How to say goodbye to 2020 and prepare for 2021
Some practical keys to prepare for 2021 in the best way.
We will all remember this fateful 2020 as the year when a microscopic infectious agent turned the world upside down. Confinements, curfews, closed companies, people out of work, with an obligatory complement on our face, hiding the most beautiful thing we have, our smile.
The distances, the lack of hugs and kisses from family and friends that we adore and give us energy; and a lot of uncertainty, which is one of the greatest fears that human beings have.
But not everything has been bad. This year has made us aware of many values that we had totally forgotten.It is especially important for those families who, being confined, have been able to enjoy the most valuable thing we have, time.
In many cases we have had time to enjoy each other, and slow down the pace of our usual life. The context has led us to appreciate more the bonds that neither distance nor confinement have been able to destroy.It has made us show solidarity with the most disadvantaged, empathetic with the whole world and has shown us that we are all equal.
Also It has also forced us to see our reality through a different prism, to value what we have and to value more what we have.It has also forced us to value more what we have and to live more in the present, treasuring every little moment we have lived.
How to prepare for 2021?
Having said that, I think it is time to turn the page on this historic year that we will never forget, keeping the good things it has brought us and focus on preparing ourselves for 2021.. To do this I am going to show you a very useful tool to start building our new year.
1. Make a list of resolutions
The first thing we are going to do is an internal action of introspection; we are going to make a list of resolutions. a list of everything we want to do in 2021. Write without limits, without thinking if it is possible or not; write all your desires, objectives, goals... as if they were all possible.
There are studies that suggest that if you write down everything you set out to do, 85% achieve it; the figure is very high! We can't miss this opportunity to achieve it. No matter how long the list is, we have 365 days to accomplish it.
2. Select
When you have the list already finished, choose the 6 that you most want to do and that are easiest to achieve..
3. Make a mind map
Once you have selected them, it's time to move on to external action. Let's make a mind map.
A mind map is a graphic representation using words, drawings or shapes, with a hierarchical structure and starting from a central concept.. Mind maps have a great cognitive potential. It is also very useful to use the mind map for academic studies, work organization and, in this case, for mental organization. Applied to this task, we will start with the objectives for the year we are about to begin.
In the central part we will put "Objectives 2021", since it will be our central concept. From the central concept will come 6 ramifications (arrows) and in each ramification we will place one objective of the 6 initially chosen.. From each objective, all the necessary arrows will come out to write in them the actions that we need to fulfill our objective.
I advise you to also put small and easy actions to motivate you to continue advancing, and thus we will be fulfilling and crossing out actions. You can represent the actions through words, draw pictures of them, paste photographs... Whatever is more visual and motivating for you.
4. Accomplish your goals 6 at a time
Once we have completed the first 6 goals on the list, we will move on to the next 6 and so on, until we complete our list for 2021. Why 6 by 6? Because it is easier and faster for us to achieve our objectives; otherwise, if we were to try them all at once, the chances of achieving them would be very small.
It is essential to take daily actions even if they are very small.. As they say, "a long road begins with the first step".
The Kaizen method is a Japanese method of continuous improvement. The word Kaizen comes from the Japanese "Kai": changes and "Zen": improvements, so it could be defined as "the process of continuous improvement". The main bases for the Kaizen method are Commitment and Discipline. It is of total importance for our objectives to be fulfilled, to be 100% involved and to be fulfilling actions..
Commitment, discipline and effort are the three main ingredients to make your 2021 goals come true. Happy 2021!
(Updated at Apr 12 / 2024)