What is generic Provigil? Where to buy online?
Provigil or Waklert Generic or Armodafinil by Sun Pharma is frequently used non-prescription to inhibit the sleep needs, while it refines short-term memory after sleep loss. This drug is also used without a doctor’s prescription against general fatigue unrelated to lack of sleep. For example, it is used for the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and as an addition to the antidepressants (especially in individuals with considerable residual fatigue). But, additionally, Armodafinil is frequently used by doctors for a variety of purposes. This drug treats depression and fatigue during depression. It also can be taken against fibromalgii, myotonic dystrophy, chronic fatigue syndrome, cerebral palsy and Parkinson’s disease. It improves the subjective mood and friendliness, at least, in shift-workers.
Possible applications
In the United States and in many other countries, drugs are designed for certain application. They can be prescribed by doctors for various purposes to suit the individual needs of the patient. Specialists call and practice such use as off-label.
Patients use Armodafinil to treat in jet lag disorder. Provigil is effective and well tolerated treatment for patients with the syndrome of seasonal affective disorder. Also, it can be appointed by some doctors during the syndrome of "owl". It affects people with attention deficit, low excitability of the nervous system, and increased sleepiness. But, clinical studies have not been conducted.
Waklert helps in excessive daytime sleepiness and fatigue caused by cirrhosis. There was a significant reduction in the symptoms of fatigue by Epworth Sleepiness Scale after two months of treatment.
Laboratory measurements show that 60% of Armodafinil bounds to plasma proteins in therapeutic concentrations. The greatest concentration is achieved in 2-3 hours after intake. Simultaneous food intake slows down absorption. It does not affect the total area under the concentration-time curve ("concentration-time"). The half-life usually takes 10-12 hours. But it can vary depending on the genotype of cytochrome P450 enzymes, liver and kidney functions. Generic Provigil metabolizes in the liver, inactive metabolites excret in the urine. Urinary excretion of the unchanged Waklert varies depending on various factors, from 0% to a maximum of 18.7%.
Mechanism of action
Studies show that Generic Provigil "has a low potential of serious abuse" and "does not produce addiction." The combined impact of Armodafinil on catecholamine and histamine reduces the abuse potential compared to traditional stimulant medications. At the same time, it saves the effectiveness against sleepiness.
The certain mechanism or set of mechanisms of interaction is unclear. There were intensive studies of the interaction of Waklert with a large number of neurotransmitters. Waklert, like other stimulants, increases the release of monoamines. Property highlights reaction of norepinephrine, catecholamines, and dopamine from the synaptic gaps. But, it increases histamine levels of the hypothalamus.
Indications and dosage regimen
In some countries, Provigil was also approved by state regulators in hypersomnia treatment. Hypersomnia - pathological daytime sleepiness, causes of which are not diagnosed. In all cases, the daily dosage should not exceed 400 mg. Waklert administration during the second half of the day is not recommended. Waklert exists from the body after 12-15 hours and can interfere with the normal night’s sleep. In general, dosing recommendations range from 100 to 400 mg per day, in 1-2 reception.
Specialists recommend to take a single 200 mg dose 1 hour before the shift in the treatment of sleepiness associated with shift work. A good effect is also achieved with a single application of 300 mg.
Doctors recommend to take the Waklert in the morning in a single 200mg dosage. This helps to treat hypersomnia associated with narcolepsy and obstructive sleep apnea. There are clinical data, according to which the use twice a day (morning and noon) is more effective. Single receiving of 400 mg does not increase efficiency compared with a dosage of 200 mg.
There are different opinions about the cognitive effects that Provigil shows in healthy people. Are they enough for people who do not suffer from lack of sleep to consider it as a cognitive enhancer?
The researchers agree that Armodafinil improves some aspects of short-term memory. This include remembering numbers, calculations and pattern recognition. The results related to spatial memory, executive functions and attention are contradictory. Armodafinil restored the ability to learn to normal levels in methamphetamine-dependent people. Even so, it showed no effect on healthy people.
People use Waklert for other purposes. It suppresses the need for sleep. It is also used without a doctor’s prescription against general fatigue unrelated to lack of sleep. As example, people use armodafinil in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. It is an adjunct to antidepressants (especially in individuals with considerable residual fatigue).
Contraindications and warnings
Patients should not combine Waklert with alcohol. It may reduce the effectiveness of certain contraceptives. The particular can lead to unintended pregnancy.
You should consult with the doctor before using Provigil 150mg, especially if you:
– have a heart disease, in particular left ventricular hypertrophy, or mitral valve prolapse. Asymptomatic mitral valve prolapse is common, but it is not discussed in the context of the use of Provigil.
– have an increased sensitivity to Waklert or other components of the tablets such as lactose or lactose monohydrate. Cardiovascular disease and cirrhosis during the administration of stimulants are warnings.
Adverse effects
Armodafinil or generic Provigil may have a negative impact on the effect of hormonal contraceptives. The effect lasts for a month after the cycle.
– Common side effects of Waklert: headache, anxiety, nausea, feeling anxious, diarrhea, dizziness, insomnia.
– Dangerous side effects include: rash, severe allergic reactions, blistering or peeling of the skin or throat feet.
How to buy Generic Provigil?
You can buy generic provigil 200mg directly from our online pharmacy RxShopMD at affordable prices.
(Updated at Apr 15 / 2024)
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