Effects of attachment on work, love, and health in adulthood
We often read about attachment in the early years, but it has a lifelong influence.
It is true that attachment appears during the first year of our life and develops its characteristics according to the behavior of our primary caregivers (in terms of their availability, responsiveness, validation and support).
But attachment can be defined as the simple approach to someone we consider to have more resources than ourselves to cope with an experience, with the aim of feeling secure. In this sense, we can engage in attachment (or approach) behaviors regardless of our age..
Brief definition of attachment and its types
Bowlby (1973) defined attachment behavior as that which gets another person, important to us, to come close to us or stay by our side..
According to this author, it appears in children when they want to stay close to their reference figure, resist his or her departure and/or need a secure base on which to explore the world and to return to when something goes wrong.
Two types of attachment have been defined: secure or insecure.
Secure attachment
Securely attached individuals have grown up around affectionate and/or responsive people.. They have learned to rely on the availability and reciprocity of those who have been or are important in their lives.
2. Insecure attachment
Within the insecure attachment style, we distinguish avoidant attachment and anxious-ambivalent attachment..
People with avoidant attachment have grown up around caregivers who are not very affectionate and/or not very flexible. They have learned to remain distrustful of the availability and reciprocity of those who have been or are important in their lives.
People with anxious-ambivalent attachment have grown up around figures who have been inconsistent in their availability, that is to say, that on some occasions they have been insensitive and on others, they have been intrusive.
How does attachment style influence work?
Hazan and Shaver (1990) proposed that work fulfills in adults the function of exploration of children.. With this premise in mind, they conducted a study whose results suggested the following:
1. Securely attached people are satisfied with their work.
Studies suggest that securely attached people are confident in their abilities to perform their work. Also, that they trust in the availability of others to help them when they need it.. Studies have found that these are people who tend to feel satisfied and valued in the workplace, and who tend to ensure that their professional lives do not interfere with their social, family and personal lives.
2. People with avoidant attachment are more likely to work compulsively.
According to the study by Hazan and Shaver (1990), it has been suggested that individuals with avoidant attachment may focus on work as a way of avoiding intimate relationships.. Thus, although they may not necessarily doubt their performance, they may act in such a way that work interferes with their relationships and/or their health.
3. People with anxious-ambivalent attachment may try to satisfy their needs in other areas at work.
According to the aforementioned study, people with anxious-ambivalent attachment may have difficulty separating the work and personal environments.
This could generate confusing situations in which attempts are made to satisfy relational needs through work, giving rise to distractions, difficulty in completing projects or working as a team. All this could influence a feeling of dissatisfaction with one's own performance and the feeling of not being valued by peers.
How does attachment style influence the partner?
It should be noted that much more research is still needed in this regard. In any case, the studies conducted so far in relation to attachment style and romantic relationships suggest the following:
1. Couples with secure attachment are more capable of expressing their emotions, seeking and giving support.
It has been observed that in situations of high anxiety, couples with a secure attachment style are more able to seek support from their romantic partners.. In turn, they seem to be more supportive, establishing a congruence between what is asked for and what is received, which facilitates and reinforces intimacy and satisfaction in the couple.
2. People with avoidant attachment distance themselves from their partners when stressed and may show difficulties in committing themselves.
It has been suggested that people with avoidant attachment would tend to distance themselves from their partners, both physically and emotionally, when they feel high anxiety. In addition, the ability to offer support would also decrease in these situations..
This would be congruent with these people's desire to be self-sufficient and with their learned distrust regarding the availability of attachment figures to help or support them when they need it.
In the couple setting, this could pose a risk of dissatisfaction and intimacy difficulties. In any case, it should be taken into account that it has been observed that this difficulty for closeness in individuals with avoidant attachment decreases in situations of stability, so it seems that it would not be correct to consider these individuals as cold and distant per se. it would not be correct to consider these individuals as cold and distant per sebut rather that these characteristics would be activated in specific situations.
3. People with anxious-ambivalent attachment tend to be more dependent on their partners.
It has been observed that individuals with an anxious-ambivalent attachment tend to constantly seek intimacy in relationships.This, in the couple, may be perceived (at least initially and depending on the degree and intensity) as a greater interest in the relationship.
However, they are people who feel insecure and worried about any separation and tend to use emotion-focused coping strategies, which could lead to conflict and dissatisfaction in the long term.
How does attachment style influence health behaviors?
Health behaviors are related to the type of stress response and the capacity for emotional regulation. Feeney and Ryan (1994) proposed a model that integrates early family experiences of illness, attachment style, and adult health-related behaviors.. According to their studies, we could consider the following results:
1. People with secure attachment are able to regulate negative emotionality, but they know how to ask for help.
It has been observed that individuals with a secure attachment would have more tools to manage the emotions that arise in the face of physical discomfort or a potential health problem. or a potential health problem. Also, that they would be able to ask for help and advice when they need it, in an assertive and congruent way with the symptoms.
2. People with avoidant attachment are less likely to go to the doctor.
According to Feeny and Ryan (1994), people with an avoidant attachment would take longer to go to the doctor when faced with a physical discomfort. This fits with the general tendency of these people not to seek support or advice in stressful situations. It should be noted that, in the field of health, this avoidance could have serious consequences.
3. People with anxious-ambivalent attachment complain more
It has been observed that persons with an anxious-ambivalent attachment are more aware of and attentive to any manifestation of stress, negative emotion or physical symptom. This, coupled with their tendency to worry, would make them more likely to complain about physical discomfort and to consult specialists more often.
To sum up, our attachment style has an impact on the way we relate and behave in adult life.. As we grow up, we internalize beliefs and expectations about our capabilities, our worth, our right to be loved, taken into account and helped by others.
We also learn strategies (more or less effective) for communication and emotional regulation. Depending on all this, in situations of exploration (work), intimacy (couple) or stress (health), different reactions and behaviors will be activated in us, which are worth detecting in order to know ourselves, understand ourselves and ask for help to make changes in case they generate a significant interference in our daily life.
Bibliographical references:
- Feeney, J. and Noller P. (2001). Adult attachment. Bilbao: Desclée de Brouwer.
- Medina, C. J., Rivera, L. Y. and Aguasvivas J. A. (2016). Adult attachment and perceived quality of couple relationships: evidence from a young adult population. Health & Society 7(3).
(Updated at Apr 15 / 2024)