The 80 best phrases of protest
Quotes and reflections on protests that reflect the nuances of this form of social expression.
Protests are usually the last resort of a marginalized or oppressed society that needs to express its needs in order to cry out for an effective solution.
Thanks to these demonstrations, history has progressed and many groups have been able to translate their interests into political and social change.
In this article we will take a look at the best phrases of protestcommented.
The most memorable phrases of protest
To remind us of the struggles and achievements through rebellions, we bring a compilation with the best phrases of protest.
A person has the right to protest and the State must protect his life, whatever the nature of the protest. (Pablo Milanés)
Protest is a right of expression.
2. Because anyone who is one inch above us is an enemy. (Ricardo Flores Magón)
A reflection on social inequalities.
3. When an individual is protesting against society's refusal to recognize his dignity as a human being, his act of protest confers dignity. (Bayard Rustin)
Many protests are a sign of a lack of basic resources.
4. The Heart is such a fascinating and noble worker that in its labor it makes a single protest, science calls it cardiac arrest.
Even our body protests when we are not taking care of it.
5. A feminist is anyone who recognizes equality and full humanity in women and men. (Gloria Steinem)
The real goal behind feminism.
6. You have the right to express freely whatever you are allowed to say. (Roger Wolfe)
Freedom of speech is one thing and hateful insults to everyone is another.
7. Many of us may die, but hopefully we can create a better world.
What need is there to always remain in senseless conflicts?
8. Society has simply become the new divinity to be protested against and redressed if it does not meet the expectations it has created. (Friedrich August von Hayek)
Society also needs to move forward.
9. Rebellion is the original virtue of man. (Arthur Schopenhauer)
A virtue that we should take advantage of when necessary and only for noble objectives.
10. The protest of the poor is heard even by God, but does not reach the ear of man. (Félicité Robert de Lamennais)
There are governments that only look after the welfare of their promoters.
11. I have not lost faith in God. I have moments of anger and protest. Sometimes I have been close to him for that reason. (Elie Wiesel)
Sometimes it is necessary to protest against something in order to be reconciled.
12. Rebellion is the only worthy refuge of intelligence in the face of imbecility. (Arturo Pérez-Reverte)
Seeking our own knowledge can be an act of protest.
13. We ignore our true stature until we stand up. (Emily Dickinson)
We tend to underestimate ourselves, until we try.
14. There is no barrier, no lock, no bolt that you can impose on the freedom of my mind. (Virginia Woolf)
Never let anyone limit your ideas.
15. do you protest like a citizen or remain silent like a subject? (Nach)
Choices we sometimes have to make.
16. The spirit of reconstruction arises from the deep instinct of the human being as a realistic protest and as a symbol of his will to live. (Alvar Aalto)
Change is always necessary.
17. Dada was an extreme protest against the physical side of painting. It was a metaphysical attitude. (Marcel Duchamp)
Even in art there were revolutions.
18. Social protest is delegitimized when, in order to vindicate rights, fear and violence are used to screw the rest of the people. (Luis Gabriel Carrillo Navas)
No protest should attempt against the rights of innocent people.
19. If you are given a lined paper, write on the back. (Juan Ramón Jiménez)
Why comply with standards that do not represent us?
20. The bravest act is still to think for yourself. Out loud. (Coco Chanel)
Raise your voice at all times.
21. Thanks to freedom of expression, today it is possible to say that a ruler is useless without anything happening to us. Neither can it happen to the ruler. (Jaume Perich)
A sad reality. Although this should not be an invitation to be silent.
22. Rebellion consists of looking at a rose until one's eyes are pulverized. (Alejandra Pizarnik)
See beauty where others do not believe it exists.
To rebel is to give light and form to the cry of new ideas. (Joe Ar)
A protest can be an opportunity for other people.
To protest is to refuse to be reduced to zero and to refuse to be silenced. (John Berger)
A rebellion is the right to be heard.
25. Protests are part of our democracy. (Michel Temer)
In fact, they are an essential part of it.
26. He who does not move does not listen to the rattling of his chains.
If you don't get out of your comfort zone, how do you expect to get ahead?
27. There is no feminine thinking. The brain is not a sexual organ. (Charlotte Perkins)
Your thoughts have no gender, deconstruct those ideas.
28. Let nothing limit us. Let nothing define us. Let nothing subdue us. Let freedom be our own substance. (Simone de Beauvoir)
Freedom must be our right and our ultimate goal.
29. I cry out that I believe in nothing and that everything is absurd, but I cannot doubt my cry and I need, at least, to believe in my protest. (Albert Camus)
Believe in your convictions.
30. The main thing about a protest is not that it is a sacrifice made in pursuit of an alternative, more just future. (John Berger)
A protest must always have a purpose.
31. I realize that protest paintings are not exactly fashionable, but I've done a lot of them. (Robert Indiana)
Art contains numerous protests hidden in its paintings.
32. I protest because I am convinced, not to convince. (Angel Crespo)
We should never convince others to have the same ideas as us.
I am not accepting the things I cannot change, I am changing the things I cannot accept. (Angela Davis)
The change we should all make.
34. In a truly free state, thought and speech must be free. (Suetonius)
If a state enacts freedom, it must be absolute.
35. When one is young, it is easy to feel upset and protest about many things, but then one realizes that if one manages to control oneself one causes less trouble. (Sōseki Natsume)
Sometimes our nonconformity is just irrational personal discontent.
36. Protest, against what? Against everything. (Dámaso Alonso)
Against everything that does not allow you to grow.
37. Not voting is not a protest. It is a surrender. (Keith Ellison)
Not to vote is to give away your surrender.
38. A young person who does not protest does not please me, the young person has the illusion of utopia and utopia is not always bad. (Pope Francis)
Protests usually come from dissatisfied young people.
