Buy Valacyclovir cheap and treat herpes wisely
In order to treat any disease successfully, you need to have a common knowledge about them. For example, if you have been diagnosed with herpes, you should know that the disease is not treated but rather managed. Yet you don’t have to be afraid of it. Naturally, it would be better not to acquire the virus and never experience the symptoms associated with it but if you got it, you can manage it easily if you buy Valacyclovir online and always have it at hand.
How is herpes acquired?
There are several types of herpes and each of them is transmitted differently. Let’s start from the cold sores, a type of herpes that is associated with common cold and flu and is manifested in a form of red itchy bumps filled with fluid. The most common area affected is lips. The virus that causes the symptoms is called herpes simplex. It is transmitted through the direct contact with the affected areas and body fluids of the carrier. In the latent form, when there is no visual manifestation of the disease, it can be transmitted even through the unaffected skin. To date, about 90% of the world population has the virus. Fortunately, it is not serious and requires mostly symptomatic treatment or antiviral therapy to suppress the virus and make it dormant. If you have frequent outbreaks of lip herpes, you should buy Valacyclovir cheap online and start the treatment as soon as you experience the first symptoms.
Herpes zoster or shingles is another, the most painful type of herpes which can affect any part of the body. The pain is caused by the inflammation of nerves in the affected area. Usually, the disease attacks a relatively small area on the left or right side of the body and rarely spreads to both parts. It is caused by varicella-zoster virus. The symptoms can disappear without any measures taken in 2-4 weeks but given that the disease is highly painful, it is recommended to take antiviral drugs such as Valacyclovir to help the body suppress the virus sooner. Though the virus is never completely eliminated from the body, fortunately, only in 2% of people it can occur repeatedly meaning that there is a very rare probability that you will have to go through it again. The virus can be acquired from an individual with herpes zoster or varicella. The ways of transmission are airborne, direct skin to skin contact, and transplacental route.
Genital herpes is another type of herpes which is classified as STI or sexually transmitted disease. According to statistics, in the USA, 16,5% of all citizens are infected with the virus which makes genital herpes the most widespread sexually transmitted infection. Nevertheless, 80% of carriers do not even know about it. The disease is caused by the herpes simplex type 1 and 2 and can be acquired through unprotected sexual intercourse. Getting in the human body, the virus migrates into the nervous system and can be latent (dormant) for quite a lot of time. In fact, many people who have been infected will never suffer an outbreak, which involves blisters similar to cold sores but located strictly on genitals and anus. The disease outbreak happens in lowered immunity, in chemotherapy, and in pregnant women. Currently, the disease cannot be treated but the number of outbreaks can be minimized through the improvement of immunity. The intensity and duration of outbreaks is minimized with antiviral drugs such as Valacyclovir. If you know precisely that you have genital herpes and do not want to go to your doctor for a prescription only or do not want to spend a lot of money on the drug, you can order Valacyclovir online from our online pharmacy. In order to purchase the medication from our drugstore you don’t need a prescription.
(Updated at Apr 14 / 2024)
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