De-escalation: it is now your responsibility to look after yourself
After the first wave of contagions, the importance of taking responsibility becomes clear.
So, is it all finally over? End of quarantine or de-escalation in phases, we are invited to the street, restaurants are opening? Is it safe to go out?
It's inevitable that after so many days of confinement we are finding it difficult to normalize our return to reality.. Definitely nothing will be like before, that's for sure, but there is something much more intrinsic that paralyzes us in the act, and that is the fact that now we have to be responsible for our lives, our actions and every step we take.
And maybe for a moment we think, especially adults, that we were already responsible, because no one was behind us telling us what to do or how to do it; however, adaptation is hard. Because it is not the same to be responsible for going out to pay the phone bill as it is to do so while being careful about where you put your hands, who you talk to, etc.
Dealing with uncertainty.
Things like the uncertainty of not knowing in which unknown place the bill you now hold in your hands was and having to remember every now and then not to bring it to your face after you have handled it, constitute new information that we are now having to mesh in our brains overnight because it turns out overnight because it turns out that "we have the order to go back to normal".
We have not had time to educate our mind in these new habits, and the truth is that all this shows that we do not know how to take care of ourselves.
All of this has ancient Biological reasons and it is important to know them in order to know our weaknesses and where they come from; only in this way can we begin to change the patterns.
The need for self-care
Human beings need self-care even when we are a little advanced in age. We have a very long childhood, and both men and women must be under someone's care for many years..
When we are adults, two things often happen:
- The man looks for a home with a woman who will take care of him, his home and his children.
- The woman looks for a home and a family to take care of, just as her mother did.
This generates the reproduction of a pattern in which the man does not learn to take care of himself and the woman, lacking time because she is busy taking care of others, forgets to take care of herself.
No wonder so many homes today are on the verge of collapse as a result of this pandemic. Women full of anxiety and fear for the future, with an overload of responsibilities at home, and the man not knowing how to contribute because he never knew how to make a decision without the help of his mother in the first place, and then of his wife.
I do not mean by this that there are no different households; I am referring to the product of a system whose patriarchal formula has been shown not to work, and all thanks to COVID-19.
An era in which responsibility takes precedence
The time of the dawn we have been waiting for has arrived. we can now go out on the street dressed in the suit of the moment: awareness..
We know that we must take care of ourselves in order to take care of those who are waiting for us at home, and thus keep them safe. The time has come for cliché phrases such as "only by loving yourself can you love others" to stop being clichés and become 24/7 habits.
Only by loving yourself will you value your health and you will not go running to a party or go out without a mask on the street, that is something you should no longer do, if you love yourself with health you will take care of yourself and consequently your loved ones will also have health.
Let us remember for a moment that it was our childish carelessness that got us into this situation in the first place, we did not take seriously the warnings of self-care and distancing until we began to see that the number of infected and deceased exceeded a hundred.
Has it ever been so easy to stop the spread of a virus? All we should have done was one thing, take care of ourselves, and we couldn't handle that kind of responsibility.
You and I, as well as all those who have read this article, know that those who bear the greatest responsibility are not going to take care of us, otherwise they would not send us to the street to normalize a flu knowing that we will most likely fail for the second time (not to be pessimistic, just realistic).
So, if it doesn't depend on them, depending on you is your only alternative to maintain your well-being.You are your only hope to stay safe and protect your loved ones.
Wear a mask, carry gel with you at all times, avoid crowds, do not put your hands to your face under any circumstances, and please comply with the new rules of coexistence, although I would call them survival.
And if somehow you are having a hard time adapting to these new habits or you feel that it has affected your behavior, thoughts or emotions, you or any of your loved ones, I will suggest you to contact me or visit my page to find more articles on the subject. I hope I have helped you.
(Updated at Apr 14 / 2024)