Arrogant personality: what it is, and characteristics of this way of being.
Let's see what the arrogant personality consists of, its causes, and how it expresses itself in relationships.
Of all personality traits, arrogance is among the least easy to put up with. An arrogant, haughty and arrogant person can ruin our perfect day.
The arrogant personality is one of the most difficult to endure.The arrogant personality, with such negative and destructive traits that even the most empathetic, cordial and peaceful person can end up having to laugh at a truly unpleasant individual.
Unfortunately, in our life we will have to interact on more than one occasion with this type of individuals and, therefore, it is essential to learn to identify them, understand their particular type of personality and know how to deal with such arrogant people, something that we will see below.
The arrogant personality and its characteristics
In life there are all kinds of people. Some are what we call "light beings", very good, nice, positive and well-intentioned people. We would like to relate only to these types of people, but as in life there are always lights and shadows, it is inevitable to have to face on more than one occasion with the other extreme, with people who meet the opposite characteristics.
In the course of our lives it is inevitable to come across people who are terribly arrogant.. Surely you know some of them. They are those people who seem to play roles, as if they were in a movie playing the villain with dictatorial, haughty and arrogant traits.
They They look down on you and behave as if they were the best in the world, but to their regret they have nothing to justify their air of grandeur and superiority. They are people who think they are more than they really are.
They are not people who exactly win our sympathy. Even if we are very tolerant, understanding people, who always try to see the best in others, arrogant people can exasperate us, make us lose our composure.
They awaken a lot of emotions considered "negative": frustration, discomfort, fear.Frustration, discomfort, fear, anger, psychological suffering... they can even cause our self-esteem to deteriorate because of their toxic comments.
Although it would be ideal to be able to change their way of being, this is rarely achieved and the best thing to do is to flee from arrogant people. However, it is not always easy to spot an arrogant person, it is not always easy to detect such a person at a glance.But fortunately it is possible to learn how to do it, understanding what causes could be behind their particular personality and being aware of what their main characteristics are.
Causes of the arrogant personality
Without wanting to justify the harmful, toxic and contemptuous behavior that arrogant people have, it is necessary to comment that everything has an origin, a cause behind that has made a person behave arrogantly. There are certain psychological reasons behind that have motivated a person to act the way he does and these are, mainly, the following:
1. Too much self-esteem
Having too much self-esteem is associated with arrogance especially when the person in question does something that he/she sees that others have not achievedThe person uses pride to make others aware of all his successes, rejoicing in the envy he has sown in others.
The person uses pride to make others know all his successes, rejoicing in the envy he has sown in others.
2. Low self-esteem
Low self-esteem is often a source of psychological discomfort and dysfunctional behaviors, arrogance being one of them. Many people with arrogant attitudes feel a deep frustration and dissatisfaction with life.
In order to protect themselves from the harm that others may do to themThe arrogant person displays a haughty attitude in order to feel better about himself and hide his deep insecurity behind a mask that he believes gives others to understand that he is much better than they are. Arrogance is his defense mechanism.
3. Need to seek attention
Despite the fact that the behaviors of arrogant people often have a very negative impact on others, it is often the case that what they really want is to seek their attention and get the approval of others..
Characteristics of arrogant people
We can highlight a number of characteristics that can serve as signs to detect an arrogant person. The main characteristics of the arrogant personality are:
1. Hypocritical attitude
Arrogant people usually have a very hypocritical attitude towards others, but always behaving to achieve their goals.
This is evidenced by the fact that they may behave in very different ways depending on how behave in very different ways depending on the person they are talking toThey will praise those whom they believe could give them some kind of advantage and treat very badly those whom they feel are beneath them.
2. Constant competitiveness
Haughty people are very competitive. They try to increase their self-esteem by being or showing themselves to be better than others in every possible aspect.. In these cases, haughty people are more concerned about getting everything than about the welfare of their friends, peers and family.
They are very hedonic individuals, focused on their own desire, satisfaction and benefit, even if that means hurting others. They are so competitive that they may harm others, physically and verbally, to achieve their goals. They lack scruples.
3. Contempt for others
Normally, because of their insecurity, when they see that the people around them Excel in some ability, overbearing people usually try to belittle those virtues. usually try to belittle these virtues and extol their own.especially if they see the people in their social environment as competitors.
