Armod - generic form of Nuvigil
What is Generic Nuvigil?
Generic Armodafinil 150 mg is a new generation drug with amazing effect on brain and its functions. It is a precise replica of the brand name preparation called Nuvigil. This means that it has all the same features: effectiveness, active ingredient, dosage, safety, using recommendations and conditions in which prescribe. Both pharmaceutical products also have the same side effects, usually.
People choose generic medication over originals for one simple reason – they are much cheaper. One tablet of generic Nuvigil costs around $1 when one tablet of the original that has the same quality costs $10-20. This is a huge difference that makes generic medicine more popular than brand name preparations.
When To Use Nuvigil Or Its Generics?
There are many health problems that may be treated with Nuvigil, but let’s start with reasons that do not involve serious illnesses. Not only ill people use this drug. Healthy but extremely tired individuals do it as well. For example, imagine a student in a college that wants to get his scholarship and studies hard all the time for that. Spending tedious hours trying to remember all information and be able to recall it on tests may be really disturbing for the health of his brain.
As a result, the organism doesn’t get enough rest, stress adds tension and mental function collapse. To be able to continue studying many students find salvation in this particular smart drug. Its effect changes everything in a positive way. Being alerted by Nyvigil's active ingredient (Armodafinnil) brain nerve cells begin working more actively. On account of this activity, mental functions such as thinking, comprehension, memory and recollection become sharp and clear.
It feels like if the clouds in your head fade away and it becomes clear and bright. But do not confuse smart drugs with narcotics. Unlike last ones they do not cause addiction and severe consequences after withdrawal. There is another wonderful ability of such preparation as Generic Armod that makes life easier. It calls out and promotes creativeness and skillfulness of its consumers. Together with vigor, concentration and attention comes the torrent of new creative ideas and ways of their embodying.
People who have such job must be always ready to come up with a new idea and this particular drug not only gives enough energy and wakefulness for that but also stimulates appropriate brain cells to make the process easier and faster. Some sportsmen use Nuvigil or generics like Armod before their trainings. When the organism of a player is exhausted by exercises and constant prolonged and tiresome practice, this generic medicine by means of its active ingredient gives a person strength to continue. Besides, it makes the reaction faster and concentration better. Thus, players of all kinds of sport find it beneficial. There is only one problem – it can be detected (and this is for sure) by doping control. If you are a sportsman, talk to your coach first.
Side effects and Usage Recommendations
The Food and Drug Administration of the United States has recently approved Generic ANuvigil 150 mg to be completely safe preparation. But you should remember that even healthy nutrients must never be abused. Too much vitamins may lead to allergy and health problems, saying nothing about medications. Minor side effects of the drug are slight headache (easily defeating by aspirin), dizziness, nausea and stomach upset. Sometimes this is the way your body gets used to it and these symptoms disappear in few days.
There are also some major side effects of Nuvigil or Armod that may possibly appear:
— redness of skin;
— itching;
— allergy;
— swelling of lips, tongue, upper and lower appendages.
To avoid any unpleasant consequences follow next instructions.
Never increase the dosage, even if you think that it is not enough, better consult your doctor; help swallowing only with water, no gas, no alcohol; keep the medication away from children. If you work a normal working day (not night shifts), take the pill in the morning. Having 15 hours of activeness it will suit you good for the entire day. If you are not sure about your health condition (heart diseases, problems with liver or kidneys), consult your doctor.
(Updated at Apr 14 / 2024)
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The statements contained herein are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. The statements are for informational purposes only and is it not meant to replace the services or recommendations of a physician or qualified health care practitioner. If you have questions about the drugs you are taking, check with your doctor, nurse, or pharmacist.