How to Detect Cervical Cancer

The importance of carrying out these controls lies in the fact that HPV infection is most often asymptomatic And it may go unnoticed until the injury is serious. In the annual gynecological check-up, which is the test that evaluates the cells detached from the cervix.
Taking the sample does not require any special preparation other than not having the period at that time and abstinence from sexual intercourse the previous 48 hours. It is also advisable not to use creams or egg treatments for the previous 5 days.
Steps of the physical examination
- To obtain this sample, the doctor carefully inserts a sterile speculum into the vagina until it reaches the cervix.
- A wooden or plastic spatula is slid, first over the cul-de-sac of the vagina, then over the outer portion of the neck, the exocervix.
- Then a small cotton ball or brush is inserted into the area of the endocervix, the canal of the cervix that communicates the interior of the womb with the vagina.
- The cells obtained in these three samples are placed in a small glass that is sent to the laboratory for microscopic study.
Normal results
There are many different results that can be considered normal according to the characteristics of each woman. During a woman's life there are different stages that produce different changes in the cervix. For example:
- During the fertile stage, hormonal changes produce a maturation in the cells of the neck of the matrix we call trophism. In menopausal patients, who do not have hormonal cycles, this maturation disappears and is then called atrophic pattern.
- In some cases we may receive a result in which a some degree of inflammation. It is not a worrisome result at all and the doctor is the one who must decide if treatment is necessary or not.
Presence of metaplastic cells
There are two different types of epithelium in the cervix, one glandular in the endocervix3, and another stratified flat epithelium in the exocervix2, but when the glandular epithelium is exposed to the vagina, a metaplasia phenomenon, which does not suppose any pathological alteration, it is simply a change in cells that protects them from being in a different place than their original one.
For this reason, the visualization of normal endocervical and metaplastic cells. In addition, Döderlein bacilli can be observed, which are bacteria that normally live in the mucosa of the vagina and that help to maintain it with an acidic environment that protects against infections.
Other results
The main objective of cytology is the study of the cells of the cervix, but secondarily it also evaluates the presence of vaginal infections produced by fungi or bacteria.
- ASCUS: Abbreviation for Atypical Squamous Cells of Undetermined Significance. They are curious looking cells that we are not sure what they mean. Sometimes they are caused by an HPV infection but not in all cases. Your doctor will decide when to do your next checkup or if you want to perform a colposcopy.
- Low-grade SIL (L-SIL): low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion. A lesion is seen in the cells of the cervix, which take on abnormal shapes. These changes are initial in size and shape in low-grade lesions. Most of these cases return to normal on their own, without the need for treatment, but require strict control.
- High-grade SIL (H-SIL): Cell changes are more important than low-grade SIL. In this situation there is a greater risk of developing a malignant lesion so treatment must be done.
For HPV detection in the laboratory, the sample obtained during cytology is searched for contains high-risk HPV DNA. The result indicates whether it is positive for high-risk virus DNA or negative.
HPV prevention
The neck cancer prevention uterine can be done in two ways. Primary prevention is the prevention of, that is to say avoid contracting it. For this, risk habits should be avoided, and the HPV vaccine can be administered.
Secondary prevention is based on a adequate gynecological control, in which cytologies and examinations are performed periodically. The most important risk factor for having invasive cervical cancer is not having gynecological examinations.
HPV vaccine
Part of the primary prevention of cervical cancer is done with the HPV vaccine. It is not a vaccine against cancer itself but against infection with certain types of HPV. The fact that it is a cancer that requires infection by this virus It offers the possibility of preventing its contagion, but with some limitations that must be taken into account.
Vaccines do not contain viruses as such but contain particles similar to the outer coating of viruses without having the DNA of the virus inside and therefore without the possibility of infecting or producing lesions like those of the virus.
Once the vaccine is administered, the particles activate one, so that the body produces antibodies that will recognize and attack the outer coating of the virus in case of contact with it, and thus the virus will not be able to cause disease.
Currently exist two different vaccines on the market, the bivalent and the tetravalent. The bivalent protects against serotypes 16 and 18 and the tetravalent against 16, 18, 6 and 11. Not all HPVs are included in the vaccination, but they are responsible for 70% of cervical cancers (16 and 18 ) and those responsible for 90% of the condylomata (6 and 11).
The vaccine is not curative, if at the time of vaccination the woman is already infected with any of the HPV types included in the vaccine, the woman will be protected with 100% efficiency against the other types of HPV in the vaccine, but not against those who were already infected.
The vaccine is recommended in adolescents between 9 and 15 years and in women from 16 to 46 years old. Ideally, to achieve the maximum preventive potential, it should be administered before the start of sexual intercourse.
The administration guideline is three intramuscular doses, the following scheme is recommended: 0, 2, 6 months, but always bear in mind that no less than a month should pass between the first two or three months between the second and third. The guideline must be completed in a maximum period of one year. As side effects, it can cause redness, mild muscle discomfort or fever.
Remember that inMAPFRE We take care of your well-being and that of yours, that is why we offer you one with the best coverage so that you are always protected against any pathology or disease.
(Updated at Feb 21 / 2025)