Confinement with teenagers: 8 tips
Some useful tips to better improve the cohabitation with teenagers.
As we all know, coexistence is based on a series of rules that all members must follow in order to organize ourselves as a team.
In view of the current world situation and imposed by the responsible organizations, living together in quarantine is a very important issue, the coexistence in quarantine entails to make a new contract in which it is necessary to in which it is necessary to establish new rules, and with which each of the members commits to fulfill a role, all so that we can achieve the joint objectives of the team.
¿How is this achieved in the case of families with adolescent children?who tend to highly value their autonomy?
How to manage confinement with adolescents?
The first thing is to identify the problems. Living together in quarantine implies modifying the usual routine that each of the members of the quarantine group used to maintain.This puts us to the test in order to identify the best way to face this challenge, both psychologically and emotionally.
There are many variables that can affect how we decide to face this challenge, such as physical space, economic resources, family members, etc. All of them have an impact on our decision, but the objective is the same for all of us: to the goal is the same for everyone: to overcome fear..
In short, the family is a system that is sustained by the different members, and any change in the routine implies a destructuring, which could lead to a possible crisis situation. Therefore, it is essential to define the new guidelines, norms, roles and limits, in order to avoid this unplanned crisis situation. avoid that this unforeseen crisis situation has a negative impact on our coexistence..
For this, it is essential to be as transparent and sincere as possible among all members of the team, especially with the children who are the most vulnerable to this situation of confinement.
Understanding the adolescent
According to the WHO, adolescence is the period of human development that follows childhood and precedes adulthood, between the ages of 10 and 19. It is one of the most important transitional stages in the life of a human being and is characterized by an accelerated rate of growth and development. It is characterized by an accelerated rate of growth and change, second only to that experienced by infants..
This phase of growth and development is conditioned by various Biological processes. The onset of puberty marks the passage from childhood to adolescence.
It is important to be able to understand adolescents, to know how they feel about the current situation in which we are living. At this stage of life, it is very important to socialize, go out, socialize with friends, have privacy.. In the pandemic situation, all this is cancelled and leads to an increase in discomfort and frustration, and therefore to family arguments at home.
With respect to adolescents, there is an important frustration, since during these days they cannot see their friends. That is why it is important as parents to be with them, it is important as parents to be more flexible with them about the time dedicated to social networks and video calls in privacy.It is important to give them that space behind closed doors, since this is the only way they have to communicate with their peers. It is essential to be able to motivate them from their creativity for interaction with their links.
For many adolescents, the most painful crisis are the activities suspended because of the pandemicsports, graduations, outings, trips, etc. It is essential that they have a space to be heard, to share their feelings and emotions without being judged, because it is at this time when you can express the emotions that we feel, without these catch us, and more at this time of life that is adolescence, in which young people are an explosion of emotions in itself.
What to do?
From PSiCOBAi, we propose the following recommendations.
1. Respect their privacy
Adolescents should have a moment of privacyd, both to connect with their friends and to connect with themselves.
2. Make them understand
At this stage of life they tend not to see abstract situations of danger clearly, so it is important to be able to talk to them in a sincere way and explain with clear words and examples what the Pandemic we are living in means.
3. Create a climate of free expression
It is very important that adolescents can express themselves without being judged, because if we keep the sensations of how we are feeling, this will generate anguish.
4. Create regularity
It is necessary to maintain regular schedules and routine, but also time for disconnection.but also time for disconnection and free time.
5. Provide emotional support
We must be able to help them manage the situation of frustration they are going through, giving them new tools to connect with other peers.We must be able to give them new tools to connect with other peers.
6. Getting to know ourselves and those around us better.
Living together can help us to detect virtues, strengths and fears that we did not know existed before.
7. Creativity
It would be normal for us to find ourselves in a situation of boredom, but we should not worry, since in this situation usually appears the dormant creativity in us.that will help us to pass this quarantine in a more harmonious way.
8. Be careful with expectations
It is important to lower our level of expectation before confinement, and focus on what is really worthwhile. focus on what is really worthwhile.. Taking care of ourselves also means taking care of our family and peers.
Looking for help?
If you are interested in professional help, we invite you to contact our professionals at PSICOBAi.
(Updated at Apr 12 / 2024)