The 10 habits to reduce stress in everyday life
A series of habits to reduce stress in everyday life in a simple way.
Stress has become a common tonic for some people who live constantly in a state of stress either caused by their work situation, emotional or both.
On most occasions, stress prevents us from carrying out our daily activities correctly and the truth is that according to experts, prolonged exposure to very high levels of stress can have a very negative impact on people's lives.
Fortunately, today we can carry out a series of very useful habits for the very useful habits for the day to day with which to begin to reduce our levels of stress and start a full, healthy and and to initiate a full, healthy and more relaxed life.
Habits to reduce stress in daily life.
If you are going through a stressful situation and you want to know them in order to put them into practice, here you will find the main recommended keys that we can put into practice to reduce stress.
1. Sleep the necessary hours
Having a good night's sleep is highly recommended to perform properly during working hours and successfully complete all tasks or activities that we must perform during the day.
Health professionals recommend sleeping between 7 and 8 hours a day to achieve a restful sleep, although some people need a few more or less to feel rested the next morning.
The important thing is to maintain a more or less constant schedule from week to week, i.e., going to bed and getting up at night.that is to say, to go to bed and get up at more or less the same time and to prevent other activities from distracting us from going to sleep at our own time.
2. Habits to fall asleep
Some people have real difficulty falling asleep in a short time. This is a problem, not least because lack of sleep makes us much more vulnerable to anxiety and stress; being less equipped to cope with the challenges of daily life, we feel we must "compensate" by being very alert.
It is in these cases it is advisable to carry out routines of conciliation of the sleep every nightthat is to say, habits that relax us in the hours before going to sleep and predispose us to fall asleep.
Some of these habits can be: reading for a while before going to bed, taking a relaxing tea, taking a hot bath, having a light dinner, listening to quiet music or drinking a glass of warm milk.
Similarly, there are some activities that are not recommended, such as eating a large dinner, exercising or watching a cell phone or TV screen for a long time just before bedtime.
3. Organize schedules
As we have said before, the establishment of constant and regular schedules throughout the week will allow us to have a clearer idea in our head of the day ahead and it is also very useful to plan the different tasks that we must carry out today or the next day.
Organization is an indispensable requirement to successfully carry out any activity and it is also highly recommended to organize our life. is also highly recommended to organize our life in a calm way, something that will undoubtedly help to reduce the number of tasks we have to do today or the next day.This will undoubtedly help to reduce our stress levels.
4. The importance of free time
After a long day at work, we all need some time to disconnect from our daily obligations and relax a little. In this way we can reduce our stress levels and dedicate some time to leisure or personal well-being.
Time off is essential to recover energies and avoid any type of problem associated with overwork, such as the Syndrome of Stress.This can be Burnout Syndrome or Burnt-out Worker Syndrome, a disorder that seriously affects a person's mental health.
That is why it is so necessary to find time every day to do activities that fulfill us on a personal level, such as playing sports, writing, walking or practicing our favorite hobby.
In addition to reducing stress, the hours dedicated to free time also serve to improve our mood and have a positive impact on any area of our life. positively affects any area of our mental and physical health..
5. Maintain a full social life
Similarly, people also need to maintain social contact with our friends, partner or family, contact that increases our levels of well-being and happiness.
Social relationships make us feel better about ourselves, which is why it is necessary for us as human beings to take care of our relationship with our partner, friends or family on a daily basis. On the contrary, isolation makes us feel worse and our levels of discomfort or stress are higher.
Having close contact with those close to us and sharing both problems that may arise on a daily basis and the successes and good news of the day. as well as daily successes and good news is also a good way to reduce stress levels caused by professional demands.
Verbalizing our problems in a conversation with a loved one or writing them down on paper are good ways to improve our stress levels, as they help to narrow down and conceptually limit the origin and scope of the problem that worries you.
6. Practice relaxation techniques
Relaxation techniques have been very useful to reduce daily stress levels and some of them have proven their effectiveness in the field of scientific experimentation, such as Mindfulness and Jacobson's Progressive Muscle Relaxation.
Mindfulness or Mindfulness is based on traditional Hindu meditation and consists of focusing solely on oneself and the present moment and emptying the mind of thoughts of the past, present or any content other than the here and now.
On the other hand, Jacobson's Progressive Muscular Relaxation is another very useful technique that can be used in our day to day life and that consists of consciously relaxing all the muscles of the body by performing voluntary exercises of alternating tension and relaxation in each one of them.
7. To exercise
The daily physical activity is also necessary to take a healthy life to all the levels, is for that reason that the professionals of the health recommend to make moderate physical exercise, mainly if it is aerobic.
The realization of any physical activity more or less intense helps us to be healthy at a physical level and also in the mental and psychological sphere, reducing the levels of stress and stress.It also reduces levels of stress, anxiety or discomfort in general.
8. To have stimulating hobbies
As indicated, the personal hobbies that each of us may have are essential to reduce our daily stress levels and to disconnect for a while after work.
In this regard, it is important to note that stimulating hobbies that require a greater emotional or intellectual involvement are those that are more satisfying to do and allow us to relieve tension.For example, learning a language, building models, painting, writing or getting involved for a while in a social project.
9. Change your diet
Changing daily eating habits has helped many people to reduce their stress levels, and with the help of a health professional, we can achieve a diet that helps to reduce stress, we can achieve a diet that contributes to live in a more relaxed way..
Some recommendations in this regard may be: drink less coffee or directly replace it with tea, eat more nuts, vegetables or citrus fruits and change processed foods for fresh and healthy foods.
10. Be realistic about our capabilities
Some people live with a high level of stress because they believe they are capable of doing all the tasks they set out to do during the day regardless of the circumstances that arise.
A good way to reduce stress is also to not overtax yourself to impossible levels. not pushing yourself to impossible levels and to take into account the own limitations of each one when it is necessary, without that supposes a detriment in the successful accomplishment of the daily work.
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(Updated at Apr 12 / 2024)