Functional texts: types, characteristics and functions
A review of the characteristics of this common type of texts.
Do you know what functional texts are? It is a type of text in which the appellative function of language predominates, that is, the one that alludes to the fact that the sender seeks some kind of behavior or reaction in the receiver through the words.
Thus, they are texts that provide instructions or guidelines to the receiver in relation to some activity, action or task. But what are their fundamental characteristics, their functions and utilities, and how can they be classified? We will answer these and other questions in this article.
Functional texts: what are they?
Functional texts are those which, as their name indicates, fulfill a specific function; that is, they are texts that are addressed to the receiver of the message in a direct, clear and concrete way, and their mission is to make the receiver perform a specific action..
Through this type of texts, we guide the receiver of the message in the execution of that action. Beyond this guidance, sometimes functional texts also provide the receiver with the materials needed to perform the action in question (which is the action we want to see or "obtain").
The language function that predominates in this type of text is the appellative function. This language function (also called the conative function), is the one that focuses on the receiver of the message, and It has to do with the fact that the sender expects some kind of reaction from the receiver.. Through it, the sender tries to influence the behavior or attitude of the receiver.
What are they used for?
As we will see below, functional texts seek to instruct the reader in some activity or task.
These are very frequent texts in our daily life, and in addition to giving us instructions in relation to some task, they also provide us with indications, recommendations, advice, guidelines, etc., that can facilitate the action or performance of the receiver in the task in question. facilitate the action or performance of the receiver in the task in question..
Some examples of functional texts are: cooking recipes, instruction manuals, vade-mecums of a remedy (vade-mecums are texts with the fundamental information of a material), school information notes, style manuals, instructions in a written exam, etc.
As we have been able to find out, the functional texts are generally instructive texts (i.e., those that instruct us in some activity). What are their characteristics?
1. Title
Functional texts, as well as instructional texts, always have a title; the title gives us information as to whether the text we are about to read is simply instructive, or whether it is a manual (e.g. an instruction manual). (for example, an instruction manual).
2. Subtitles
Depending on whether the text is very long or very short, and on the characteristics of the instructions used, we can also find subtitles in this type of text.
3. Numbering
Numberings are also frequent in functional and instructional texts.. Normally, they detail the steps to follow in order to achieve something (for example, to assemble a piece of furniture, in the case of an instruction manual, or to operate a coffee maker).
4. Graphic resources
Another characteristic of functional texts, or instructional texts, is that they usually present different graphic resources to enrich the content and facilitate its comprehension. These resources are: vignettes, illustrations, colors, pictures, graphics...
However, the text itself remains the most important thing in this type of document, the text itself remains the most important in this type of document, as it provides the information about what is to be done.However, the text itself remains the most important in this type of document, since it is the one that provides the information about what is to be done.
5. Specialized vocabulary
The vocabulary used is a type of vocabulary that is specialized in the subject matter in question, as well as being very precise. It may include the use of technical terms.
6. They fulfill a specific function
As we mentioned at the beginning of this article, functional texts fulfill a specific function; that is, they are not entertainment or purely recreational texts.
Types of functional texts
Functional texts, in turn, functional texts can be of different types (they are functional texts as long as they comply with the aforementioned characteristics, although these will vary from one type of text to another). Thus, the types of functional texts that we can find are the following:
1. Journalistic texts.
Journalistic texts fulfill three functions: to inform, to educate and to entertain. When they also fulfill the appellative function of language and instruct in something, we speak of journalistic functional texts.
2. Advertising texts
This type of text disseminates content that encourages the purchase of certain products or services.. The predominant language function here is referential or representative, which is related to some factors of communication such as the referent and the context (i.e., any factor external to the communication itself).
Scientific and technical texts
Functional texts can also be of a scientific and/or technical type; they are objective, verifiable and clear texts. Here again, the referential function of language predominates.
4. Literary texts
When functional texts are literary, their mission is to endure over time (i.e., they are texts that "seek" to be preserved for their artistic value). They are addressed to everyone, and a communication is established between the author of the text and its readers..
5. Historical texts
Through them, stories are told, which are represented by different characters and are framed within a period or historical moment.
6. Entertainment texts
Their purpose is to entertain, enjoy and have a good time.. The information obtained by the reader through this type of text is usually not relevant (i.e., the objective here is different).
7. Informative texts
Finally, functional texts can also be informative texts can also be informative texts, when the sender intends to inform the receiver about a specific situation..
Another possible classification
We have seen how functional texts can "specialize" in different fields (i.e. there are different types of it). However, this is not the only existing classification.
Now we are going to see another one, which divides them into three types: personal, school and work texts. What does each one consist of and what examples can we find in each group?
1. Personal texts
As their name suggests, they are for personal use. Examples of these are: diaries, e-mails, diaries...
2. School texts
In this case we find: class notes, concept maps, synoptic tables... However, we must remember that functional texts must always fulfill the appellative function of language.
3. Labor texts
Finally, work-related functional texts are those related to the work or professional environment. Examples of these are: letters of request, job applications, memos, etc.
Bibliographical references:
- Cascón, J.A. & Madruga, J.A. (1989). Text comprehension and instruction. Education around the world.
- Corbacho, A. (2006). Texts, text types and specialized texts. Revista de filología, 24: 77-90.
- Mendoza, N. (2007). Text types in Spanish: forms, technique and production. Serie del lenguaje y la comunicación, 2007/06, Caracas: IESALC.
(Updated at Apr 14 / 2024)