Anxiety and depression, two modern-day disorders
Depression and pathological anxiety are disorders enhanced by many aspects of everyday life.
When it comes to mental health, anxiety and depression are two important diseases of our society.. It is estimated that around 10% of Spaniards suffer from one of these disorders.
However, do you know that these two pathologies can be closely related?
Depression vs Anxiety
Depression is often confused with sadness or "bad times.". However, this disorder is characterized by feelings of anxiety and/or sadness, apathy or irritability for much of the time, even if there is no obvious cause. And it is also related to other symptoms such as: Sleep disorders.
- Appetite disorders.
- Stomach or intestinal discomfort.
- Headaches.
- Difficulty concentrating.
- Feelings of loneliness.
- continuous tiredness.
On the other hand, the symptoms of anxiety disorder may vary from person to person. It is not only a feeling of nervousness or tension, but also the following symptoms:
- Strong, often irrational fears and worries.
- Feeling of imminent danger or panic.
- Sudden episodes of fear or terror (panic attack).
- Phobias.
- Social anxiety, avoiding certain situations that may cause discomfort.
Triggers of anxiety
Disorders such as depression or anxiety may appear for no apparent reason. They usually originate during stages of life that have not been adequately addressed or continue to cause severe stress. However, these triggers often occur long before the anxiety or depression is detected, so it is sometimes difficult to identify them..
Sometimes they will appear in specific situations that can be resolved spontaneously. For example, in the face of unemployment, an emotional crisis, a move and other sudden or unwanted changes.
However, chronic stress is often the result of chronic stress is often the result of life circumstances that the affected patient is unable to remedy.. It is common among caregivers or people who are socially or economically excluded. An exception where the entire population is more or less affected is the situation caused by COVID-19.
Since the outbreak of the crisis, especially due to restrictions, symptoms of depression and anxiety in the Spanish population have increased, affecting to a greater or lesser extent one fifth of the population.
The relationship between depression and anxiety
These two pathologies can coexist in many situations. As we have seen, anxiety can manifest as a symptom of clinical depression. In fact, more than 50% of patients with depression suffer from anxiety. In addition, depression caused by anxiety can also occur, depression caused by anxiety can also occur, as in generalized anxiety in generalized anxiety disorder. Especially if it is not managed properly and the situation persists for a long time.
The good news is that the help of a professional psychologist is very effective in controlling and reversing these symptoms. With the right treatment, you can prevent anxiety and depression from taking over your life.
So, if you have some of the above symptoms, don't minimize them: don't hesitate to seek help before the condition becomes chronic or evolves in a depressive way.
How to prevent anxiety and depression
These two disorders are closely related and can be prevented and treated by very similar guidelines. If deemed necessary by the healthcare professional, treatment of these two conditions will include lifestyle changes, psychotherapy and even medication.
To prevent symptoms the following recommendations can be put into practice:
- Try to identify and change situations that cause constant stress as much as possible. For example, if you have to take care of someone who is ill, seek family or social support.
- Improve your sleep habits.
- Seek social and emotional support, such as sharing hobbies and interests with family or a group of friends.
- Regular physical exercise is best if you are in a small group.
- Avoid alcohol, drugs and tobacco. Although they appear to provide temporary relief, they can actually worsen the symptoms and prognosis of anxiety and depression, and can interfere with treatment.
Seek professional help
Many life circumstances can be stressful and put pressure on our mental health. In addition, at this historical moment, we are living through the social situation caused by the SARS-CoV2 virus, which poses a global challenge not only to physical health, but also to mental health.
If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, we recommend that you seek professional help. Although there are still certain taboos in mental health, and some people consider that "these things go away on their own", they should be treated just like other illnesses, they should be treated in the same way as other illnesses, just as if you have Pain or other physical symptoms, see a doctor..
A psychologist is the ideal professional who can make an assessment of your condition. Depending on the patient's characteristics, symptoms and expectations, the patient's treatment will be started or referred to psychiatry for more appropriate treatment at some stage. In addition, he can help you detect the initial cause of anxiety or depression and suggest guidelines to help you resolve the symptoms you are suffering from.
(Updated at Apr 12 / 2024)