How to increase your energy throughout the day
Many people suffer from the lack of energy during the day. Usually, people who have excessive weight tend to get tired faster than those who don’t. Obviously, the problem is that they are carrying a lot of weight and get their muscles, joints, and bones tiring faster. However, it is not the only cause. Overweight and obese people tend to have the excessive weight because of the imbalances in the body that are caused by an unhealthy diet and lack of exercising.
Dr. Anthony DeMaria, one of the co-founders of the DrguglessDoctors believes that when you lose weight correctly, you will also enjoy an energy boost as a side effect. You can either watch the video above or read the article to find out more about his tips for overweight people on how to normalize their weight and gain energy for a whole day.
Dr. Anthony DeMaria says that energy and weight loss go hand-in-hand. Usually, when people say that they are sluggish in the afternoon, it is mostly because they are eating too many carbs that are impacting their insulin levels and their blood sugar throughout the day. The multiple studies have been showing that some people that consume high-carb diets also consume five hundred more calories per day just to normalize their blood sugar levels. Dr. DeMaria says that if you feel exhausted in the afternoon it is because you’ve been eating inflammatory foods and that’s your body reaction to normalize blood sugar. Therefore, if you change the food you consume energy changes automatically. The doctor says that he sees in his clinical practice that people are exhausted because of stress and unhealthy food - they think they don’t have enough time to take necessary steps in order to be healthy. In his opinion, an additional measure that can help you be more energetic besides the anti-inflammatory food is to drink half of your body weight of water in ounces a day. He says that when he’s doing his workshops on healthy living, only a few people say that they drink enough water per day. While focusing on water consumption only, you can dramatically improve your health.
Another tip from Dr. DeMaria is to support your adrenal glands that are responsible for energy and normal weight. How can you support them? With minerals. For example, with something as simple as Celtic sea salt. He says that he sees energy rebound in his patients very quickly after they start using this salt as a supplement.
You can also find other mineral supplements for your particular case. And in order to suppress your appetite for carbs, you can buy one of the high-quality weight loss medications from our online drugstore.
(Updated at Apr 13 / 2024)