39. There are few weapons in the world as powerful as a girl with a book in her hand. (Malala Yousafzai)
In a world where women have no rights, educating them is a rebellion.
40. Freedom is always freedom for those who think differently. (Rosa Luxemburg)
Freedom is a space to express ourselves as we are without fear.
41. Nobody listens to you if you don't protest. (El Chojin)
Sometimes you have to raise your voice fiercely so that they listen to you.
42. Contrary to the usual pattern I have gradually become more rebellious as I grow older. (Bertrand Russell)
Never allow yourself to believe that you are too old to do anything you want to do.
43. To seek happiness in this life, therein lies the true spirit of rebellion. (Katherine Pancol)
Seek your happiness, even if no one agrees with your dreams.
44. What is art, after all, but a protest against the horrible outdoors of life? (Aldous Huxley)
Works of art are the ultimate expression of opinion.
45. By disobedience and rebellion progress has been made. (Oscar Wilde)
Progress is when we defy restrictive traditions.
46. Freedom of speech is saying what people do not want to hear. (George Orwell)
That is a form of manipulation and blackmail.
47. Why should a child have to endure an escrache at the door of his house? (Felipe González)
To rebel against the families can be the first step to reach that desired future.
48. It is not suffering, but the hope of better things that incites rebellions. (Eric Hoffer)
A rebellion is constituted by hope.
49. I am like a one-woman protest machine. (Lydia Lunch)
You have all the tools to get ahead.
50. Oppressed men, it is a tragedy. Oppressed women, it's tradition. (Letty Cottin)
The world must also recognize women's struggles.
51. Freedom of expression is the basis of human rights, the root of human nature and the mother of truth. (Liu Xiaobo)
Without freedom of expression, we are slaves to concealment.
52. As long as the world exists, there will be injustice. And if no one objected and no one rebelled, those injustices would last forever. (Clarence Darrow)
Injustices need to be exposed.
53. I am in favor of meetings and protests, but I am not convinced by phrases in their manifestos such as "we distrust the whole political class". To whom are they addressing themselves then when they ask for a dignified life? (Ricardo Flores Magón)
Then how will a country be managed?
54. Passivity and meekness do not imply goodness, just as rebelliousness does not mean savagery. (Práxedis G. Guerrero)
Ideas with meanings different from the one attributed to them.
55. Someday the anvil, tired of being an anvil, will become a hammer. (Mikhail Bakunin)
It is in weariness that people are motivated to revolt.
56. Imagine how much happier we would be, how much more freedom we would have to be ourselves, if we were unencumbered by gender expectations. (Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie)
The world can be a better place if we all respect each other.
57. Society does not tolerate private matters if they show signs of rebellion. (Sándor Márai)
For a selfish 'good society,' there can be no other way of acting or thinking than the traditional one.
58. To think against the current of time is heroic; to say it, madness. (Eugéne Ionesco)
There will always be ways of thinking that are controversial to the norm.
59. Freedom of expression is the matrix, the indispensable condition of almost any other form of freedom. (Benjamin Cardozo)
Freedom of expression is what opens the way to other types of freedom.
60. To kill freedom of expression is to insult human rights, to suppress human nature and to suppress truth. (Liu Xiaobo)
When there is no freedom of opinion, then all other freedoms are imprisoned.
61. Freedom is also a part of protest. (Andrew Whitworth)
We protest for freedom.
62. Writing is also a form of protest. Almost all writers share a discomfort with the world. (Ana María Matute)
Many writers have the possibility of rebelling in their writings.
63. It is not an effective protest if it does not bother people. (John Scalzi)
But it must upset the right people.
64. My silence did not protect me. Your silence will not protect you. (Audre Lorde)
Silence only makes us accomplices.
65. If they take away our freedom of speech we are mute and silent and can be led like sheep to the slaughter. (George Washington)
When we remain silent, others gain power.
66. In such ugly times, the only true protest is beauty. (Phil Ochs)
The beauty of a better world.
67. Humanity progresses. Today it only burns my books; centuries ago they would have burned me. (Sigmund Freud)
Progress is part of life.
68. Let it be noticed that you are different, not by your wallet or your clothes, but by your heart.
Make your difference highlight your personality.
69. People, fire and water can never be tamed. (Phocylides)
Remember that others have the power you allow them to have.
70. I would rather be a rebel than a slave. I urge women to rebellion. (Meryl Streep)
In the face of conformity, fight.
71. All attempts at protest had been silenced in blood. (Alejo Carpentier)
Many seek to silence the protests so that the real state of a people is not known.
72. Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful and committed people can change the world. In fact, they are the only ones who ever have. (Margaret Mead)
With small actions and tenacity, impossible things can be achieved.
73. Rebellion is the child of experience. (Leonardo Da Vinci)
A way of not making the same mistake.
74. Rebellion is life: submission is death. (Ricardo Flores Magón)
So live in its maximum splendor.
75. If we do not believe in the freedom of expression of those we despise, we do not believe in it at all. (Noam Chomsky)
It is of no use to clamor for our rights of opinions, if we are going to silence others.
76. In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
The truth always comes out.
77. Diogenes of Sinope teaches us to exercise the right to protest, to be fundamentally free and autonomous. (Walter Riso)
Teachings of Diogenes that need to be put to the test.
78. When you are born poor, being a scholar is the greatest act of rebellion against the system. (Tomás Bulat)
Study helps us to overcome many obstacles.
79. When they tried to shut me up, I shouted. (Teresa Wilms Montt)
When they want to stop you, just keep going.
80. The right of rebellion is sacred because its exercise is indispensable to break the obstacles that oppose the right to live. (Ricardo Flores Magón)
The importance of struggles in the world.
(Updated at Apr 12 / 2024)