How does spring affect us psychologically?
A psychological phenomenon associated with the change in temperature and exposure to light.
More and more patients are coming for consultation for this reason. They mention that they feel more irritable, irascible and that they can hardly sleep.. "They feel depressed and less willing to do things," says psychologist Pilar Cortés, from Gabinete Psicólogos Málaga PsicoAbreu.
These experiences mentioned by patients are a reality; the seasonal changes affect physically and psychologically and the person has to make a process of adaptation to the new situation, which can take weeks to complete.
It seems logical to think that the rise in temperatures, the change of time, the possibility of making more plans and other similar elements affect in a positive way. But this is not always the case, spring affects many people in a negative way. The most common symptoms are fatigue, lack of energy and low mood. This is known as spring asthenia.. Let's see what it is.
What is spring asthenia?
Spring asthenia is a feeling of tiredness and weakness that begins to manifest itself with the arrival of good weather.
The symptoms can be very diverseThe symptoms can be very diverse: lack of memory, sleep disorders, headaches, low mood, appetite alterations, decreased sexual appetite, irritability and nervousness, general fatigue, lack of energy to carry out daily activities, etc.
This disorder usually affects more women than men, and has a prevalence of 1 in 10 people. The duration is usually a few days.
What we know as "spring depression". is a mild and transient disorder that manifests itself in our body when we suffer difficulties in adapting to seasonal changes. In these cases it is important to see that the symptoms that the person manifests are due to some organic cause, and it must also be taken into account that its duration is brief and transitory.
Why is the brain altered during the change of season?
It is a neurochemical process: spring favors an alteration in the secretion of neurotransmitters and hormones due to the increase in light and temperature. due to the increase in light and temperature.
There is also an increase in sexual desire due to the release of oxytocin (the "love hormone"), dopamine (a neurotransmitter related to pleasure) and serotonin (which is involved in mood).
Because of all these changes that occur in our brains, people may respond differently to their environment and may be more sensitive to the changes that occur in our brains. produce changes at both the emotional and behavioral levels.
Tips for counteracting possible emotional imbalance
The psychologist Pilar Cortés makes some recommendations to better cope with these symptoms:
1. Practice some physical activity regularly.
It is necessary to Exercise moderately and regularly to increase the production of endorphins.. Perform pleasurable activities to overcome demotivation and elevate the mood that this change of weather can cause.
2. Establish a sleeping and eating routine
It is important to follow a fixed schedule in terms of rest for the body to regain balance. Sleeping 7 to 8 hours a day helps the body to adapt better to change..
With regard to food, it is important to eat foods with a high energy content, such as carbohydrates, as these can help to combat the symptoms of spring asthenia.
3. Outdoor activities
It is important to do outdoor activities and to be indoors as little as possible.
4. Encourage social relationships and meetings with family members.
Although the symptoms of spring asthenia are transient, it is advisable that the person is surrounded by the people who give support to him/her to feel that he/she is not alone in the process.
5. Be patient
Spring asthenia is temporary; therefore, even if the symptoms are very annoying and have a negative effect on the mood, one should be patient and indulgent. These symptoms will pass in a few days as soon as the body adapts to the new situation..
If children are affected by asthenia, it should be noted that they may have more tantrums and crying for a few days, but these will end after the adjustment period of a few days.
6. Engage in pleasurable activities
Spring asthenia generates low motivation in general. It is therefore advisable to try to to overcome the feeling of tiredness and lack of energy to do activities that are pleasurable.
7. Do not self-medicate
If the person is correctly nourished, he/she does not need nutritional supplements to overcome spring asthenia; for this reason it is important to to take foods rich in tryptophan.
8. Have a positive attitude
Being positive and having a positive attitude generates more positivity, which helps to counteract the effects of spring asthenia. If we take away the importance of the situation, it is overcome sooner and improves the state of the person caused by the spring abstinence.
(Updated at Apr 12 / 2024)