Generic Modalert – frequently asked questions
Before you decide to buy Generic Modalert, read our guide to the medication use and purchase based on the most frequently asked questions about the drug in order to be sure that it is what you really need. If you have a prescription from your doctor for the medicine known as Modalert, Provigil, or Modafinil by Sun Pharma, you can skip this step and proceed to the purchase of the medication right away.
What is Generic Modalert?
Generic Modalert is a name used by online pharmacies to let you easier find the drug you need. In general, under the name the drugs identical to Modalert, Provigil, and Modafinil are sold. The drugs are identical to the expensive brand-name drugs but are manufactured by other companies.
What is the difference between Generic Modalert and Modalert?
If you buy Generic Modalert from a reliable seller who works only with certified and good makers for the drugs, you can be sure that there will be no difference between the generic version and brand Modalert. The drugs are made using the same ingredients and formula and the difference between them is only formal – they have different registered names and prices. Obviously, the less advertised drugs are cheaper.
When can Generic Modalert be used?
Initially, the drug was designed to help people with narcolepsy but nowadays it is also used for obstructive sleep apnea, shift work sleep disorder, chronic fatigue syndrome, Parkinson’s disease, depression, and many other conditions as well as a cognitive function enhancer.
How to use the drug for narcolepsy treatment?
To manage sleepiness in narcolepsy, you should take a 200 mg pill once a day in the morning every day.
Can the drug cure narcolepsy?
No, to date there is no remedy for the disorder. Only taking wakefulness-promoting drugs on a daily basis you can get rid of sleepiness attacks but once you stop taking the pills, they will resume.
How to use the drug for shift work sleep disorder treatment?
Shift work sleep disorder occurs if you have trouble sleeping and staying awake during your night shift or a daytime after you had a night shift. In case you fall asleep during your night shift, you should take a 200 mg pill one hour before the shift start. If you suffer from daytime sleepiness, take a pill in the morning.
How to use Generic Modalert for obstructive sleep apnea?
Obstructive sleep apnea interferes with normal night sleep making it impossible to sleep enough even if you go to bed early. Though the condition needs the treatment of the underlying reason, you can beat up daytime sleepiness taking a 200 mg pill of Generic Modalert in the morning.
How to use Generic Modalert as a smart drug?
The medicine is quite popular as a so-called “smart drug” or cognitive function enhancer. In order to benefit from its effect, you can take a half of a 200 mg pill in the morning. If you cannot see the effect but tolerate the drug well, you can increase the dosage to 200 mg.
When is the drug contraindicated?
The drug is considered relatively safe though if you have an allergy to Modafinil or any other substance from the pills you should not take the drug. You should also be careful if you have any heart disease, increased blood pressure, severe liver or kidney dysfunction, or other chronic conditions or take any medications. In this case, you must consult your doctor before you start using the drug.
How to buy Generic Modalert without a prescription?
In the US and the UK the drug is sold with a prescription only though in other countries it is sold over-the-counter. In order to benefit from a no-prescription buy of the drug, you need to look for online pharmacies situated abroad. For example, our online pharmacy is placed in the country where we are able to sell the wakefulness-promoting drug without asking you for a prescription.
(Updated at Apr 14 / 2024)
Modafinil articles:
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The statements contained herein are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. The statements are for informational purposes only and is it not meant to replace the services or recommendations of a physician or qualified health care practitioner. If you have questions about the drugs you are taking, check with your doctor, nurse, or pharmacist.