4. They act with superiority
Arrogant people believe they are always right, even if they do not have the slightest idea about the subject they are talking about, and it is even embarrassing to see them talking about it.
They also believe they are right in any situation, even pretending to be victims.o. These people will always see their attitude as justified because they feel better than others and act with superiority.
They believe they have the right to treat others badly, putting them in a position of inferiority. They lack self-criticism and humility in them is conspicuous by its absence.
5. Little self-knowledge
Despite believing they are better than others, it sounds ironic to say that an arrogant person hardly knows himself. They have very little self-knowledge, especially with regard to their shortcomings. Their self-image is distortedThis causes them to tend towards grandiloquence, believing themselves to be better than they really are.
As they do not know very well in what they fail and are not humble in that aspect, they will not feel identified in certain defects that they usually have, for example, not being nice to others or lacking kindness.
6. Absolute Egocentrism
They love to talk about themselves, a trait inherent to arrogance. Egocentrism is the most striking characteristic of overbearing, arrogant and haughty people, who tend to talk a lot about themselves in spite of They tend to talk a lot about themselves even though the original topic of conversation did not lead to it..
7. Zero tolerance for criticism
Everyone is affected by criticism, even those that are well-intentioned and constructive. However, in the case of arrogant people it is excessive, he cannot tolerate them under any circumstances.
In fact, their inability to withstand criticism is so severe that they are able to break off friendships because of it, their inability to bear criticism is so severe that they are capable of breaking off friendships because of it, and even turning someone into their worst enemyThey can even turn someone into their worst enemy for the simple fact that they told them their opinion and did not take it very well.
How to deal with an arrogant person?
Arrogant people can bring us a lot of psychological discomfort, which is why it is extremely advisable to stay away from this type of individuals. However, this is not always possible, especially if the arrogant person in question is an unpleasant relative or a despot boss. For this reason, we are going to discover ways to deal with this type of individual.
1. Assume that the other person feels superior.
No matter what you do, no matter how much merit you have achieved, the arrogant person will always feel superior to you. Accept this. By this we do not mean that you accept his superiority, because he does not have it, but to understand that his way of thinking about the world is to believe he is better than others. but to understand that their way of thinking about the world is to believe that they are better than others..
We can only accept his attitude, but without believing his position. If she undervalues us, we must know that it is not because we are worse, but because her mind is so distorted about others and about herself that she does not act objectively. It is necessary to give little importance to his arrogance.
2. Do not try to improve it
Arrogant people are complicated to readjust socially, even by the action of psychological therapy. If you do not have the necessary knowledge and experience to be able to change their harmful attitude. to be able to change their harmful and toxic attitude, trying to improve arrogant people is simply a waste of time, energy and patience.
As we have already mentioned, arrogant people often have low self-esteem and lack empathy towards others. Trying to change them is useless if he or she is not able to detect his or her own problem.
3. Communicate your feelings to mentally healthy people
A good way to avoid losing our sanity is to communicate our feelings to other people, to tell them how the arrogant person treats us. This will not make the arrogant person in question change, but at least it will allow us to stay mentally healthy.
Telling others how we feel every time our arrogant acquaintance says vexatious and derogatory remarks to us can help us see that he is not right, that what he says to us is simply a product of his distorted image of the world and of himself. With a little luck we will find enough social support so that the arrogant person becomes more and more isolated.
4. Set limits
To the extent that you can, it is a very good idea to set boundaries with the person who constantly displays arrogance.. Try to interact as little as possible with her and distance yourself if you can. We can hardly change her, but we can put some ground in the middle to prevent her harmful comments from having an effect on us.
5. Be empathetic
Although the way arrogant people act invites us to behave in all possible ways and none of them are good, we must try to be empathetic, show that virtue that arrogant individuals lack..
People do not behave in a toxic way with others just because, there must be an explanation behind it, a psychological disorder or a serious problem of self-esteem, psychological problems that the person has not known how to manage.
This does not justify their behavior, but it does determine their way of being and taking this into account will help us to understand that they really are individuals, that they have the problem, not us, and that all the bad things they say and do to us are the result of them being broken inside.
(Updated at Apr 14 / 2024)