How to enjoy the summer in the right way against COVID-19?
Recommendations to make the most of the summer vacations by managing the risk of infection
With more than 173 million cases reported and 3.75 million deaths, it seems that COVID-19 (coronavirus disease of 2019) is finally starting to give humanity a break. While the summer of 2020 was characterized by seclusion, fear, uncertainty and anxiety, the current situation is very different. We are still in a pandemic, but we know the enemy better.
In countries like the United States (with more than 33 million cases throughout the pandemic and 595,300 deaths), more than 303,923,660 vaccines have been administered to date. Along with the vaccination campaigns comes wonderful news, as 6% of registered cases are reported every day at the moment, compared to the average of the most critical day in the country, January 8, 2021.
However, we must not forget that in this region, more than 14,000 new infections occur every day. Meanwhile, in Mediterranean areas such as Spain, the number of daily infections is between 2,500 and 4,500, low but not negligible numbers. Although we can see the light at the end of the tunnel, SARS-CoV-2 has not yet left us. For all these reasons, today we show you how to enjoy the summer in the right way against COVID-19..
Summer in times of COVID-19
As we have said, the global vaccination strategy is beginning to curb the COVID-19 virus, but we cannot forget that not everyone is governed by the concept and vision of the West. As of this writing (June 9, 2021), 29.1 million cases have been reported in India, with an additional 90,000 infections and 2,200 deaths every 24 hours.
The pandemic is far from coming to an end, and it is therefore necessary to keep certain recommendations in mind during the summer. Here we show them to you.
1. Wear a mask in public
The basic reproductive rate (R0) of the SARS-CoV-2 virus is 5.7 and it is transmitted by Respiratory droplets. This means that, on average, a sick person who does not take the appropriate measures will infect almost 6 others before healing. This R0 far exceeds influenza, Ebola, diphtheria and other pathogens.
It is estimated that, if a positive case sneezes or coughs without a mask at close proximity to someone healthy and unprotected, the probability of contagion is 90%. On the other hand, if a mask positive experiences rales and is in close proximity to an unprotected uninfected person, the infection rate is reduced to 5%.. If both are wearing masks, the probability drops to 1.5%, and reaches 0% if they are also more than 2 meters apart.
With these data we want to reflect that, however annoying it may be, the mask is still our best ally against COVID-19. Although the mandatory use of masks by vaccinated persons is no longer mandatory in some areas, keep in mind that not all countries, States or Autonomous Communities are governed in the same way. If you want to avoid problems, the key is simple: wear the mask in public.
2. Pack your suitcase, but with more considerations than before.
These vacations are going to be a little different for everyone, because the normality to which we were accustomed is still far away. Therefore, you should prepare for any trip by keeping certain concepts in mind. First of all: when packing your suitcase, do not forget your hydroalcoholic gel, with an alcohol concentration of at least 60%.with an alcohol concentration of at least 60%.
If you are going to a hotel or any other type of facility that has been previously occupied by other people, it will always be a good idea to bring virucides suitable for surfaces approved by health institutions. Thus, if you disinfect the most commonly used areas (tables, doorknobs, bathroom and kitchen surfaces), you minimize the risk of contagion. Every hotel should do this before the arrival of a new tenant, but it never hurts to take precautions.
Last but not least, remember to carry plenty of face masks (FFP2 masks are best) in your luggage, as you will probably use them up in a few days.You are likely to use them up at a faster rate than in a normal situation. Sea water, soil, humidity and other environmental factors typical of vacation environments will cause them to deteriorate faster.
3. Avoid enclosed spaces
Many people tend to see their vacation as a period completely free of obligations: "while I'm away, I go out for lunch and dinner every day". Every worker has the right to demand maximum comfort during their vacation period, but unfortunately, this year the virus makes it very difficult to enjoy the hospitality industry and public spaces 24 hours a day.
As we have said in previous sections, the basic reproductive rate of SARS-CoV-2 is around 5.7 and infection is most likely to occur in closed, unventilated spaces.. Bars and restaurants are some of the most problematic areas as far as hygiene and general measures are concerned, so it is better to limit meals outside the hotel or the place of stay.
4. Find out about the sanitary status of your place of visit
In many parts of the world, the sanitary status is far more alarming than that reported in the United States or certain European Union countries. Fortunately, the World Health Organization (WHO) makes available to the public a map with some of the epidemiological information you should know if you want to travel to any region of the world.
Beyond the map, get information from local sources on the status of the city, town or village you want to visit.. The last thing a tourist wants is to be trapped by a border closure in a country that is not his own. If you do not see a clear picture, it is better to leave the visit to the area of interest for another time.
Do you want professional psychological support?
As you will have seen, the most important thing in all cases is to remain cautious and not to be overconfident. Despite the fact that global vaccination is producing excellent results, many countries still have more than alarming numbers of infected people and deaths, so we must not let our guard down at any time.
Wherever you go, carry extra masks, don't leave your hydroalcoholic gel behind and, if possible, take an effective surface disinfectant. Try to reduce the number of trips to public places where it is difficult to maintain a distance of 2 meters (restaurants, crowded beaches, squares, monuments, etc.) and be well informed about the epidemiological situation of the region where you are going to travel. If you meet all these requirements, your well-being this summer will be assured.
If you are interested in having psychological assistance in therapy, do not hesitate to contact us. In Psicomaster we offer both face-to-face and online therapy by video call, so you can do it even if you are on vacation.
(Updated at Mar 10 / 2025)
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