The 10 benefits of emotional education
These are the main psychological benefits of having a good emotional education.
Human beings live constantly surrounded by their own and other people's emotions. In the field of healthy social relationships, our task is to know how to identify them, analyze them, understand them and act accordingly and in a relatively adaptive way, although this is not always easy.
In fact, emotional management is sometimes a much more complex task than it seems at first glance and in which some people have some difficulty.
Educating possible emotional deficits in people who need it (and of any age) becomes an essential objective, since only in this way will they be able to overcome their limitations and recurrent mistakes they may make on an emotional level in their daily lives.
Emotional education is an area of psychology that has been widely studied during the last decades and that consists of working and teaching those competences and skills necessary to satisfactorily manage one's own or other people's emotions.
Taking into account that emotional education is of great importance to relate correctly with the environment, let's review its main benefits..
What are the benefits that emotional education gives us?
In the educational field, the emotional education has every time a more specific weight thanks to the great amount of advantages and positive aspects that it contributes in the person who goes through it. Below we highlight the most important ones.
1. Educates about prejudices
In the world of human relationships and emotions, there are a number of prejudices about experiencing and expressing emotions that can only be successfully overcome through good emotional education, especially in childhood and adolescence.
For example, people who justify stereotypes linked to gender roles and the belief that there are emotions or feelings that belong to men or women show unmistakable signs of poor emotional education.
Fortunately, it is possible to free oneself from these prejudices through an educational process in which the person learns that everyone can experience all kinds of emotions, and there is no problem with that.
Identifying emotions 2.
As has been indicated, the identification of emotions is one of the essential elements of emotional education. This consists of being able to recognize one's own emotions as well as those of others that may be negative or generate discomfort in the individual who feels them.
Whether they are positive or negative emotions, knowing how to recognize them and being able to express them in words helps us to know ourselves better, as well as the people we are dealing with. ourselves and the people around us. This phenomenon is known as "emotional labeling".
An example of the great usefulness of a good identification of emotions is the fact of expressing negative emotions that may be linked to bad memories, traumas or anxious situations. Knowing how to identify them correctly can help us to overcome these emotional difficulties.
3. It makes it possible to measure the progress achieved
With emotional intelligence, many people are able to incorporate into their daily lives a series of essential social skills to relate to their environment in an adaptive to relate to their environment in an adaptive way and achieve the desired success with each interaction.
In addition to that, this process of emotional education also allows to evaluate the achievements that have been acquired and to have an overall perspective of the path traveled by the person at an emotional level from the beginning to the culmination of the same process.
4. Helps to detect self-esteem problems
Another of the most outstanding benefits offered by emotional education has a direct impact on the level of self-esteem of people and consists of the detection of possible problems or deficits associated with self-esteem..
Learning to recognize one's own emotions is a good way to detect self-esteem deficits in oneself, which is a starting point to begin to overcome these and other difficulties and achieve a higher level of self-esteem.
In the same way, identifying those positive aspects of oneself has a positive impact on increasing one's self-esteem, which has positive repercussions on one's own self-esteem.This fact has positive repercussions at all levels of the individual, both personal and in his social relations.
5. Improvement of the interpersonal relations
One of the main objectives of emotional education is to provide people with useful tools to relate correctly with the people around them.
Understanding the emotions, intentions and feelings of others helps us to be able to connect with them relatively quickly.This fact has a positive influence on the affective relationships or friendships that we can establish in the future.
6. Learning to discuss
People with little or no emotional education are usually more likely to get angry during a discussion of any kind with people around them, whether they are close friends, in the field of the couple or with a family member.
Emotional education teaches us to to manage our emotions correctly in any area of our life, also in discussions or in moments of tension, when we are more likely to lose our composure. where we are more likely to lose our composure.
Concepts such as discussion management, modulation of emotional reactions or frustration tolerance are concepts that are highly developed both at a theoretical and practical level in the field of emotional management.
7. Increases self-awareness
As indicated, emotional education helps us both to better understand others and to understand ourselves and our own emotional experiences. understand ourselves and our own emotional experiences..
It is evident that people who are able to successfully detect their own emotions also tend to know how to cope with or overcome negative emotions and likewise how to achieve more positive emotional states.
8. Improving empathy
Empathy is the ability to put oneself in another person's place, as well as to understand what they are feeling, what their emotions are or what they are going through at the present moment..
This emotional competence is essential to be able to communicate successfully with other people and is one of the classic skills of emotional education.
Without being able to put ourselves in the other person's place or to understand his or her situation, we will never be able to successfully carry out a relationship of any kind, be it friendship, affection, family or work.
9. Emotional Autonomy
Emotional autonomy is another of the fundamental elements belonging to the field of emotional education and consists in the capacity of not feeling excessively affected by events that generate a potentially destabilizing emotional impact.
Achieving sufficient freedom to live our emotions autonomously and without being influenced by others. and without being influenced by anyone is just as important as being sensitive enough to identify the feelings and emotions of others.
10. It makes Emotional Intelligence emerge
Emotional intelligence can be summarized as the set of all the elements mentioned above, from the recognition of one's own or other people's emotions to the ability to achieve an effective social interaction in the emotional sphere..
Emotional intelligence consists, more specifically, in the management of emotions adapted to the context in which we operate. This means using our intelligence in a way that has a positive impact on our well-being or that of those around us.
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(Updated at Apr 12 / 2024)