Face masks and their impact on body language
These are the ways in which wearing a mask affects our nonverbal communication.
On many occasions, the content of a gesture, a smile or even posture not only complements the message, but also provides more information than words.
The value of nonverbal communication has been widely studied and influences social, family and work relationships.
In particular, a study by Albert Mehrabian shows that 55% of communication corresponds to the gestural language, ahead of the 38% that belongs to the gestural language.ahead of the 38% that belongs to the intention to speak and 7% to oral communication itself. These data confirm the relevance of communication skills in each of the spheres of our daily life.
How does wearing a mask influence non-verbal language?
As in many other areas, the coronavirus has also generated changes in nonverbal communication, making the mask a novel element that to some extent limits facial expression, but to which we will have to adapt.This has made the mask a novel element that limits to some extent the capacity for facial expression, but to which we will have to adapt during the famous "new normal".
That is why in this article we would like to tell you about the limitations it generates in our usual communication and how we can minimize these effects to avoid losing gestural richness.
1. Trust in your ability to adapt
Darwin already said that "those who adapt best survive", and luckily the brain is perfectly capable of facing changes and assuming them normally.
The initial feeling of strangeness when having a conversation with a person with part of the face covered is gradually transformed into something natural and, therefore, the brain is perfectly capable of facing changes and assuming them normally. This pattern is internalized without generating significant alterations..
The same is replicated in the affective sphere; at first it was peculiar to arrive at a place and not greet with the previous codes, and now the absence of such physical contact does not produce surprise.
It is precisely this plasticity of the brain that allows us not only to reinforce existing neuronal connections but also to generate new circuits that are exercised over time.
2. The gaze, more important than ever
Despite the fact that a large part of facial communication belongs to the eyes and eyebrows, losing the information from the smile can reduce the ability to show empathy and trust.. In addition, the mask alters the tone and volume when speaking, so it can cause difficulties in understanding.
For this reason, we must compensate for this deficit by enhancing other aspects of nonverbal communication, such as body movements or hand gestures.
The fact that we focus on the gaze of the person we are talking to and that this is the richest source of information, will make us experts both in its interpretation and in its use in our expression. From this point of view, the use of the mask can generate positive effects in the detail of facial expression..
3. Beware of misunderstandings
Changes in tone projection and the absence of certain gestural support can generate misinterpretations in communication. This can affect irony in a more concrete way.It is more difficult to abstract from the literal part without expressions that facilitate the understanding of the intention.
Just as message communication is prone to misunderstandings, this special mode of communication may at some point require the speaker to ensure that the message sent and the message received correspond.
4. Don't lose sight of its function
Despite the difficulties that arise with the use of the mask, we must not forget its main purpose, to protect us..
It will not be difficult to relativize the discomfort that it produces in us if we remember the beginning and the evolution of the pandemic, to take the mind to that moment will help to value what one day was an element of first necessity, but of complicated acquisition and at the same time, the way to protect us from a powerful enemy.
In addition, the fact that they are part of our current routine can be one more way to express aspects of our personality, tastes or preferences, since the market has multiplied and the offer of masks and their customization is practically infinite.
Special cases
Finally, it is necessary to clarify that certain groups may be particularly affected by their use, as is the case, for exampleThis is the case, for example, of people with hearing difficulties, who require the support of the lips at many times, or of children, who obtain most of their information from the adult's gestures.
At a professional level, it can also produce handicaps in jobs where empathy and trust are important, as in the case of doctors or psychologists, among others.
However, we should once again see it as a useful contribution that the virus leaves in our lives, as it can allow us to become more aware of something that was previously automatic and therefore improve a fundamental part of communication skills.
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(Updated at Apr 15 / 2024)