70 questions to get to know your father better
Our parent is an essential figure in life.
Our father can be a great source of inspiration for us and a great advisor in almost every situation we may encounter. and a great advisor in almost every situation we may encounter.
His support, both moral and emotional, can be a vital aspect of our proper development over time. From our childhood our parents usually become our role models, being from them from whom we learn what is right and what is wrong.
Questions to get to know your dad better
When we do not know how to act when faced with a possible problem, asking our closest relatives for advice may be the most common solution to the doubts we have. Knowing how they overcame certain situations can be very useful in our personal and professional life.
Below you can discover a selection of 70 questions to get to know your father better.These questions will help us learn a lot about him.
What comes to mind when you think of growing up in your hometown?
The place where we were born will always be a part of us, perhaps many of our family customs come from there.
2. What did you have or play when you were a kid that kids don't have today?
How children experience their childhood has changed over the years, our father certainly had a very different childhood than ours.
What did you think you wanted to be when you grew up?
The professional aspirations we have as children are not necessarily the same as they are today, as the years go by we tend to discover what we really want.
4. What was the hardest thing you went through as a child?
Certain situations change us and forge the person we are today, without them we could not be who we are.
5. What are your strongest memories of your father (grandfather)?
The relationship of a father with his son is always very special, surely he learned many things from our grandfather.
6. What is something your mom or dad used to tell you while you were growing up that later turned out to be true?
Many times we disregard our parents' advice and over time we discover that they were absolutely right.
7. Did you have pets growing up? Tell me about them.
Pets give us the opportunity to be much happier, their mere presence brings us comfort and joy every day.
8. What was a favorite family tradition when you were a child?
Family traditions can be very important, with them we can safeguard certain values that would otherwise be lost forever.
9. Who was your best friend in elementary school? In high school?
How our father chose his friendships can teach us to choose ours. As they say, "tell me who you hang out with and I'll tell you who you are.
10. What were your favorite things to do as a child?
During our childhood certain activities we will live with great effusiveness, knowing how our father enjoyed when he was young can inspire us today.
11. What is the first album or CD you bought?
Our father's musical tastes may be the same as ours, most likely everything we know about music comes from him.
12. Was he ever on a team or played a sport?
The world of sports can bring us many satisfactions, the sports that our father played one day will tell us a lot about his personality.
13. What world events have had the greatest impact on you?
Certain events tend to mark an entire generation, and there must have been one in particular that marked yours.
14. Where did you go on your first date?
Romanticism has changed a lot with the passing of time, perhaps the idea that our father has about him will have nothing to do with ours.
15. What made you successful at work?
Our father can tell us about his strengths at work, this way we will be able to hone our own skills.
16. What do you remember about when each of us was born?
Every birth is a new beginning, and they are all different from each other. I'm sure the birth of all his children was equally relevant to him.
17. What lessons have you learned about other people in life?
The people we meet can give us valuable advice, and knowing who our father learned from can pass that knowledge on to us.
18. What is your greatest achievement?
Our father's achievements can inspire us to do better, perhaps they are also achievable for us.
19. What are the three happiest moments of your life so far?
Certain moments will be the happiest moments of our whole life, maybe our father's happiest moments coincide with some of ours.
20. What do you think the world needs more of now?
The more time we spend in life, the more aware we become of its shortcomings. Our father can reveal to us what attitudes are most lacking in the world.
21. What is the best advice your father ever gave you?
As our father did with his father, we should always value his advice. It may be very useful to us in the future.
22. Is there anything you wish you had asked your parents but didn't?
Our father's relationship with our grandfather can tell us a lot about the character of both of them and their own particularities.
23. What has been your favorite age so far and why?
During our life, there will always be an age in which we will enjoy the most, knowing when was our father's best age for sure will be very interesting.
24. What are you most grateful for?
Looking back, we surely had a lot of luck at some specific moment. Knowing our father's happiest moments may also give us information about our own life.
25. Is there something you've always wanted to do or experience that you haven't had the chance to do yet?
Knowing what experiences our father wishes to experience can be very useful for a future gift.
26. What are you most proud of in life?
What our father is most proud of may also make us proud. Knowing what causes that feeling will be a positive thing for us.
27. Tell me about the three best decisions you have ever made.
Certain situations were undoubtedly crucial throughout your life and the decisions you made marked the path you would follow. Let's find out which were the decisions that led you to success.
28. What is the best gift you have ever received? What is the best gift you have ever given?
Gifts can be very special to us and the best gift our father ever received will surely be worth mentioning.
29. What advice do you have for your children about what to focus on in our careers?
Listening to our father's advice can be vital in order to achieve success, knowledge never takes up space.
30. How did you choose your career? What do you like most about it?
Our father's professional life can help us decide our own path in life; his previous experience will tell us which profession is best to choose.
31. How did you meet your wife and know that she was the one?
Meeting our partner is a special moment for anyone, knowing how our parents met can be very edifying for us.
32. What do you remember most about being a teenager?
As a teenager we are sure that our father had great experiences, knowing the experiences he lived during that stage will help us to better understand our father.
33. What did you like to do in high school?
High school is a very fun time for most people, I'm sure our father will have great anecdotes about that time in his life.
