FAQ about Kamagra Soft
If you want to buy Kamagra Soft you need to be aware of the mechanism of action of the medicine, indications and contraindications for its use, dosages, and possible side effects. You may also want to know the difference between the drug and other similar medications. In order to find out answers to all of these questions, read our guide based on frequently asked questions about the drug.
What is Kamagra Soft?
The drug is a version of the known medicine called Kamagra and used to treat erectile dysfunction or impotence. It is also based on the same active substance, Sildenafil citrate, as the most advertised medicine used for the disorder called Viagra. The drug differs from the above-mentioned medications only in the form and consistency, i.e. it comes in oral tablets that do not need to be taken with a glass of water but rather chewed. The medication has a fruit flavor making it enjoyable to consume and easily digested.
When should I use Kamagra Soft?
The medication is used in erectile dysfunction, i.e. when you are unable to achieve an erection or maintain a rigid erection during an entire sexual intercourse. If you experience the symptoms from time to time, it may be related to stress, tiredness, overeating and so on and does not require treatment. You should consider erectile enhancers such as Kamagra Soft use only if the symptoms are persistent.
How to use the drug?
Before you order Kamagra Soft, it is better to consult your doctor and find out precisely whether the drug is safe for you. The general recommended dosage of the medicine is 50 mg a day taken 30-60 minutes before a planned sexual intercourse. People aged over 60, men with liver or kidney problems should take a reduced dosage of 25 mg. The drug comes in three different dosages – 25 mg, 50 mg, and 100 mg. If you tolerate the medicine well and do not have any contraindications for the drug use, you can take 100 mg a day. Remember that pills should not be swallowed entirely. You have to chew the tablet and then it is easily swallowed without water.
Whom the drug is contraindicated?
The medicine is contraindicated only for people with serious chronic or acute conditions such as after a heart attack, severe cardiovascular disorders, liver or renal failure. It also should not be used in people who have allergic reactions to its components. The drug is also contraindicated to be taken with medicines based on nitrates. To be sure that the drug is safe for you, you need to consult your doctor and ask him to analyze your medical history and only then after the doctor says that the drug will do no harm to your body, you can buy Kamagra Soft and use it with a peace of mind.
What side effects can the drug cause?
The drug can cause such side effects as flushing, headache, diarrhea, congestion, and blurred or otherwise impaired vision. The side effects tend to fade quickly but if they don’t within an hour or two or even get worse, you should immediately seek medical attention.
How long the effect of the drug is observed?
If you take a generally recommended dosage and do not suffer from any disorder that may influence the absorption of the medicine, you will enjoy the effect within 4-8 hours after the drug intake. It doesn’t mean that you will have an erection for all the period but you will be ready to get a stable erection in stimulation and have a sexual intercourse within the time frame without any trouble.
How to buy Kamagra Soft?
If you have a prescription from your doctor, you can buy the drug at any regular drugstore that sells it. If you don’t want to go for a prescription to your doctor you can buy the drug from our online drugstore in just a couple of mouse clicks. You can also greatly save buying a generic version of the medicine instead of the brand-name drug and receive the same effect.
(Updated at Apr 14 / 2024)
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The statements contained herein are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. The statements are for informational purposes only and is it not meant to replace the services or recommendations of a physician or qualified health care practitioner. If you have questions about the drugs you are taking, check with your doctor, nurse, or pharmacist.