How to choose nursery?
The function of nurseries is not only limited to meeting the basic needs of children (eating, hygiene, sleep or play) but must also link other needs of equal importance: educational, affective, social and psychological. All this must take place in a suitable setting and space and with trained professionals. A set of details that allow the integral development of the child.
Nurseries welcome children 4 months to 3 years of ageThey are not part of compulsory schooling and are a step prior to early childhood education in schools.
Home or nursery?
Daycare should be a wonderful experience for your child and a positive one for your child.
The most recommended age for starting kindergarten would be between 18 and 24 months. Children older than 18 months are more autonomous, walk alone, express themselves verbally and enjoy contact with other children of the same age.
On many occasions, the work needs of parents advance the start of daycare. It is not a bad thing to start it when the child is very young and parents should not blame themselves for it. You just have to make a good choice and choose a kindergarten that meets all the requirements for the child to feel comfortable.
Children who go to kindergarten can be favored by greater language development, greater autonomy and greater socialization, which can help them when they start school at three years of age.
Choice of nursery
It is of utmost importance that kindergarten inspire confidence in parentss so that they entrust their children with the greatest peace of mind. The tranquility of the parents is transmitted to the child. Before making the choice, you should visit the nearby nurseries (home, workplace ...), speak with the management team, learn about the facilities and the educators, the schedules, the educational method and the activities offered.
It is important to know that in our country there is a specific regulations on safety and hygiene issues that they must fulfill. Know the number of children that each professional cares for and if there are reinforcements at mealtime or nap time.
Its convenient that the kindergarten has spacious rooms, where children are not crowded and can move and play comfortably. It should be a well-ventilated place, illuminated with natural light and with many stimuli for babies: games, decorative drawings,. It must be, in short, a pleasant, quiet and suitable place for the little ones. It is interesting that it has a patio where children can go out to play.
The fact of having your own kitchen is very positive since the food can be cooked at the moment and adapted according to the needs of the children.
There must be a schedule that suits work needs The parents and the center must have a plan of what will be done with the babies during the day: breakfast, activities, psychomotor skills, lunch, nap, game and snack, for example.
The relationship between the nursery and the family must be fluid and must report daily everything that happened: how did the child eat, what was his or her mood, if there were any problems… The kindergarten must allow parents to enter the facilities when dropping off the child and going to pick it up; there must be a transparent relationship with the parents.
It is interesting to know if in The center collaborates with a Pediatrician or psychologist that supervises the development of the little ones and can alert educators and family members about any problems in it.
For some parents they can be a very positive point for choosing the nursery, which is followed some specific educational or stimulation method: Montessori, Glenn Doman ... or extra activities such as English, French, swimming pool, music or psychomotor skills.
The first day
The most convenient is a progressive entry, of a few hours (2 or 3) the first days and increase until completing the day in about two weeks. The parents should be the ones who participate in the process of adapting the child to the nursery and favoring the bond of trust with the educators.
Here are some of the most important points for a successful nursery start:
- It is essential that parents are convinced of the decision and transmit peace of mind to the child. Enthusiasm and confidence must be transmitted to favor the adaptation process.
- Before starting kindergarten, it is very positive that the child begins to get used to separating from his parents without anxiety, so that you know that the parents are coming back and that you do not feel abandoned. It is good that these small pre-nursery separations are with trusted relatives that the child knows and with whom he feels comfortable.
- The moment of farewell it is the hardest for the parents and the child; the farewell should be brief and affectionate, never leave without the child noticing, because it may be perceived as abandonment. In some centers, parents are allowed to stay with the child for a while on the premises with the teachers for the first few days.
- It is normal for the child to cry or cry for the first few days. You don't have to give up, you have to understand that it is a new situation for him and give him time.
Day to day
The most common is that the child who begins kindergarten also begins with all the "itis": otitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis ... This should not alarm the parents excessively since it is part of the maturation of the immune system.
This is a tough phase for parents, because their perception is that the child is always sick. But it is a stage that does not usually last more than a year and that makes the child immunologically stronger to face infections.
It is highly recommended to vaccinate the child as advised by the Vaccine Committee of the Spanish Pediatric Society.
Did you know…
It includes a 24-hour Pediatric Guidance Service. Child health specialists will attend to any questions about health concerns or problems that affect babies and children (information on symptoms, vaccines, medications). In addition, with the "I CARE" service from teCuidamos, we will take care of finding you the best nursery for your child.
(Updated at Apr 15 / 2024)