What is Generic Lithobid?
Lithobid or Generic Lithium drug is actually a Lithium Carbonate chemical component, and is used in the treatment of manic episodes caused by depression, bipolar disorders or similar conditions. It’s also used as a maintenance treatment for people with bipolar disorder. The drug increases the flow of sodium through the body, including muscle and nerve mass, affecting manic behavior and inhibiting it. Lithium as a chemical component is toxic, so you should stay spot on with your dosage and never change it unless you consult your doctor. The tablet should be swallowed whole for the maximal effect.
Lithobid is a brand name for the medicine Lithium. It is prescribed mainly for treating bipolar depression, particularly for alleviating manic episodes in afflicted persons. Lithobid can also be effective for treating other disorders including depression, psychosis, schizophrenia, controlling impulsively aggressive behaviors, and aggressive behaviors in ADHD patients. Even though Lithium has been used for medically since the 19th century, researchers are still unsure exactly how this medicine works to treat mental health disorders. It is believed that one of its mechanisms of action is affecting sodium flow throughout the nerves and muscle cells of the body.
How to take generic Lithobid
It is critical that you take generic Lithobid exactly as prescribed by your doctor. Your doctor will need to carefully monitor your blood serum levels while you take Lithobid because too much Lithium can result in toxicity. The dosage strength that you take can greatly alter your reaction to and benefits received from the medicine. Generally, adults with acute mania in outpatient care take 1800 mg Lithobid daily divided into 2 doses of 900 mg (three Lithobid tablets) throughout the day. For long-term treatment with Lithobid, the dosage of the medicine is usually 1200 mg divided up into 2 doses of 600 mg. Never take more Lithobid than recommended and do not stop taking the medicine until your doctor tells you to do so. Lithobid should be taken regularly on a schedule. Dosages are typically taken in the morning and nighttime.
Lithobid Side Effects
As with other anti depressants drugs, Lithobid Lithium may result in some adverse side effects. Side effects which typically are not serious include feeling drowsy, thirstiness, frequent urination, water retention, and small tremors in hands. Let your health care provider know at once if you experience any of the following side effects which may be serious: diarrhea, vomiting, become feverish, dizzy spells, loss of coordination, feeling confused, slurring while speaking, blurry eyesight, large tremors, loss of conscious, changes to eyesight, convulsions, changes to pulse, inflamed joints, or color changes or pain in extremities.
What to Discuss with Your Doctor before you Order Lithobid Online
Before you purchase Lithobid, make sure that your doctor knows of your full, updated medical history. Some medical conditions may make it unsafe for you to use Lithobid or you may require additional monitoring. Particularly ensure your doctor knows if you have: cardiovascular problems, renal problems, hypothyroidism, urination problems, convulsion disorders, Parkinson’s disease, leukemia, are very dehydrated, or psoriasis. Always inform your health care provider that you are taking Lithobid before you have any medical operation, including dental surgeries. Do not take Lithobid while pregnant unless your doctor deems it is absolutely necessary. Inform your doctor at once if you become pregnant while taking Lithobid. Do not breastfeed while taking Lithobid. As Lithobid can cause dizziness, avoid activities which require your alertness (such as driving) until you are certain you can perform them safely.
Interactions with Lithobid
Do not buy Lithobid online until you have told your doctor of all medications, drugs, and supplements that you take or have recently taken, especially: sibutramine, ACE inhibitor drugs, carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, laxatives, calcium channel blockers, medications for mental health disorders, medicines against inflammation (including NSAIDs like ibuprofen), anticonvulsants, and diuretics. You should avoid consuming too much sodium (salt) while taking Lithobid. Some over-the-counter medications, such as antacids, may contain sodium.
Lithium Overdose
It is very important that you do not take more Lithobid Lithium than you were prescribed as this medicine can cause a serious side effect. Before you order Lithobid online, talk to your doctor about the symptoms of an overdose. They may include: convulsions, severe fatigue, loss of coordination, blurry eyesight, fainting, diarrhea, vomiting, and hearing ringing sounds. Get immediate medical help if you have symptoms of Lithobid overdose.
Where can I buy Lithobid?
Lithium is a commonly prescription anti depressant drug and it can be bought in virtually every local pharmacy. However, not all pharmacies will carry generic Lithium, like Lithobid. If you want to save money on your prescription, you can order Lithobid online through our cheap generic shop. The Lithobid sold online is FDA approved and the exact equal to major brand name versions, such as Lithosun. You will need a prescription to buy Lithobid online though you may be able to get a free prescription by submitting your medical information for an online doctor to review. Always make sure that you order the right dosage strength when you buy Lithobid online. This generic Lithium comes in 300 mg dosages.
(Updated at Apr 14 / 2024)