80 great Italian phrases and expressions (and their meaning)
We take a tour through the culture of a nation full of life and contrasts.
The Italians are the direct heirs of the ancient Roman empire and also one of the oldest cultures of the old world. They are a people well known for their temperament and extroverted character.
The Italian way of being makes them loved or hated depending on the place where they are, but what we can certainly appreciate about them is the innate ease they have to relate to everyone, what are the most relevant Italian phrases?
Italian phrases and expressions (and translation)
Italian has hundreds of great phrases with a great wisdom that we should all know, but in this case we wanted to make a selection of the most relevant Italian phrases and their translation. 80 great Italian phrases and their translation most interesting from our point of view. We hope you enjoy them!
Cui niente sa, di niente dubita.
He who knows nothing, doubts nothing.
2. Chi la dura la vince.
He who perseveres wins.
Speranza mi da vita.
Hope gives me life.
4. È meglio star solo che mal accompagnato.
Better to be alone than badly accompanied.
5. Non v'è rosa senza spina.
There are no roses without thorns.
6. Chi non fa, non falla.
He who does not do, does not fail.
7. La mala compagnia è quella che mena gli uomini alla forca.
Bad company leads men to the gallows.
8. Finché c'è vita c'è speranza.
Where there is life, there is hope.
9. È meglio aver poco che niente.
Better to have little than nothing.
10. Dimmi con chi vai, e te dirò chi sei.
Tell me with whom you go and I will tell you who you are.
11. A nemico che fugge, fa un ponte d'oro.
Make a bridge of gold for a fleeing enemy.
12. Odi, veti et tace, se voi vivir in pace.
Keep your mouth shut and your ears open.
13. Laziness is the key to poverty.
La pereza es la clave de la pobreza.
14. Amor tutti fa uguali.
El amor hace a todos los hombres iguales.
15. What is done, is done.
Lo que está hecho, está hecho.
16. Beautiful words don't pass the cats by.
Las buenas palabras no alimentan a los gatos.
17. To every bird its own nest is beautiful.
El pájaro ama su propio nido.
18. From enemies I guard myself, from friends God guard me.
Me protegeré de mis enemigos, que dios me proteja de mis amigos.
19. Look before you jump.
Mira antes de saltar.
20. And his will is our peace.
En hacer nuestra voluntad encontramos nuestra paz.
21. Help never comes late.
El socorro nunca llega demasiado tarde.
22. A barking dog does not bite.
Perro ladrador, poco mordedor.
23. It is better to be mad in company than wise alone.
Mejor loco en compañía que sabio solo.
24. Today to me, tomorrow to you.
Hoy por mi, mañana por ti.
25. Amor does not know labor.
El amor nunca se cansa.
26. Cavallo que corre non ha bisogno di sproni.
Caballo que corre no necesita espuelas.
27. Hell is full of good will.
De buena voluntad está lleno el infierno.
28. A cavallo donato non si guarda in bocca.
A caballo regalado no se le mira el diente.
29. What father, what son.
Tal padre, tal hijo.
30. Love is blind.
El amor es ciego.
31. Money makes money.
El dinero hace dinero.
32. Every saint has his festival.
Todo santo tiene su propio festival.
33. He who laughs last laughs best.
El que ríe el último, ríe mejor.
34. Calm is the virtue of the strong.
La calma es la virtud del fuerte.
35. Amor regge senza legge.
El amor gobierna sin reglas.
36. Strike while the iron is hot
Golpea mientras el hierro está caliente.
37. The great pains are dumb.
Los grandes dolores son mudos.
38. Where gold speaks, every language is silent.
Donde habla el oro, toda lengua es silenciosa.
39. Capo d'opera.
Obra maestra.
40. Necessity has no law.
La necesidad no conoce la ley.
41. Che 'l perder tempo a chi più sa più spiace.
La pérdida de tiempo apena más al que conoce más.
42. Again.
De nuevo.
43. Non fa caso.
No es de importancia.
44. Chive d'oro opens every door.
Llave de oro abre todas las puertas.
45. He who has done evil, do penance.
El que hace el mal, hace la penitencia.
46. Whoever wants to get rich in one year, is hanged in six months.
Quien quiere enriquecerse en un año, es ahorcado en seis meses.
47. Between saying and doing there is the sea.
Entre el decir y el hacer hay un mar.
48. The first will be the last.
Los primeros serán los últimos.
49. The night is the mother of thoughts.
La noche es la madre de los pensamientos.
50. Gold is what gold is worth.
El oro, oro vale.
51. No problem.
No hay problema.
52. Prudence is the mother of safety.
Prudencia es la madre de la seguridad.
53. Everything has a cause.
Todo tiene una causa.
54. The best defense is the attack.
La mejor defensa es el ataque.
55. The forbidden fruits are the sweetest.
La fruta prohibida es la más dulce.
56. With patience one acquires science.
Con la paciencia se adquiere la ciencia.
57. He who does not let himself be advised, cannot be helped.
El que no puede ser aconsejado, no puede ser ayudado.
58. Whoever loves me, loves my dog.
El que me ama, ama a mi perro.
59. Mala grass never dies.
Mala hierba nunca muere.
60. Nice thing to do nothing.
La ociosidad es una bella cosa.
61. For vengeance never cures a sore.
La venganza nunca curó una herida.
62. A prima vista.
A primera vista.
63. From whom I trust, may God watch me; from whom I do not trust, I will watch.
Los peores enemigos de un hombre, son a menudo los de su propia casa.
64. Year of snow, year of good.
Año de nieve, año rico.
65. We cannot have a perfect life without friends.
No podemos tener una vida perfecta sin amigos.
66. He runs far who never returns.
El que corre lejos nunca vuelve.
67. He who has love in his breast, has spur in his hips.
El que tiene amor en el pecho, tiene espuelas en los costados
68. Whoever you give the finger to also takes the arm.
Dales el dedo y tomarán tu brazo.
69. Unrequested apology, manifest accusation.
Una conciencia culpable no necesita acusador.
70. Bene placito.
A su placer.
71. Mind your own business.
Métete en tus propios asuntos.
72. Head of the year.
Año nuevo.
73. Better late than never.
Más vale tarde que nunca.
74. Nothing dries more quickly than tears.
Nada se seca antes que las lágrimas.
75. The dress does not make the monk.
El hábito no hace al monje.
76. Better late than never.
Mejor tarde que nunca.
77. At your convenience.
A tu placer, a tu conveniencia.
78. The liar must have a good memory.
El mentiroso debe tener buena memoria.
79. Death is a great pacier.
La muerte es un gran pacificador.
80. Those who do wrong, never lack excuses.
Quien hace el mal, nunca está corto de excusas.
(Updated at Apr 14 / 2024)