Modafinil against narcolepsy
Modafinil is a drug, intended for the treatment of narcolepsy.
It is widely used for the treatment of pathological sleepiness, can also increase person’s concentration. Besides, it allows to be active and alert during all the day. Using it regularly, the drug prevents the symptoms of lethargy, poor health, chronic fatigue. This drug extends activity in extreme cases, when a person needs to spend all the night without sleep. It also enables our body to overcome the attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity, and as a supplement, it is used as an antidepressant.
Generic Modafilin is a regulator of vitality. It can preserve the body's reaction in the waking state. This drug belongs to a group of psychostimulants. It can be useful for people working in ambulance, scientists, taxi drivers and the military. This drug has been tested on the American pilots. Taking it regularly, pilots could do without a sleep for forty hours. At the same time, they were able to focus their attention and mental activity for a long time. Now, this drug is often used for the active work in the special services, military intelligence and other establishments.
Indications and dosage.
Generic Modafilin is designed for the treatment of a pathological daytime sleepiness that connected with narcolepsy. Moreover, it can be used for the therapy of narcolepsy, extension the physical activity for a long period, chronic fatigue, treatment the symptoms of depression. Dosage is appointed by a doctor for every patient personally. It is recommended to use no more than two or four pills a day. Generally, this drug is taken after a breakfast and after a dinner. The advisable dose is 200 mg. In some cases, the dose may be increased.
In case of a sleepiness, or to increase a physical activity and attention, it is recommended to consume 200mg (one pill) for 1 hour before the activity. These tablets are slowly excreted. This process occurs within 12 hours. The drug can be used without a receipt. It is used to focus an attention, for physical activity and mental activity. Modafilin improves operability. Helps to overcome symptoms of a short-term memory. For example, improvement the process of memorizing large amounts of information, numbers, calculations, etc.
In addition, Modafilin is used to treat a cocaine dependency. After application of these pills, the level of cocaine in urine or blood is greatly reducing. In the course of repeated investigations, specialists have found that after durable taking these tablets, the state of patients is improving. It also affects the loss of appetite, consequentially- a weight loss. Nevertheless, before using this drug for weight loss, you should consult a doctor. You must not use this drug, if you are allergic to any of ingredients that this medicine contains. If you had a heart problems, rash, mitral valve prolapse, hypertrophy.
Modafinil is a drug, intended for the treatment of narcolepsy. It is widely used for the treatment of pathological sleepiness as well.
(Updated at Jun 20 / 2021)