34. Who was your childhood hero?
Our father's role models may be the same as ours, maybe this is a good time to find out.
35. Have you ever won an award? What was it for?
If he ever won an award, it will surely be something he will remember with nostalgia. Having our father share his memories with us will be beneficial for both of us.
36. How are you most like your parents? How are you different?
Similarities between parents and children are very common, many traits we possess may be due to our genetic inheritance.
37. What are your favorite memories of family gatherings?
Family gatherings are often filled with anecdotes, many of which our father could tell us.
38. What is the most embarrassing thing your mother or father ever did to you?
We all make mistakes in life and I'm sure our parents have made them too.
39. What is the best thing your parents cooked?
Grandma's dishes have filled countless pages in gastronomic books, knowing how our grandparents cooked can give us a new vision of their lifestyle.
40. What are your strongest memories of your mother (grandmother)?
I'm sure our grandmother meant or means a lot to him, talking about her will surely lead to an interesting conversation.
41. What do you think was the silliest thing you did as a child?
Mischief is very normal in children, knowing if our father was naughty or not may reveal a lot about our own children.
42. What was your favorite book or movie when you were my age?
Tastes change with the passage of time and surely our father's tastes also change, this may be a good time to know the tastes that once possessed our father.
43. What memories do you have of the houses you lived in as a child? Did you have a favorite place?
The memories of our childhood will always be with us throughout our lives, and I'm sure our father will be happy to tell us about them.
44. What is your first memory?
We all have a first memory in life, knowing which one was our father's can be extremely interesting.
45. Did your mother and father give you money to spend when you were young? Tell me, how much did they give you?
Knowing if our grandparents gave money to our father can explain certain attitudes he has towards us and why.
46. If you went back to high school, what would you do differently?
Many of us would change a lot of things if we went back to high school, and I'm sure our father is no exception.
47. What was the first place you slept away from home? Where was it?
The first time our father slept away from home must have been quite an adventure for him, and it is also possible that our father's adventures are actually very similar to ours,
48. What is the best job you ever had?
Knowing our father's professional career can be something inspiring for us, knowing it we will be able to know what work decisions can be more interesting for us.
49. If you were a superhero, which one would you be?
A question that may surprise us with its answer, we may not really know much more about him than we had thought.
50. What is your favorite sport and why?
Sport can be a great link with our father, most probably we share the same hobbies with him.
51. When did you have your first kiss and was it a good one?
The first kiss is always a very nice moment to remember, our father will be happy to tell us about it and most likely who it was with.
52. What was your favorite weekend activity when you were younger?
Physical activity nowadays is more and more in disuse, for sure our father did much more physical activity during his youth.
53. Who is your most successful friend from school?
Knowing if our father studied with someone important at the time can be an anecdote worth remembering.
54. What was the scariest moment you ever had?
If you don't know what your father is afraid of, this question can be very useful to find out.
55. Who taught you to drive? Did you pass the first time?
Knowing who taught our father to drive will be something revealing for us, from that moment we know where many of his driving habits come from.
56. When mom told you she was pregnant, what was your reaction? Did you cry or jump?
Our father's reaction to the pregnancy may not have been what we thought it would be. Knowing how he got over that moment can be useful to us in our private life.
57. What is your favorite time of year?
The seasons of the year can be really magical, especially if we know how to look at them from the right perspective.
58. What is your favorite food?
Our tastes can be a reflection of our father's tastes, with this question we will be able to know a little more about them and perhaps we will also discover a little more about ourselves.
59. How many children did you want to have when you were young?
Life is never as we plan it, knowing if our father was able to make his dreams come true can help us to fulfill ours as well.
60. What made you choose my name? What other names were you thinking of?
Knowing where our name comes from is something we should all know, if you are one of those people who still don't know, this is a good time to find out.
61. What do you like the most about living where we do?
The place where we live will always be important to us, and it may also have been a dream place for our father.
62. What is the worst injury you have ever had? How did it happen?
Who hasn't been hurt more than once? Knowing the worst injury our father has ever had can help us value him as he deserves.
63. What toys/things did you collect as a child?
Many people start hobbies during their childhood and maybe some of these we can share with him.
64. What was the first concert you went to see?
The first concert our father attended surely marked a before and after in his life. It is also very possible that their musical tastes do not correspond to ours.
65. What do you want to do when you retire?
Retirement is one of the sweetest stages in anyone's life, our father will surely have great plans for it.
66. What are your top five memories throughout your life so far?
Knowing the most important memories of our father is a vital question to be able to understand him in his fullness.
67. What is the stupidest thing you have ever done?
We have all made some mistakes in life and even done something stupid, maybe the stupidest thing he has ever done is also the funniest.
68. What is the hardest lesson you have learned in life?
Life sometimes teaches us very hard lessons, by knowing our father's hardest lesson we will be able to prepare ourselves conscientiously for the future.
69. Who was your girlfriend during high school?
Our father may have had more love affairs during his lifetime than we initially thought.
70. When you were a teenager, which family member did you go to for advice? Looking back, was it good advice?
Our father will always be our best advisor, because he is one of the few people in the world who will always look out for our future.
(Updated at Apr 13 / 2024)