How to feel more empowered, in 8 key points
Key ideas from which to start to enhance female empowerment.
Empowerment, that word that has become so fashionable lately and that is associated with women's power and independence.. But... How to put it into practice? How to feel more empowered?
In the following article we will see what it is, why it is important and how you can feel more empowered in your day to day, through a series of reflection questions.
Definition of empowerment.
It is the process by which women control our own decisions, express our needs and mobilize ourselves to take action in our public and private lives. in both our public and private lives. It takes into account cultural, political, economic, scientific and social action.
It also refers to the inner strength that we all have the potential to develop in order to build a valuable life project.
Why do we only talk about female empowerment?
Have you ever wondered why we talk about women's empowerment and not about men or koalas?
As we have seen, empowerment has to do with regaining independence, spaces in which previously there was passivity and now there is a move to actionIt has to do with taking responsibility and directing one's own life.
Women have historically been the "tutelary" of men. And this traditional education leads us to lack tools and resources as important as self-confidence or the perception of self-efficacy.
Let's distinguish between independence and autonomyAlthough today women can vote, study at university or earn and manage their own money, independence goes beyond all that. It goes beyond autonomy, which is the fact of having choices.
A woman is independent when, in addition to being autonomous, she takes responsibility for her own life, a woman takes responsibility for her own actions, instead of systematically delegating them to others..
How can I feel more empowered?
We can divide our life into different areas: health, family, work, love relationships, etc.
Don't you feel the same degree of self-esteem in some areas as in others? Maybe you feel you are a very good daughter but an average partner or friend. The same thing happens with empowerment. There are different areas of empowerment.
Empowering yourself in your daily life involves asking yourself the following questions:
1. Health
This facet refers to your state of health. Do you often get sick? How vital or energetic do you feel? Do you often feel tired? Do you have any medical conditions that interfere with your daily life? Do you exercise regularly? Do you rest and eat healthily? Do you keep track of your medical check-ups?
2. Finances
Do you feel your finances are going well? Have you thought about your ability to save? Does what you earn match what you spend? Do you feel you are managing to cover the essentials and indulge yourself from time to time?
3. Work
Do you feel good in your job? Do you feel fulfilled in it? Does what you do at work make sense to you? Do your salary and schedule fit your needs?
4. Leisure
Do you do things to distract and amuse yourself? Do you allow yourself to carry out activities that interest you, do you put your obligations or appointments with other people before them?
5. Relationships
If you don't have a partner, do you feel bad thinking about it? Do you have time to meet potential partners? Do you feel like it?
If you have a partner, do you feel that he/she adds to you? Do you negotiate how you want your relationship to be (joint and separate activities, frequency of meetings, future plans, etc.)?
6. Personal development
Do you feel that you are evolving as a person, are you looking to grow, to improve?
7. Family of origin
Do you maintain a good relationship with your close family circle? Do you decide freely on contacts with your family? Do you feel good, satisfied?
8. Friendships
Do you trust your friendships, do you feel they add up to you, do you devote time and energy to being with these friends? Tell me, in what areas do you think you could work?
Do you seek professional support?
In your life it is essential to feel satisfaction and a certain degree of control and power.. Listening to yourself and discovering what you want to do or be is key to decide for yourself.
In online psychotherapy focused on women, I invite you to do a deep work of empowerment. I listen to you woman to woman, in a safe and non-judgmental environment, whatever your demands are. My ultimate goal is that you get the tools you need to live the life you choose, with confidence and determination.
(Updated at Apr 14 / 2024)