Metronome neurons: a new type of nerve cell?
Scientists may have discovered a type of cell specialized in coordination.
New scientific research has discovered a type of neuron that would act as a kind of clock or metronome, keeping the brain synchronized.
These brain cells, dubbed metronome neurons, could play a key role in the coordination of the brain.could have a fundamental role in coordinating neural activity.
Gamma waves: the conductors of the orchestra?
Our brain is like a large concert hall. In order to direct and manage numerous and complex cognitive processes, it is necessary that several groups of neurons are activated and, like the different members of a musical orchestra, work in harmony to produce a symphony of processes that allow us to perceive and interact with our environment.
But like an orchestra, the brain may need a conductor to keep all its parts active and synchronized. In this regard, several neuroscientists argue that gamma rhythms, brain waves that fluctuate at a frequency of about 40 cycles per second, could play this role.
It is believed that These gamma-wave oscillations are thought to act as a kind of clock or metronome that coordinates the transfer of information from the brain to the brain. that coordinates the transfer of information from one group of neurons to another, so there appears to be ample evidence to suggest that the role of gamma waves in cognitive processing is fundamental.
Over decades of research in humans and other animals, patterns have been found in many areas of the brain that have been associated with a variety of cognitive processes, such as attention or working memory. Some studies have even linked alterations in these gamma oscillations to various neurological diseases, including Alzheimer's disease and schizophrenia.
However, there seems to be no absolute consensus. Some neuroscientists believe that the role played by gamma waves would not be so decisive, and claim that these rhythms could correlate with brain activity, but not provide a significant contribution to it.
Metronome neurons: studies in mice
To investigate whether gamma waves really played an important role in the coordination of neural activity, neuroscientists Moore and Shin at Brown University began their study in mice, discovering that a set of gamma-wave neurons played an important role in the coordination of neural activity.They discovered that a previously unknown set of neurons would be acting as a metronome.
These newly discovered cells fired rhythmically at gamma frequencies (30-55 cycles per second), regardless of what was happening in the external environment, and the likelihood that an animal would detect a sensory stimulus was associated with the ability of these neurons to handle timing.
Moore and Shin began their research as a general search for brain activity related to the perception of touch. And to do so, they implanted electrodes in a specific area of the mouse somatosensory cortex, which is responsible for processing sensory inputs. They then measured neural activity while observing the rodents' ability to notice subtle taps on their whiskers.
The researchers focused on gamma oscillations, and decided to analyze a specific group of brain cells, called fast-accelerating interneurons.because previous studies had suggested that they might be involved in generating these fast rhythms. The analysis revealed that, as they already expected, the degree to which these cells fired at gamma frequencies predicted how well the mice would be able to detect contact with their whiskers.
But when the neuroscientists delved deeper into the study, they found something strange. They expected that the cells that would be activated in response to a sensory stimulus would show the strongest links to perceptual accuracy. However, when they examined the cells, this link had weakened. They then realized that perhaps the cells are not sensory and act as timekeepers, regardless of what is happening in the environment.
By repeating the analysis with only the cells that did not respond to the sensory stimulus, and the link to perceptual accuracy became stronger. In addition to being undisturbed by the external environment, this specific subset of neurons tended to spike regularly at gamma-range intervals, like a metronome. What's more, the more rhythmic the cells were, the better the animals seemed to become at detecting whisker taps.. What seemed to be happening, following the initial metaphor of the concert hall, is that the better the conductor is at keeping time, the better the orchestra will be.
The brain clocks
We have all heard at one time or another about the internal clock or Biological clock. And the fact is that our brain responds to the passage of time our brain responds to the passing of time through physiological systems that allow us to live in harmony that allow us to live in harmony with the rhythms of nature, such as the cycles of day and night, or the seasons.
The human brain uses two "clocks". The first is our internal clock, which allows us to detect the passage of time and is essential for us to manage our daily lives. With this clock we can, for example, measure the time elapsed between two activities, know how much time we have spent performing a task such as driving or studying, since otherwise this type of chores would drag on indefinitely without us having any notion of the time that has passed.
The second clock could not only function in parallel to the first one, but also compete with it. This brain system would be housed within the first clock, and would work in collaboration with the cortex. would work in collaboration with the cerebral cortex to integrate temporal information.. This mechanism would be executed, for example, in the moments in which our body pays attention to how time has elapsed.
The sensation of being aware of the time that has passed is just as necessary as maintaining a memory of what we have done during the process. And this is where a brain structure such as the hippocampus comes into play, which is responsible for processes such as inhibition, long-term memory or space, as well as playing a fundamental role in remembering the passage of time, according to the latest scientific studies.
In the future, it will be essential to continue developing new treatments and investigating the relationship of these brain structures and our internal clocks with neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and other types of dementia, as well as with mental disorders and brain diseases involving processes of degeneration of the notion of time and body space.
Bibliographic references:
- Brown University (2019). Neuroscientists discover neuron type that acts as brain's metronome. Science Daily. Disponible en:
(Updated at Apr 14 / 2024)