Hepcinat online buy – advantages

Hepatitis C is a very serious condition that can be transmitted from parents to children when the baby is still in the womb or during medical procedures including injections, dental and other surgical operations. The virus is transmitted through blood and can be also acquired through tactile contact with infected people if you have any damaged skin or mucous. The disease is difficult to diagnose since it can flow symptomless until the very severe late stage in which other liver diseases or even kidney failure develop. Therefore, if you know that you have been in contact with people diagnosed with Hepatitis C or underwent an urgent surgery in an underdeveloped country or country with a high Hepatitis C infection rate, it would be wise to take blood tests.
The tests are quite inexpensive while the treatment of the virus, unfortunately, can be unaffordable to many people. In the United States, the cost of a 12-week treatment course is from $85,000 to $170,000. Nevertheless, it is better to find out whether you have a disease earlier. Not only it would be easier to treat but you will have to spend on the treatment much less money. Moreover, you don’t necessary need to buy brand name drugs. Hepcinat online buy is a perfect solution for an effective and cheaper treatment. Read further to know how and why the drug is cheaper than the brand medication and how can you purchase it.
What is Hepcinat and when is it used?
Hepcinat is a generic medication with the composition and effect identical to the expensive Sovaldi drug. Both medications are based on the antiviral agent called Sofosbuvir and need to be taken not less than for 12 weeks along with other medications chosen as a part of combination therapy.
The difference between the drugs is quite nominal: they have different names and prices. Generic medication was started to be manufactured after the brand drug according to the international policies and standards of the World Health Organization that promotes the production and distribution of essential medicines in a form of generics because brand drugs are commonly overpriced and not affordable to the majority of people from developing countries and even in the developed ones. For example, a package of Sovaldi that comprises 28 400mg pills is priced around $23,000 while Hepcinat online buy of the same number of pills from our drugstore is only $869,9. The difference is overwhelming, isn’t it? Obviously, even if you have money for the brand drug it is better to buy its cheaper version which is no way inferior and has all quality certificates and clinical trials results available to the public.
How to use Hepcinat?
The instruction for the medicine warns that the drug should not be used by pregnant or breastfeeding women as well as those who plan on a pregnancy in a short time. Though since the virus is transmitted from mother to a child, it would be wise to undergo the treatment first and only after the course plan on a pregnancy after finding out your treatment results and consulting your doctor. The drug is also not recommended for children younger than 18 years of age.
The daily dosage of the drug is one pill of 400 mg taken once a day in the morning. The general treatment course is 12 weeks or three months. However, you should consult your doctor for more precise information on the treatment course and the dosage suitable for you even if later you plan to opt for Hepcinat online buy and don’t need a prescription.
(Updated at Apr 13 / 2024)