength exercises
Strength is also an important part of a training routine. If you have dumbbells, great, but if not, use a packet of rice, for example. For work the bicepsFor example, sit with your back straight and your arms close to your body, and bring the weights up to shoulder height. Once at the top, it is about undoing the maneuver. Can be performed 1-3 sets between 6-15 reps depending mainly on the feeling of fatigue that may appear, with both arms at the same time or alternating one and the other.
Carrying out these recommendations will help you exercise and feel better. If you also accompany your exercise with music, you will make it more enjoyable and motivating. You will see how you will end up needing it as part of your day to day!
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(Updated at Apr 14 / 2024)